Ten things to be grateful for.

Tricks, like: invent things, manage lots of people, lead corporations, make stuff, build complex machines and buildings, supply electricity, all the while getting others to fork over piles of dough. What brilliant minds train these dogs to capitalize on capitalism? Socialists?


Con men are often quite bright, but seldom educated, or they might ask something about what it meant to be human, and find something more to life than stealing enough to have a costlier funeral than Jones's. All the work in that list is done by people, all the thieving by brainwashed monkeys, as you know. The fact that you have situated yourselves to destroy humanity is hardly surprising to educated people: the fact that we get no contact from the outside universe suggests that capitalism was common amongst many extinct species.
Con men are often quite bright, but seldom educated, or they might ask something about what it meant to be human, and find something more to life than stealing enough to have a costlier funeral than Jones's. All the work in that list is done by people, all the thieving by brainwashed monkeys, as you know. The fact that you have situated yourselves to destroy humanity is hardly surprising to educated people: the fact that we get no contact from the outside universe suggests that capitalism was common amongst many extinct species.

What part of my list destroys humanity?
What part of my list destroys humanity?

You and your system are destroying humanity. as you know. But by denying yourself education you never ever think about the implications of what you know - momentary success in all your ludicrous competitive games is far more important to you poor brainwashed buggers than the survival of humanity.
You and your system are destroying humanity. as you know. But by denying yourself education you never ever think about the implications of what you know - momentary success in all your ludicrous competitive games is far more important to you poor brainwashed buggers than the survival of humanity.

How is "my system" destroying humanity? LOL
I'm grateful for these brown eyes.

