Tell me: Am I frickin' Dreaming?


Will work for Scooby snacks
Am I dreaming?

A GOP Presidential Candidate (Huckabee) sounds like a frickin' Democrat:

He say the Republican party is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wall Street and Corporations.

And that the GOP better get used to losing a lot of elections, if they don't stand up for working people against corporate interests and corporate fat cats.

And he goes on to say, that CEOs that make 500 times more than an assembly line worker isn't capitalism -- its sheer GREED

Am I dreaming?

A GOP Presidential Candidate (Huckabee) sounds like a frickin' Democrat:

He say the Republican party is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wall Street and Corporations.

And that the GOP better get used to losing a lot of elections, if they don't stand up for working people against corporate interests and corporate fat cats.

And he goes on to say, that CEOs that make 500 times more than an assembly line worker isn't capitalism -- its sheer GREED


He sounds like a turbo-lib, left of Castro, who is going to ruin the Democratic party with this class warfare. This is not what the American people want. :clink:
Am I dreaming?

A GOP Presidential Candidate (Huckabee) sounds like a frickin' Democrat:

He say the Republican party is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wall Street and Corporations.

And that the GOP better get used to losing a lot of elections, if they don't stand up for working people against corporate interests and corporate fat cats.

And he goes on to say, that CEOs that make 500 times more than an assembly line worker isn't capitalism -- its sheer GREED that's odd.

If I had said half the things this GOP Prez candidate said, topper (and other closet rightwing Bush fans) would have been on here skewering me for being a cuban communist, and a class warfare poser.

Maybe if I just changed my registration to (R), I could get away with talking about standing up for american workers, without running a guantlet of "socialist!" insults from topper and other closet bush fans. that's odd.

If I had said half the things this GOP Prez candidate said, topper (and other closet rightwing Bush fans) would have been on here skewering me for being a cuban communist, and a class warfare poser.

Maybe if I just changed my registration to (R), I could get away with talking about standing up for american workers, without running a guantlet of "socialist!" insults from topper and other closet bush fans.

Naah I am registerd Republican and they do the same to me. that's odd.

If I had said half the things this GOP Prez candidate said, topper (and other closet rightwing Bush fans) would have been on here skewering me for being a cuban communist, and a class warfare poser.

Maybe if I just changed my registration to (R), I could get away with talking about standing up for american workers, without running a guantlet of "socialist!" insults from topper and other closet bush fans.
It's possible. But only if you get elected. Look at Bush, he has about 30% of the party convinced he is conservative.
And Dobbs is registered as a Democrat. Your views make it clear that you only registered to effect local primaries.

Or changed his views over the years, or, the Republican party moved away from him over the years. That does happen you know.
Am I dreaming?

A GOP Presidential Candidate (Huckabee) sounds like a frickin' Democrat:

He say the Republican party is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wall Street and Corporations.

And that the GOP better get used to losing a lot of elections, if they don't stand up for working people against corporate interests and corporate fat cats.

And he goes on to say, that CEOs that make 500 times more than an assembly line worker isn't capitalism -- its sheer GREED


The irony of his comment is that the Republicans are getting their butts kicked by Democrats in terms of raising Wall St money so far.

I only know a little about Hucklevee so I am not sure if this is his regular type rhetoric or not. I was a big fan of his when he created a "Tax Me More" fund in Arkansas for those who felt they weren't being taxed enough.

I'm only surmising here that his campaign has gained zero traction, some thought he might be able to pull a surprise in the race like (Bill) Clinton, and so he is trying a different approach.
Never believe their campign promises. remember Bush was against nationbuilding and being the police force for the world. :rolleyes:
Not just local, I like to keep em all guessing.
I plan on going to gatherings for McConnel's re-election bid.

We all have different definitions of guessing but when you put down Republicans 99.5% of time and pretty much voice Democrat talking points it doesn't leave a lot of guessing about how you feel.
We all have different definitions of guessing but when you put down Republicans 99.5% of time and pretty much voice Democrat talking points it doesn't leave a lot of guessing about how you feel.

Never said it did. just proves don't judge a book by it's cover.
Never said it did. just proves don't judge a book by it's cover.
No it doesn't, it just proves that there are RINOs and DINOs.

It also proves that we weren't judging you by the 'cover' (your voter registration) but by what you say and do.
No it doesn't, it just proves that there are RINOs and DINOs.

It also proves that we weren't judging you by the 'cover' (your voter registration) but by what you say and do.

I guess that makes me a dino-Rino I am a bush-basher, but I will likely Vote for a Republican for president. (if he runs, that is)
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