Tell me: Am I frickin' Dreaming?

He'll be back again. He is just busy. I always hated it when people would say things when I wasn't online then say they "owned" me because I didn't respond. It's like we must be on all our life or get "owned" by teh internets posters...
frankly the statement that someone "OWNS" someone else on the internet is stupid and very childish.
Complaining about common idioms on the internet when someone is on the internet all day is childish. Ever get that owned feeling, doniston? Gotcha!
Never felt owned, but did you everget that childish feeling? it should be common to you if you like that term.
Never felt owned, but did you everget that childish feeling? it should be common to you if you like that term.

Owned is common throughout the entire internet. Let's not make up fake connotations for things just to try and nail the board's obvious alpha male, ok, sweetcheeks?
Owned is common throughout the entire internet. Let's not make up fake connotations for things just to try and nail the board's obvious alpha male, ok, sweetcheeks?

Folks, do you see the two stooges here, this is the funniest thread I have read so far, butt, the only other thread i have read so far was about the Diaper Don, Donny, running naked around school tracks waiving his johnson in 13 year old girls' faces? My own two little stooges, the half wit, Diaper Don, and his retarded cousin AssFace are fighting over which one of them is the alpha male, when the two of them put together do not even make one beta male? It is almost as if, they are doing this to try and impress me, my own two little stooges putting on a doggy and pony show for yours truly, I give it a C-, sorry?
Folks, do you see the two stooges here, this is the funniest thread I have read so far, butt, the only other thread i have read so far was about the Diaper Don, Donny, running naked around school tracks waiving his johnson in 13 year old girls' faces? My own two little stooges, the half wit, Diaper Don, and his retarded cousin AssFace are fighting over which one of them is the alpha male, when the two of them put together do not even make one beta male? It is almost as if, they are doing this to try and impress me, my own two little stooges putting on a doggy and pony show for yours truly, I give it a C-, sorry?
You and ASS HAT ought to get married, you seem the perfect couple. You are the queen of liars and he swears that he's the king. of posters. Go figure.

In my estimation , neither of you come up to the level of serfs.(Course you might be the court Jester.
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Owned is common throughout the entire internet. Let's not make up fake connotations for things just to try and nail the board's obvious alpha male, ok, sweetcheeks?

yeah and myspace is popular too, that does not mean it is mature.

Alpha male ?

now that is funny, thanks for the laugh , just got off of 4 hr conference call. and have to work tonight.
yeah and myspace is popular too, that does not mean it is mature.

Alpha male ?

now that is funny, thanks for the laugh , just got off of 4 hr conference call. and have to work tonight.

Yep. Alpha Male. Want me to take you apart on your "outsourcing food productions is good so we're dependant on enemies" theory in front of everyone, rank you down like a small idiotic homosexual child?
I'm referring to me. You're trying to nail me. ANd I do exist. Duh.
I know to whom and what you were referring, and so was I. Not you personally, but your falsetto reteric. you simply aren't that good. certainly not the top of the mark.(or intelectual "KING") just anpther run-of-the-mill poster.
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I know to whom and what you were referring, and si was I. Not you personally, but your falsetto reteric. you simply aren't that good. certainly not the top of the mark.(or intelectual "KING") just anpther run-of-the-mill poster.

Nope. I'm the best. If i wasn't so good, you wouldn't be so upset when I talk about it.