That's why they do it, which is really childish.
Then you better get on dumbo for doing this because he's an absolute master of changing posts.
That's why they do it, which is really childish.
I think we should pray to ALLAH. The left would like that in their screwed-up world.
A trait I in all honesty picked up on here from some right wing posters.
I have been corrupted!![]()
This post completely fails. Are you Christards really this fucking stupid. Kids in states that elect people based upon their religious convictions, which happens all over the south, and that have these "christian family values" can't control their kids in their own fucking homes. Right wingers kids are having kids at the same rate as kids in states that aren't as rightwing christofacist. You can pretend that this is still the fault of a secular society but southern christian kids are fucking just like other kids and all the religious humbuggery in the world is not stopping it. Live with you're saying that these states have reinstated prayer in school and re-established Christian foundations in public education?......I'm surprised the atheists agreed to that......
┐(´-`)┌;520077 said:"Link may be due to communities frowning on contraception, researchers say"
"U.S. states whose residents have more conservative religious beliefs on average tend to have higher rates of teenagers giving birth, a new study suggests."
Dumbass religious retards...
In more religious states, abortion is less likely to be viewed as an available option for teens who become pregnant, hence the higher birthrate. What I'd be interested in seeing are the teen pregnancy rates in religious states vs. secular-leaning states, taking into account the percentage of pregnant teens who have abortions.
The abortion rate amongst teens is higher in less religious states. That said here is a good link on the stats
This post completely fails. Are you Christards really this fucking stupid. Kids in states that elect people based upon their religious convictions, which happens all over the south, and that have these "christian family values" can't control their kids in their own fucking homes. Right wingers kids are having kids at the same rate as kids in states that aren't as rightwing christofacist. You can pretend that this is still the fault of a secular society but southern christian kids are fucking just like other kids and all the religious humbuggery in the world is not stopping it. Live with it.
IMHO, if there was comprehensive sex education in this country from jr. through senior high school, abortion would become a rarity. Why not treat contraceptives like driver's licenses? Kid's can't get them without ID's...the ID given AFTER a parent approved course is completed. Couldn't hurt.
I think you must be purposely obtuse, that or you are too stupid to breathe and walk at the same time. A particular action takes place every day in religious houses. Unless you want to claim that all the teen births were to atheists. But you all have been claiming the reason the that the birth rate is so high in the south is because Abortion is frowned upon more in those religious areas that is the reason the birth rate among teens is just as high in other areas. These teens are living in homes far more likely to be conservative and religious. Yet their own parents can't keep them in line with religious brainwashing. Jesus in the homes can't keep kids from fucking, their parents and jesus can't. It fails.if my posts fails, it's only because it didn't succeed in making your realize the idiocy of your own were claiming that taking a particular action didn't provide the promised results, when in truth that particular action was never taken......that isn't too bright, I would expect you to admit....
A particular action takes place every day in religious houses.
Postmodern enjoys a good lashing. That's the only explanation for his argumentation style.
No you fucking dolt. My point is you want it taught in school and you can't even make it stick at home. It is countered everyday in school? Your god is so impotent that the teaching from home and the church can be countered? Your belief system and your god have failed. Not even fear of hell, calling sex a sin, the use of the word slut whore or harlot has ever stopped people from having sex. Teen birth rates were highest in 1957 before god was supplanted by secularism and reproduction classes. Christ even the act of calling it sex ed is wrong. Sex ed teaches nothing about sex and everything about procreation. If it was sex ed they would teach that hand jobs and trojan finger vibrators are a perfectly good substitute for for sex. I grew up in a house where I was not forced to go to church or be religious and I never had coitus before I was 19. The fact is you can't even figure out that what you can't get to stick at home will NEVER stick in School. After the instinct to eat, sex is the second strongest instinct in the human being. Fear of a god that will later forgive you if you just say sorry is never going to overcome that.and is countered, every day, in the stated we wanted something to happen in the schools, then claimed that even though it was happening there were no isn't happening....therefore, your point is foolish....
No you fucking dolt. My point is you want it taught in school and you can't even make it stick at home. It is countered everyday in school? Your god is so impotent that the teaching from home and the church can be countered? Your belief system and your god have failed. Not even fear of hell, calling sex a sin, the use of the word slut whore or harlot has ever stopped people from having sex. Teen birth rates were highest in 1957 before god was supplanted by secularism and reproduction classes. Christ even the act of calling it sex ed is wrong. Sex ed teaches nothing about sex and everything about procreation. If it was sex ed they would teach that hand jobs and trojan finger vibrators are a perfectly good substitute for for sex. I grew up in a house where I was not forced to go to church or be religious and I never had coitus before I was 19. The fact is you can't even figure out that what you can't get to stick at home will NEVER stick in School. After the instinct to eat, sex is the second strongest instinct in the human being. Fear of a god that will later forgive you if you just say sorry is never going to overcome that.
You either didn't read the article or you don't understand statistics. The results were normalized for abortion. So even with that adjustment religious states had a higher teen pregnancy rate.The abortion rate amongst teens is higher in less religious states. That said here is a good link on the stats