Teen birth rates highest in most religious states

over 48 million slaughtered since 1972.......and I said "unborn", so as not to waste more time watching you ignore the fact the unborn as just as much a human being as you are.....
┐(´-`)┌;520077 said:
"Link may be due to communities frowning on contraception, researchers say"

"U.S. states whose residents have more conservative religious beliefs on average tend to have higher rates of teenagers giving birth, a new study suggests."


Dumbass religious retards...

<Paraphrase> Ummm abortion rates are higher in less religious states but even after taking that into account birth rates are higher in religious states, but it's because of contraception attitudes.

Can anyone say stupid logic??? Killing unborn babies is OK with most non religious teens. They kill their unwanted off-spring. Tell us oh brilliant skeptics, do those abortion minded teens use contraceptives?
Here is my question then...I thought sex before marriage was wrong. I was led to believe that if you are raised in a good strong christian home your moral compass would be set right much more so than those of us heathens. Yet in states which are more conservative religiously, your kids fuck just like kids in California, though I imagine with much lower rates of female orgasm. What gives those of you that want to force feed your morals on the rest of us. You can't even keep your own house.


So much for the Bible Belt and Family Values!
You "warned" him what? I just merged the threads so people don't have to repost what they said previously.
I am getting a firmer grasp as time goes on of just how dumb the right wingers are.

I was not previously aware that the scale went that low.

???...USC.....there's birds, see....and bees?.....and the bees gather pollen....and the birds screw themselves silly and lay eggs......well, go ask your mother.....
Here is my question then...I thought sex before marriage was wrong. I was led to believe that if you are raised in a good strong christian home your moral compass would be set right much more so than those of us heathens. Yet in states which are more conservative religiously, your kids fuck just like kids in California, though I imagine with much lower rates of female orgasm. What gives those of you that want to force feed your morals on the rest of us. You can't even keep your own house.

What a nasty stupid piece of non logic.
What a nasty stupid piece of non logic.
Bullshit, I have been told for years that if we only had prayer back in school, (read Christian prayer) and got back to our "Christian foundations" we wouldn't have all these social problems. it is the secularization of America that has led to teen pregnancy, and drug use, and all manner of other social ills. Well guess what? That's all bullshit, because in states where the people are more religious they can't even get their god to keep their kids, in their own homes, from fucking let alone all the other lost souls. It is pure bullshit and the proof is right here in the pudding. Let us know when you Christians get your shit together at home and we we SEE if maybe you can help us outside of your home. Until then, keep your fucking magic man and all his moral powers to yourself.

