
It's particularly BS in light of the 1st quote on the thread, in which she's basically saying she has a "lifetime" of national security experience (compared to 1 speech for Obama).

Yeah, its BS. What you need is a smart, educated, wordly, and motivated president with the life experiences to lead and make good judgements.

None of which the hapless Dubya had.

I just don't like the rightwing crap that hillary is a one term senator, and was otherwise basically a housewife. And the minimizing of Obama's life experience is BS too.
Yeah, its BS. What you need is a smart, educated, wordly, and motivated president with the life experiences to lead and make good judgements.

None of which the hapless Dubya had.

I just don't like the rightwing crap that hillary is a one term senator, and was otherwise basically a housewife. And the minimizing of Obama's life experience is BS too.

I haven’t heard any right wingers call her a house wife. They seem to speak more highly of her than any liberal I know. But be that as it may, no she was not a housewife, but she was not solving foreign policy crisis’ either. So both narratives are false.
It's a stupid argument. We don't have a long history of "battle toughened, tested" Presidents in foreign policy.

Bush had never been abroad. Clinton was governor of a small state. Reagan was an actor, Carter not much better.

The only one who had any real "credentials" in my lifetime was Bush's father. His foreign policy record is mixed at best.

It's more about judgment & temperment, as well as philosophy; I suppose I'm parrotting the Obama campaign in saying this, but it's time he laid waste to Hillary's claim of a "lifetime" on national security. She talks about the "3 am call"; I have seen her when the chips are down, and it ain't pretty...
It's a stupid argument. We don't have a long history of "battle toughened, tested" Presidents in foreign policy.

Bush had never been abroad. Clinton was governor of a small state. Reagan was an actor, Carter not much better.

The only one who had any real "credentials" in my lifetime was Bush's father. His foreign policy record is mixed at best.

It's more about judgment & temperment, as well as philosophy; I suppose I'm parrotting the Obama campaign in saying this, but it's time he laid waste to Hillary's claim of a "lifetime" on national security. She talks about the "3 am call"; I have seen her when the chips are down, and it ain't pretty...

This election never should have been about so-called “national security” Take a look at exit polls, people are concerned about the economy. We’re in trouble. This naturally favors a Dem. Hillary has played right along with McCain –who cannot win an election about the economy – and made it about national security. And now all of a sudden, only someone “tough on national security’ (whatever the fuck that means) can beat McCain.

This is a completely false narrative that has been allowed to take hold.
It's a stupid argument. We don't have a long history of "battle toughened, tested" Presidents in foreign policy.

Bush had never been abroad. Clinton was governor of a small state. Reagan was an actor, Carter not much better.

The only one who had any real "credentials" in my lifetime was Bush's father. His foreign policy record is mixed at best.

It's more about judgment & temperment, as well as philosophy; I suppose I'm parrotting the Obama campaign in saying this, but it's time he laid waste to Hillary's claim of a "lifetime" on national security. She talks about the "3 am call"; I have seen her when the chips are down, and it ain't pretty...

I agree with this. I was just responding to watermark, and didn't even read the "lifetime" of national security experience post. Its a false boast, obviously.

I would be very comfortable having obama run our foreign policy. That's one thing I've always said about him. I think he might be pretty good on foreign policy given his background and life experience.
I agree with this. I was just responding to watermark, and didn't even read the "lifetime" of national security experience post. Its a false boast, obviously.

I would be very comfortable having obama run our foreign policy. That's one thing I've always said about him. I think he might be pretty good on foreign policy given his background and life experience.

I agree, but I have nothing to go on but a hunch, based on how he carries himself.

When you think about it, it's always a crapshoot. 10 different Presidents would have reacted 10 different ways to 9/11 (Bush probably took the worst option). People give McCain cred for his Vietnam experience & involvement in foreign affairs as a Senator, but nothing compares to actually making a foreign policy decision. He could be the nutter Bush said he would be in 2000...who knows?
I agree, but I have nothing to go on but a hunch, based on how he carries himself.

When you think about it, it's always a crapshoot. 10 different Presidents would have reacted 10 different ways to 9/11 (Bush probably took the worst option). People give McCain cred for his Vietnam experience & involvement in foreign affairs as a Senator, but nothing compares to actually making a foreign policy decision. He could be the nutter Bush said he would be in 2000...who knows?

Well, that’s another good point. Does crashing your plane and getting taken hostage in Vietnam qualify as “foreign policy experience”? And what about it makes you “strong on defense”?

I’d like to see the Democrats start asking those questions, because they are legit.
Does a..........

Well, that’s another good point. Does crashing your plane and getting taken hostage in Vietnam qualify as “foreign policy experience”? And what about it makes you “strong on defense”?

I’d like to see the Democrats start asking those questions, because they are legit.

foul mouthed bimbo make one a self proclaimed writer and expert on fpreign policy,war,the economy...political strategy????:rolleyes:
Well, that’s another good point. Does crashing your plane and getting taken hostage in Vietnam qualify as “foreign policy experience”? And what about it makes you “strong on defense”?

I’d like to see the Democrats start asking those questions, because they are legit.

LOL. His 30 years in the House and Senate and current work on the Senate Armed Services Committee, as well as direct experience has, in the past, had people floating his name as SecDef or SecState.

He definitely has more experience than crashing a plane and being taken prisoner.

But heck, Hillary tells us that Obama has a speech! :thup:
LOL. His 30 years in the House and Senate and current work on the Senate Armed Services Committee, as well as direct experience has, in the past, had people floating his name as SecDef or SecState.

He definitely has more experience than crashing a plane and being taken prisoner.

But he nearly constantly refers, in one way or the other, to his Vietnam experience. Let's ask. WTF does crashing your plane and getting yourself taken hostage have to do with this race?
This election never should have been about so-called “national security” Take a look at exit polls, people are concerned about the economy. We’re in trouble. This naturally favors a Dem. Hillary has played right along with McCain –who cannot win an election about the economy – and made it about national security. And now all of a sudden, only someone “tough on national security’ (whatever the fuck that means) can beat McCain.

This is a completely false narrative that has been allowed to take hold.

Well, this is true. I've been appalled since New Hampshire at hillary trotting out the "national security" fear card.

whoever the nominee is - and I assume its going to be obama - needs to kick McCain in the skull on trade, healthcare, NAFTA, and jobs. And Iraq.
But he nearly constantly refers, in one way or the other, to his Vietnam experience. Let's ask. WTF does crashing your plane and getting yourself taken hostage have to do with this race?

I dunno, ask Kerry.

However, I referred to other experience. Although being a POW certainly will ensure he understands what a combat veteran is going through/has gone through.
I agree, but I have nothing to go on but a hunch, based on how he carries himself.

When you think about it, it's always a crapshoot. 10 different Presidents would have reacted 10 different ways to 9/11 (Bush probably took the worst option). People give McCain cred for his Vietnam experience & involvement in foreign affairs as a Senator, but nothing compares to actually making a foreign policy decision. He could be the nutter Bush said he would be in 2000...who knows?

It's a gut feeling. But you knew, as well as I and many others, that watching Bush in those Gore debates left one with a sick feeling in the gut, that this guy was way out of his league. That you can't put a failed businessman, and overall hack like that, in charge of making decisions about the nation's foreign affairs.
I dunno, ask Kerry.

However, I referred to other experience. Although being a POW certainly will ensure he understands what a combat veteran is going through/has gone through.

Yeah, it's done wonders for all of the ones committing suicide.

Why would I ask Kerry? Did Kerry crash his boat and get captured by the enemy? No.
LOL. His 30 years in the House and Senate and current work on the Senate Armed Services Committee, as well as direct experience has, in the past, had people floating his name as SecDef or SecState.

He definitely has more experience than crashing a plane and being taken prisoner.

But heck, Hillary tells us that Obama has a speech! :thup:

The argument that Obama makes is great, though, and deals much more with the role of President, which is not like chairing a committee in Congress. Rumsfeld, Cheney, McCain - you couldn't ask for more "foreign policy experience" out of a group of guys. Yet 2 of those guys engineered what is arguably the worst foreign policy disaster in modern history, while the one who wants to be President supported it.

That's no small thing; this is something that will affect America for decades, and influences almost every other aspect of foreign policy that we engage in. It has severely compromised us in some areas, and has weakened our relationships around the world considerably.

Should our consideration as a populace be someone's experience, or judgment?
LOL. His 30 years in the House and Senate and current work on the Senate Armed Services Committee, as well as direct experience has, in the past, had people floating his name as SecDef or SecState.

He definitely has more experience than crashing a plane and being taken prisoner.

But heck, Hillary tells us that Obama has a speech! :thup:

McCain thought the Iraq War was a great idea, and to this day still says it was a good idea, and worth the cost in blood and treasure

I don't care if he served as Winston Churchill's foreign minister (which, at his age would be possible). He's not competent on foreign policy.
Yeah, it's done wonders for all of the ones committing suicide.

Why would I ask Kerry? Did Kerry crash his boat and get captured by the enemy? No.
No, but he told me all about his Viet Nam experience and how great a President it would make him. Why would it be so for Kerry, but not for McCain?

As it stands he has far more than "crashing a plane" as you attempted to bring it down to. It's amazing how minimizing the experience of others seems to come naturally to Democrats. First the lovely Hillbilly tells us that Obama has "a speech" and now the left attempts to say that McCain only has "crashing a plane"....
Yeah, its BS. What you need is a smart, educated, wordly, and motivated president with the life experiences to lead and make good judgements.

None of which the hapless Dubya had.

I just don't like the rightwing crap that hillary is a one term senator, and was otherwise basically a housewife. And the minimizing of Obama's life experience is BS too.

What right-winger has called Hillary a house wife? I've heard her called a lot of things but that is not one of them.

You act surprised that people running for President try to minimize the accomplishments or experiences of others. This is not new. McCain will talk up his time as a POW to show the strength of his character etc. Others might respond like Darla did saying he got shot down so what? Does that offend you?
Her experience isn't limited to being first lady, and a one and a half term senator. She's served on numerous presidential, corporate and guvenatorial boards and commissions, and had a successful career as one of america's top corporate lawyers.

Certainly, Mitt Romney played up his private sector and corporate experience. He was only a one term governor after all.

Hillary has NO more experience than Obama in anything that would be useful to a president.

Serving on "commissions". Way to puff up a resume, Cy.
No, but he told me all about his Viet Nam experience and how great a President it would make him. Why would it be so for Kerry, but not for McCain?

As it stands he has far more than "crashing a plane" as you attempted to bring it down to. It's amazing how minimizing the experience of others seems to come naturally to Democrats. First the lovely Hillbilly tells us that Obama has "a speech" and now the left attempts to say that McCain only has "crashing a plane"....

Excuse me did you just have the balls to put the phrases John Kerry's experience in Vietnam and "It's amazing how minimizing the experience of others seems to come naturally to Democrats" in the same post??

Go say ten hail Mary's. That's a new low.