Teens who use marijuana are more likely to suffer psychotic disorders


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Teenagers who used cannabis within the last year had a dramatically higher rate of developing a psychotic disorder, according to a study published Wednesday.

The study, led by researchers from the University of Toronto, found an 11 times higher risk of developing a psychotic disorder among teenagers who used cannabis compared with those who did not. When the analysis was limited to just emergency room visits and hospitalizations, there was a 27-fold increase in psychotic disorders in teenagers who had used the drug.

sure glad they made this stuff legal
The New Slavers want us drugged up till the chains are all the way on and our will is broken....then they will maybe remove them in their sadism.

The more we are in pain the better for these regressive fucks.
Teenagers who used cannabis within the last year had a dramatically higher rate of developing a psychotic disorder, according to a study published Wednesday.

The study, led by researchers from the University of Toronto, found an 11 times higher risk of developing a psychotic disorder among teenagers who used cannabis compared with those who did not. When the analysis was limited to just emergency room visits and hospitalizations, there was a 27-fold increase in psychotic disorders in teenagers who had used the drug.

sure glad they made this stuff legal
LOL. The language in the study is nonsense. They have it backwards. People with psychotic disorders might self medicate with weed.
The thing is people can drink without getting drunk

u cant smoke pot without getting high
What does getting high have to do with psychotic disorders?

Many people turn into Mr. Hyde when they drink.

Is there a point?
Teenagers who used cannabis within the last year had a dramatically higher rate of developing a psychotic disorder, according to a study published Wednesday.

The study, led by researchers from the University of Toronto, found an 11 times higher risk of developing a psychotic disorder among teenagers who used cannabis compared with those who did not. When the analysis was limited to just emergency room visits and hospitalizations, there was a 27-fold increase in psychotic disorders in teenagers who had used the drug.

sure glad they made this stuff legal
You're so cute when you don't read your own links

The new study, like previous research on marijuana and psychosis, does not directly prove that marijuana is causing psychotic disorders. While it’s possible that teens who were prone to develop psychotic disorders could have also been more likely to use cannabis
The thing is people can drink without getting drunk

u cant smoke pot without getting high
You don't think three drinks can get a kid drunk, vols?

One, kids shouldn't be smoking anything nor drinking.

Two, the human brain doesn't fully develop until, on average, age 25. Chronic users of alcohol and/or marijuana with a developing brain are doing a lot more damage than old farts like you and me.

Three, the potency of the cannabis is a lot higher in today's strains. Susceptible people should minimize using such strains.

From your link:
“When I see youths with psychotic symptoms, they’re almost always using lots of cannabis,”...
...Use of marijuana, particularly higher-potency products, has been linked to a variety of mental health disorders, including schizophrenia, anxiety and depression.
Teenagers who used cannabis within the last year had a dramatically higher rate of developing a psychotic disorder, according to a study published Wednesday.

The study, led by researchers from the University of Toronto, found an 11 times higher risk of developing a psychotic disorder among teenagers who used cannabis compared with those who did not. When the analysis was limited to just emergency room visits and hospitalizations, there was a 27-fold increase in psychotic disorders in teenagers who had used the drug.

sure glad they made this stuff legal
correlation or causation? Or reverse causation?

No matter which, definitely needs a lot more study before we keep going at this pace of decriminalization and sale.
correlation or causation? Or reverse causation?

No matter which, definitely needs a lot more study before we keep going at this pace of decriminalization and sale.
Correlation and causation. Marijuana pretty much definitely increases the chances someone will develop a psychotic disorder with regular use. The Māori of New Zealand are one of the best study groups being heavy marijuana users who don't smoke tobacco or use alcohol. Massive increase in lung cancer and mental illness from that use.
Teenagers who used cannabis within the last year had a dramatically higher rate of developing a psychotic disorder, according to a study published Wednesday.

The study, led by researchers from the University of Toronto, found an 11 times higher risk of developing a psychotic disorder among teenagers who used cannabis compared with those who did not. When the analysis was limited to just emergency room visits and hospitalizations, there was a 27-fold increase in psychotic disorders in teenagers who had used the drug.

sure glad they made this stuff legal
So that's what happened to you!
Teenagers who used cannabis within the last year had a dramatically higher rate of developing a psychotic disorder, according to a study published Wednesday.

The study, led by researchers from the University of Toronto, found an 11 times higher risk of developing a psychotic disorder among teenagers who used cannabis compared with those who did not. When the analysis was limited to just emergency room visits and hospitalizations, there was a 27-fold increase in psychotic disorders in teenagers who had used the drug.

sure glad they made this stuff legal
This study has a lot of faults. For one thing, it doesn't account for possible OTHER drugs the pot user was using.

This is Reefer Madness BS again. Leave it to NBC to drag this one out of that cellar.
The thing is people can drink without getting drunk

u cant smoke pot without getting high
Wups. What is 'drunk', and what is 'high'?

Various governments put a limit on how much you can drink and drive, or drink and fly an aircraft, or drink and pilot a water vessel, but these are fairly arbitrary points chosen by the various governments.

These same governments have different levels of pot consumption before you can drive, fly an aircraft, or pilot a water vessel. Again, they are arbitrary points chosen by various governments.

So just what is 'drunk', and just what is 'high'?
Why is your definition any different from any other arbitrary intoxication?
LOL. The language in the study is nonsense. They have it backwards. People with psychotic disorders might self medicate with weed.
A definite possible flaw in the study.

This study is nothing more than comparing an unknown against an unknown, then assigning some kind of meaning to it. That's an argument from randR fallacy.
correlation or causation? Or reverse causation?

No matter which, definitely needs a lot more study before we keep going at this pace of decriminalization and sale.
No correlation. No apparent causation or reverse causation. Just comparing an unknown against an unknown and attempting to assign a meaning to it.

An Argument from randR fallacy.
The thing is people can drink without getting drunk

u cant smoke pot without getting high
The thing is ... Most people drink alcohol to get a buzz, Especially Teens. Not because alcohol tastes good; it does not.

Spirytus vodka is 192 proof. Should it be illegal?

Impairment begins with the first drink.

Alcohol has caused far more violence, illness, and death. No one has ever overdosed on MJ.
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