In am not even getting into the abortion debate. This is solely about how religious indoctrination has failed for kids when they hit puberty. I agree that kids should be encouraged to abstain, but abstinance only education has failed by every measure imaginable. Abstinance+ is the best and should be taught everywhere. But remember, your side also threw a holy shitfit when Elders said that schools should teach masturbation as a valid substitute to sexual intercourse. Your side is the only side that believes if you just don't teach sex ed then kids won't have sex. 1957 proves that is a lie, because there was no sex education then and that was the year with the highest teen pregnancy rates ever in the US.
And only a man could say that having an abortion makes a woman's life easier. Abortion is the last worst choice a woman should ever have to make, but again, it is your side of the political fence that sees pregnancy as a gift, and a baby as punishment for failing to keep your legs closed. You would think that such a beautiful gift would be worthy of societal expendures to make sure that the mother could take care of her "gift" but you conservatives whine, cry and gnash your teeth at that thought almost as much as you do about abortion.