Teenager who killed her pimp in 1994 is set free after Arnie commuted sentence

"Her attorneys’ request for a new trial was turned down by a Riverside County judge in February 2010. 4th District Court of Appeal also rejected a similar request.

From your source:

Kruzan said Howard had raped, molested and subjugated her starting when she was 11, then shopped her as a teen prostitute.

Kruzan lured him to the Dynasty Suites on Iowa Avenue in Riverside, shot him in the neck with a pistol, stole $1,500 from his pocket and took his Jaguar.

She testified during her trial that Howard’s rival had threatened her life if she didn’t carry out the crime.
:rolleyes: Read the petition and connect the dots. "GG" is referred to as a pimp throughout the document; instances are given of his pimp actions; there is sworn testimony from others in his stable; and the document states "The facts presented in this petition have never been disputed. " Ergo, the court accepted as FACT that GG was a pimp.

Really, your denial of FACT is beneath you.

There was no need for them to be disputed; because "The Court concluded only that the petition was insufficient and did not request any response from the State", ergo: THERE WAS NO NEED FOR THEM TO BE REFUTED.

Are you really this stupid, or just so myopic that you can't see anything past the end of your nose.

OH-WAIT: They couldn't be refuted; because [strike]Trayvon[/strike] er, "GG", was killed by his accuser.
<irony abounds>
Holy shit, what the fuck is wrong with these people? She was forced to work as a prostitute from the age of eleven and he wants to know what proof is there. It also turns out that she was sexually abused from a young age as well.

I don't think anyone is arguing that what was done to her was terrible; but instead are disputing the "facts" that were presented.
No one has seen undeniable proof that "GG" was the one who was the one truly responsible.
If being a pimp means that they are fair game and have no rights, then the laws need to be rewritten.
I don't think anyone is arguing that what was done to her was terrible; but instead are disputing the "facts" that were presented. No one has seen undeniable proof that "GG" was the one who was the one truly responsible. If being a pimp means that they are fair game and have no rights, then the laws need to be rewritten.

Think Tom fails to understand that the JPP Sob Sisters "feel" that he deserves to die?
I don't think anyone is arguing that what was done to her was terrible; but instead are disputing the "facts" that were presented.
No one has seen undeniable proof that "GG" was the one who was the one truly responsible.
If being a pimp means that they are fair game and have no rights, then the laws need to be rewritten.

Yes, I believe there there were very strong mitigating circumstances and there is no way on earth that a juvenile should have been put away for life without parole.
It has already been done and that's why she is being released.

I'm talking about the mitigating circumstances at the time of her trial and you're being disingenuous by trying to hide behind stupidity.

She lured "GG" to a spot, killed him, and then robbed him.
So in your mind, that makes it legal to murder him?

If he can even prove the money she stole was earned by him pimping her...but he had his revenge in death.

His car that she stole was made in England.
