"there is sworn testimony from other [prostitutes] in his stable;" Are they all lying?
Could be.
Can you prove they aren't?
"there is sworn testimony from other [prostitutes] in his stable;" Are they all lying?
According to...her.
Holy shit, what the fuck is wrong with these people? She was forced to work as a prostitute from the age of eleven and he wants to know what proof is there. It also turns out that she was sexually abused from a young age as well.
Could be.
Can you prove they aren't?
Instead of doing your usual impersonation of the plant Audrey II in the Little Shop of Horrors and saying FEED ME, go do your own research.
And none of us are saying that she didn't commit murder and shouldn't have been punished. The entire argument is whether or not the punishment was fair, and the more you read about how everything was handled, the more you see it wasn't.
You can't support your assertions, and I have the burden of proof?
Prove a negative? Just throw me a "so you say" and bow out with what little dignity you have left.
I am saying you are being an obnoxious little prick, prove me wrong.
Prove a negative?Just throw me a "so you say" and bow out with what little dignity you have left.
So you want me to take the word of self-described prostitutes because they say so?
Are you saying they lied under oath? Prove it. And what about the other evidence?
Did I say that?
What other evidence?
Produce it.
The entire argument is whether or not the punishment was fair, and the more you read about how everything was handled, the more you see it wasn't.
Read the petition. No more spoon-feeding.
LOL, the petition the court summarily rejected?
No thanks.
She was guilty as charged.
Next case!
I do?
This is just an amazing story, especially as California is supposed to be a liberal state, it sounds to me that she did the world a favour.
California Gov. Jerry Brown has decided to allow freedom to a woman who received a life sentence when she was a teenager for killing her former pimp. Brown decided late Friday not to take action on a state parole board's decision to grant parole to Sara Kruzan, thereby allowing the decision to go into effect, his spokesman Evan Westrup said Saturday.
Kruzan was 17 when she was sentenced to die in prison for the 1994 shooting death of George Gilbert Howard in a Riverside motel room. She contended that he sexually abused her and had groomed her since she was 11 to work for him as a child prostitute.
Right wingers SCREAMING about crimes to win elections
No you don't because you are a troll.
.Only people who have no defense for their obnoxious and meaningless actions and statements resort to calling others trolls. It is one of the most overused and idiotic words in the internet lexicon and only people with nothing to say or the vocabulary to say it resort to such ignorance.