Ten things to be grateful for.

You forgot sheep.

Well racist shithawks like your goodself never forget that crap 'joke' (about the millionth time I've heard it from a Nazi), and the rules don't allow me to tell the world what you like, so I'll put you on ignore instead.
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We could all accept that list Grugore copied up, but it seems to me our own might be more various and possibly more interesting. I'm grateful that I'm not English, that I didn't go to a boarding school. that my family weren't tee-total, that I don't live amongst gun-men, that I did my bit to fight imperialism while there was still some to fight, that I'm not insanely competitive, that we have an NHS, that I have a garden, that I've never cared much about money and that I was given a decent education. Others?

I am grateful that I was born:
1. in the US of A; and
2. male.
1. Because it's the greatest country on earth, where a man can still have freedom.

2. Women.

Freedom from what? Decent health, I suppose, or coherent discussion, if that's what you prefer. As for me, I have no prejudices, but some of us still prefer women! :)
Freedom from what? Decent health, I suppose, or coherent discussion, if that's what you prefer. As for me, I have no prejudices, but some of us still prefer women! :)

My health is great, no thanks to FedCo.

What liberals always want to talk about: big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care...
My health is great, no thanks to FedCo.

What liberals always want to talk about: big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care, big government health care...

What's all that about? Tell my great-grandfather - he, as I've frequently said, was the last Liberal in my family. The NHS, very properly, is far more popular than the American Alliance or the Monarchy. Why on earth would anyone want your costly shambles?
What's all that about? Tell my great-grandfather - he, as I've frequently said, was the last Liberal in my family. The NHS, very properly, is far more popular than the American Alliance or the Monarchy. Why on earth would anyone want your costly shambles?

It's so funny that you can't even admit that you're a liberal.
Silly man - like all educated people I'm a socialist. like my whole family and community for a very long time. we don't get brainwashed here, you see.

A socialist is one step further from liberal to communism.

If all educated people are socialists, how do you explain educated people who are capitalists?
A socialist is one step further from liberal to communism.

If all educated people are socialists, how do you explain educated people who are capitalists?

Alas, you poor brainwashed buggers know nothing about politics after the Eighteenth Century, and precious little about that. I don't have to, kid - they aren't educated in any sense educated people will accept. Like trained dogs, they do their tricks. Like you, perhaps?
Alas, you poor brainwashed buggers know nothing about politics after the Eighteenth Century, and precious little about that. I don't have to, kid - they aren't educated in any sense educated people will accept. Like trained dogs, they do their tricks. Like you, perhaps?

Tricks, like: invent things, manage lots of people, lead corporations, make stuff, build complex machines and buildings, supply electricity, all the while getting others to fork over piles of dough. What brilliant minds train these dogs to capitalize on capitalism? Socialists?
