Teenager who killed her pimp in 1994 is set free after Arnie commuted sentence

not sure what you mean tom, your visitor message....but this is legal in CA. i believe it was in the late or mid 80's that CA citizens voted to give the governor the power of review for inmates up for parole. if an inmate, like here, is found suitable for parole, then the decision of the parole board, whether negative or positive, must go before the governor. and in this case, brown believes she is suitable for parole.

The entire "discussion" is more about whether she should have been tried as an adult and convicted of murder in the first place
No I was thinking about the original case and how she was sentenced to life without parole as a juvenile.

i believe that has been ruled unconstitutional. and i agree. there is no reason a juvenile should be sentence to life without parole. CA has a fairly good parole system, i did some pro bono for inmates and i can attest that it is not easy to get parole. you have to prove yourself. which, i believe is what every murderer should have to do before being released. make the for rapists, molesters as well.
what is your opinion about that?
Some have suggested that she was justified in luring him to a motel, killing him, and then robbing him.
Others have suggested that she shouldn't have been tried as an adult for luring him to a motel, killing him, and then robbing him.
Most of the ones suggesting this are trying to use what she said led up to this, after the court rejected it as evidence.

My stance is; that the court was justified in trying her as an adult for luring him to a motel, killing him, and then robbing him.
No, they are sent to a young offenders institution until they are 18 and then go to an adult prison if need be. Only the most serious of offenders are sent to prison without the possibility of parole, they tend to be serial killers like the Yorkshire Ripper.


But-but-but - now can they be sent to an adult prison, after doing their time as an adult.
GAWD the British are total barbarians.
Dangling the idea of freedom in front of them and then snatching it away.
No, they are sent to a young offenders institution until they are 18 and then go to an adult prison if need be. Only the most serious of offenders are sent to prison without the possibility of parole, they tend to be serial killers like the Yorkshire Ripper.


Are you familiar with the case of Mary Bell?


Yes I am, that was in the innocent sixties when that sort of thing just didn't happen. There is also the case of James Bulger, that is really disturbing how kids could do something so wicked. They shouldn't have been let out after only eight years though. What a lot of people don't understand is that somebody can be released from prison doing a life sentence but they are on licence and if they reoffend they are immediately returned back to prison.

Yes I am, that was in the innocent sixties when that sort of thing just didn't happen. There is also the case of James Bulger, that is really disturbing how kids could do something so wicked. They shouldn't have been let out after only eight years though. What a lot of people don't understand is that somebody can be released from prison doing a life sentence but they are on licence and if they reoffend they are immediately returned back to prison.


I read a book about Mary a few years ago and her childhood was horrendous, just like Sara Kruzan's.

You know I can look at the video of those boys leading little James Bulger out of the store and it still makes me teary-eyed. That was one of the worst crimes I ever heard about.