She should have been given a medal for doing the world a favour.
You think that's what the Darlaks say abut you getting murdered?
Murder is murder.
She should have been given a medal for doing the world a favour.
You think that's what the Darlaks say abut you getting murdered?
Murder is murder.
Social Responsibility would have been applying capital punishment for her murder, not mitigating her crime or wasting taxpayer money on her. Irony be damned.
Or at least convicting her of a lesser crime with less of a sentence.
she did the crime. Period. If there's a law, it needs to be consistently enforced.
It was on the harsh side, sure. Extenuating circumstances being what they were. But a lawful jury convicted her, and justified it. And it was lawful for all this time, over 15 years. where the outrage then?
What happens to her now? A prostitute who spent 15 years in prison learning the talk and tricks, becoming institutionalized?
You think the death sentence should be applied to minors?
Really, flytrap. Don't become a psychologist.
How about getting therapy and reintroduced into society, hmm?
She's 16 + 16 = ~32 now. Increasingly, criminals under the age of 18 are being tried as adults.
Ironic, considering that a 26 year old can still be claimed on their parents taxes.
Or therapy and a psych ward? after such a traumatic life, she would want to be kept safe.
The girl was tried and convicted in a court of law. She was a juvenile but still sentenced to life without parole. She served 16 years before sensible minds (one of which belonged to a republican) realized that life without parole was overly harsh.
Did you read the article? "It is justice long overdue,' Yee told the Los Angeles Times. He called Kruzan's case the 'perfect example of adults who failed her, of society failing her. You had a predator who stalked her, raped her, forced her into prostitution, and there was no one around.'"
No adults to care about her and take her away from her predator. Probably from a poor household. Probably had a public defender. You really think the same "justice" would have been handed out to, say, Lindsay Lohan at that age?
The conservative response to this travesty is totally predictable. You're bashing the woman but you haven't said word one about the sexual predator who did this to a child. Go hang your head in shame.
He's dead. Been dead for a long time, the monster. She isn't. she's current, and a killer. A murderer before a woman. this is where that whole
'if women are going to be equal they need to be treated equal'
jazz comes in.
But I find the whole argument inappropriate. If it was a man who was pardoned libs and cons would still be saying the same things.
Than we agree on one thing.
She is a murderer. If we can charge 13 year olds as adults than a 16 is not out of the question. Hell, its not even unusual.
'We' don't expect children to rob and shoot people either. She needs help, and prison and the same streets she left after 16 years isn't where she will get it, is it?
She should not be running free. if not for her crime and lawful sentencing than for her mental condition.
You think she's sane? That's cute.
Complete emotional Appeal.
She apologized for his killing, but she robbed him, killed him in cold blood. Also, people here laud her for it.