
Excuse me did you just have the balls to put the phrases John Kerry's experience in Vietnam and "It's amazing how minimizing the experience of others seems to come naturally to Democrats" in the same post??

Go say ten hail Mary's. That's a new low.
LOL. It comes so naturally to you, that you can't recognize when you do it, but you expect me to point out all my jokes.... I like irony, it is my type of humor. The reality is, I was pointing out direct hypocrisy using irony and sarcasm. You were using blinders and partisanship to pretend you are perfect.

As for Hail Mary's or whatever, I am not Christian. ;) :bleh:
What right-winger has called Hillary a house wife? I've heard her called a lot of things but that is not one of them.

You act surprised that people running for President try to minimize the accomplishments or experiences of others. This is not new. McCain will talk up his time as a POW to show the strength of his character etc. Others might respond like Darla did saying he got shot down so what? Does that offend you?

If you weren't offended by a bunch of fat housewives and boozed up balding salesmen, wearing purple bandaids at the Republican convention, you don't get to be offended over anything anyone says about McCain's Vietnam year.s

That's the reality Republicans created. Now, they live in it.
LOL. It comes so naturally to you, that you can't recognize when you do it. I like irony, it is my type of humor.

As for Hail Mary's or whatever, I am not Christian. ;) :bleh:

It's called "Hello, payback, how do you like it now"

I reconize it. You don't. Because you don't give one shit when Republicans did it all along. Now, you live in that reality. Enjoy it.
What right-winger has called Hillary a house wife? I've heard her called a lot of things but that is not one of them.

I don't know about "housewife". That was a metaphor. But, you know as well as I, that the rightwing has always minimized Hillary's experience. There's been a lot of comments about her foreign policy expericence consisting of drinking tea with dignataries, and even though she was emminently qualified to run that health care commission in the ealry 1990s, the reich wing went apoplectic about it.

Obviously, she's being entirely untruthful about having a "lifetime" of foreign policy experience.
It's called "Hello, payback, how do you like it now"

I reconize it. You don't. Because you don't give one shit when Republicans did it all along. Now, you live in that reality. Enjoy it.
It's called politics as usual. And "everybody does it".

Everybody should dismiss it, or just run with the hypocrisy all over them, just swim in it because it "feels good" to "get back" at them.

It is true that everything important is taught in Kindergarten. I am sure you remember the lesson, "Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right!"

Now, while you will see posts of mine from back in the day defending Kerry's military experience, all you see from your side is dismissive weakness.
If you weren't offended by a bunch of fat housewives and boozed up balding salesmen, wearing purple bandaids at the Republican convention, you don't get to be offended over anything anyone says about McCain's Vietnam year.s

That's the reality Republicans created. Now, they live in it.

I won't respond to that because that wasn't my point. I didn't state I was offended. It was about how candidates sell themselves and others try to minimize it. Thus asking Cypress if that offended him.
It's called politics as usual. And "everybody does it".

Everybody should dismiss it, or just run with the hypocrisy all over them, just swim in it because it "feels good" to "get back" at them.

It is true that everything important is taught in Kindergarten. I am sure you remember the lesson, "Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right!"

Now, while you will see posts of mine from back in the day defending Kerry's military experience, all you see from your side is dismissive weakness.

One wrong makes for a one party Presidency. I'm not that honorable anyway. Plus, you know how I hate our troops, and spit on them every weekend, and think they’re murderers. So I’m thrilled with the chance to engage in some Republican-approved veteran-bashing.
I won't respond to that because that wasn't my point. I didn't state I was offended. It was about how candidates sell themselves and others try to minimize it. Thus asking Cypress if that offended him.

No I know, I was just remaking my point for Damo.
I won't respond to that because that wasn't my point. I didn't state I was offended. It was about how candidates sell themselves and others try to minimize it. Thus asking Cypress if that offended him.

This was exactly the point I was trying to make with sarcasm.
One wrong makes for a one party Presidency. I'm not that honorable anyway. Plus, you know how I hate our troops, and spit on them every weekend, and think they’re murderers. So I’m thrilled with the chance to engage in some Republican-approved veteran-bashing.
I should quote this and link to it...

You act surprised that people running for President try to minimize the accomplishments or experiences of others. This is not new. McCain will talk up his time as a POW to show the strength of his character etc. Others might respond like Darla did saying he got shot down so what? Does that offend you?

I answered the housewife question, I forgot to answer this dude.

I'm not offended by anything anybody says about mcCain, Kerry, Obama, or Clinton. They're not my friends. They're politicians.

I don't give a crap if Obama gets negative on McCain. In fact, I hope he does. After the phony clinton impeachment, the swiftboating of kerry, and the lies about Al Gore, I don't give a crap what any democratic candidate says about mccain.
I answered the housewife question, I forgot to answer this dude.

I'm not offended by anything anybody says about mcCain, Kerry, Obama, or Clinton. They're not my friends. They're politicians.

I don't give a crap if Obama gets negative on McCain. In fact, I hope he does. After the phony clinton impeachment, the swiftboating of kerry, and the lies about Al Gore, I don't give a crap what any democratic candidate says about mccain.

Me either. You guys better find somebody else to cry to!
Me either. You guys better find somebody else to cry to!
It's hard to cry when I'm laughing so hard. If this feeble attempt at dismissal is all you got, then you have a whole world of surprise coming to your door.
Me either. You guys better find somebody else to cry to!

actually, if obama werre smart, he'd do exactly what Bush/McCain/GOP message board posters do.

Publically say he's against any sort of foul and horrid smears on McCains characters....(that's just good public relations)....but, under the radar and behind closed doors, encourage smearing to the max.
actually, if obama werre smart, he'd do exactly what Bush/McCain/GOP message board posters do.

Publically say he's against any sort of foul and horrid smears on McCains characters....(that's just good public relations)....but, under the radar and behind closed doors, encourage smearing to the max.

Hell, he should get at 527 like the Republicans do. Google: freedoms watch.
There are already many. Rs are not the only people who use 527s.

Certainly not:


527 groups: a smackdown of Biblical proportions
Posted by Jay Tea
Published: August 22, 2004 - 11:08 AM

Last week John Kerry threw yet another hissy-fit about the Swift Boat Veterans For The Truth and their efforts to damage his run for the presidency. He charged that the Bush administration was behind the Swift Boat Veterans, and demanded the President get their ads off the air, even going so far as to file a formal complaint with the Federal Elections Commission.

Under the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Act, so-called "527 groups" cannot have "collaborative links" with any campaign. Kerry says the Bush campaign is working with the Swifties, citing as evidence one Bush campaign official who appeared in one of the ads (who has since left the campaign), the presence of Swifty literature in one campaign office, and drawing correlations between contributors to the Swifties and contributors to the Bush campaign.

It takes a hell of a lot to get a born-again agnostic like me to quote scripture to make a point, but Kerry's tantrum put me in mind of Matthew 7:4-5: "Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me cast out the mote out of thine eye; and lo, the beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."

I decided to poke around the web and see what I could find out about the world of 527's and how they work in campaigns. My first stop was here, where I found out that so far a grand total of $94,049,072 had been raised by 527's this year, as of last Sunday. Of that money, a whopping 6.3% had gone to groups supporting Republican causes, and less than 2.7% of THAT amount had gone to the Swifties.

Here's the breakdown in a nutshell
Pro-Democrat 527 groups: 17
Pro-Republican 527 groups: 7

Pro-Democrat 527 groups, total receipts: $88,236,434
Pro-Republican 527 groups, total receipts: $5,912,638

Number of the top 25 527 donors who gave to pro-Democratic groups: 24
Number of the top 25 527 donors who gave to pro-Republican groups: 1
Ranking of top pro-Republican donor: tied for 10th

Then I went digging into the charges of ties between the Bush campaign and the Swifties. Apparently the extent of it is that several of the initial donors have also given a lot of money to the Bush campaign. Once I got over my initial "well, duh, what were you expecting?" reaction, I started looking around for similar ties between the Kerry camp and anti-Bush 527's.

Luckily for me, the inestimable Suzy Rice had already found my answers, over at blogsforbush.com (which I have never visited before, but might now have to take a peek or two). There we find such people as Zack Exley, former Internet director of moveon.org, now serving as Kerry's Internet director; The Media Fund spokesman and former Kerry campaign manager Jim Jordan; and campaign manager Mary Beth Cahill, close friend of Harold Ickes, former Clinton administration official and driving force behind The Media Fund.

But what about the charges of collaboration between the Bush Campaign and the Swifties? Surely that's unprecedented. Again, Suzy and blogsforbush.com are way ahead of me. They have a screen shot from the Democratic National Committee's official web site that states clearly that "The Democratic Party is partering with MoveOn.org, People for the American Way, Campaign for America's Future, and dozens of other groups" to "organize a massive public mobilization."

When Kerry first started whining and squalling about the Swifities and begging Bush to call them off, the President asked Kerry to join him in renouncing and condemning all the 527 groups. Kerry studiously ignored that request, and no wonder; when one is getting nearly 95% of the benefit from a loophole in the law, it's much more convenient to squawk about that tiny percentage that is against you than to simply stop all the abuses.
