APP - Teddy, Bobby and Jack... Thank You!

Teddy boy is a American hero only to a few select brain dead lefties who evidently have no "real" heroes in their lives..:)

I dono, he is going to burried in Arlington, the place set aside for American Heros...!
Whether he is a hero or not does not change whether he is qualified to be buried in Arlington.

There are plenty of war heros that were not buried in Arlington, and plenty of average-joes who served during peacetime that are buried in Arlington.

Being a Hero has no bearing on whether you are buried in Arlington.

Anyone who served is a hero to me.
I dono, he is going to burried in Arlington, the place set aside for American Heros...!

No, it is a place set aside for those who served the US.

Most are military, but also some elected officials earned the right.

If you want to call them all heros, that is fine.
Arlington National Cemetery, in Arlington, Virginia is a military cemetery in the United States...the resting place of heros...
Its a slap in the face to those heros to allow this drunkin sot, Army private, the coward responsible for a young girls death, to pass the gates of this honored place...

Knowing the source of this comment, it becomes the highest praise anyone could possibly receive. I thank you.
May I ask what you have against Army privates? Maybe you can reinforce my positive feelings about them too.
....and your heroes are?

a couple of Presidents I "admire" Democrat, one Republican. but I don't elevate them to hero worshipping.
but Teddy Kennedy as a 'hero' is disgusting to me, he was a scum bag of a human being who's only real job was living off the taxpayers and making up laws that he or his family would never consider following themselves...