Ten things to be grateful for.


Verified User
1: Early wake-ups=children to love.
2: House to clean=safe place to live.
3: Laundry=clothes to wear.
4: Dishes to wash=food to eat.
5: Crumbs under the table=family meals.
6: Grocery shopping=money to provide for us.
7: Toilets to clean=indoor plumbing.
8: Lots of noise=people in my life.
9: Endless questions about homework=kids brains are growing.
10: Sore and tired in bed=I'm still alive.

It's all a matter of perspective.
1: Early wake-ups=children to love.
2: House to clean=safe place to live.
3: Laundry=clothes to wear.
4: Dishes to wash=food to eat.
5: Crumbs under the table=family meals.
6: Grocery shopping=money to provide for us.
7: Toilets to clean=indoor plumbing.
8: Lots of noise=people in my life.
9: Endless questions about homework=kids brains are growing.
10: Sore and tired in bed=I'm still alive.

It's all a matter of perspective.

Are you female?
'Separation of Church and State'.

Anybody feel like paying for a 'State Church'?
Anybody want a 'Main Witch Doctor' in charge? (Like Iran with their Ayatollah)
1: Early wake-ups=children to love.
2: House to clean=safe place to live.
3: Laundry=clothes to wear.
4: Dishes to wash=food to eat.
5: Crumbs under the table=family meals.
6: Grocery shopping=money to provide for us.
7: Toilets to clean=indoor plumbing.
8: Lots of noise=people in my life.
9: Endless questions about homework=kids brains are growing.
10: Sore and tired in bed=I'm still alive.

It's all a matter of perspective.

Great list.

Very well conceived.

I'm surprised.
Oh, shit.

I just Googled the list.

It is an Internet meme.

I thought you did it, Grugore.

Oh, well.
We could all accept that list Grugore copied up, but it seems to me our own might be more various and possibly more interesting. I'm grateful that I'm not English, that I didn't go to a boarding school. that my family weren't tee-total, that I don't live amongst gun-men, that I did my bit to fight imperialism while there was still some to fight, that I'm not insanely competitive, that we have an NHS, that I have a garden, that I've never cared much about money and that I was given a decent education. Others?
We could all accept that list Grugore copied up, but it seems to me our own might be more various and possibly more interesting. I'm grateful that I'm not English, that I didn't go to a boarding school. that my family weren't tee-total, that I don't live amongst gun-men, that I did my bit to fight imperialism while there was still some to fight, that I'm not insanely competitive, that we have an NHS, that I have a garden, that I've never cared much about money and that I was given a decent education. Others?

I thought you were English

from where does your family hail?
'Separation of Church and State'.

Anybody feel like paying for a 'State Church'?
Anybody want a 'Main Witch Doctor' in charge? (Like Iran with their Ayatollah)

I don't think the thread is about fictional things, or psychotic delusions.
We could all accept that list Grugore copied up, but it seems to me our own might be more various and possibly more interesting. I'm grateful that I'm not English, that I didn't go to a boarding school. that my family weren't tee-total, that I don't live amongst gun-men, that I did my bit to fight imperialism while there was still some to fight, that I'm not insanely competitive, that we have an NHS, that I have a garden, that I've never cared much about money and that I was given a decent education. Others?

You forgot sheep.
I don't think the thread is about fictional things, or psychotic delusions.

Grugore: "Ten things to be grateful for."
Jack: "'Separation of Church and State'."
country: "I don't think the thread is about fictional things, or psychotic delusions."

The thread brought up a Topic. I responded.
Do you deny some countries have 'State Churches'?
Do you deny some countries are run by Religious People? (Theocracies)
Grugore: "Ten things to be grateful for."
Jack: "'Separation of Church and State'."
country: "I don't think the thread is about fictional things, or psychotic delusions."

The thread brought up a Topic. I responded.
Do you deny some countries have 'State Churches'?
Do you deny some countries are run by Religious People? (Theocracies)

Our country is not a theocracy, never has been. There is no "separation of church and state" written into the Constitution. Your fears are wholly irrational.
Seeing this reminded me of a thread I want to do soon along the same line but question format.

All the items mentioned in the OP are fine as far as they go, but the combined tasks remind me of a past that was surely a mixed bag for many people, some I know closely.

'Nothing is more responsible for the good old days than a bad memory.' Franklin Pierce Adams

"For those of us with an inward turn of mind, which is another name for melancholy introspection, the beginning of a new year inevitably leads to thoughts about both the future and the past." Michael Dirda