Testing the New Anonymous Feature...

Oh, a flaming group. That's great damo. I'll do mine out in the open, thanks.

I can think of much funner ways to use this feature.
We're still working out how best to implement it.

I can only imagine the number of male cowards who are going to love that.

I can say waht I have to say under my own name.

I might use it to piss off SF, or sexually harrass Onceler though.

But it's going to be abused. That's alright, line the cowards up with the bags over their pimply faces; I can take it.
Haven't people got the imagination to create their own trolls any more?

Not that i'm into that kind of thing, you understand.
I can only imagine the number of male cowards who are going to love that.

I can say waht I have to say under my own name.

I might use it to piss off SF, or sexually harrass Onceler though.

But it's going to be abused. That's alright, line the cowards up with the bags over their pimply faces; I can take it.
Right, RJS...

Haven't people got the imagination to create their own trolls any more?

Not that i'm into that kind of thing, you understand.
They do. One of my Admins asked for this feature, I'm sure he can describe how he thought it could be used positively.

People will sometimes say things more honestly if they are anonymous. While some will use it to say the c-word in an attempt to hack Darla off with no retaliation, others can use it to talk about something more honestly than they might otherwise if they felt people would know who they were.
They do. One of my Admins asked for this feature, I'm sure he can describe how he thought it could be used positively.

People will sometimes say things more honestly if they are anonymous. While some will use it to say the c-word in an attempt to hack Darla off with no retaliation, others can use it to talk about something more honestly than they might otherwise if they felt people would know who they were.

Whatever makes people feel comfortable, i suppose.

I'm wholeheartedly looking forward to this new feature leading to a sudden outbreak of in depth discussions on all manner of manna and i'm not at all expecting the anonymity to be used to call people c***s.
Whatever makes people feel comfortable, i suppose.

I'm wholeheartedly looking forward to this new feature leading to a sudden outbreak of in depth discussions on all manner of manna and i'm not at all expecting the anonymity to be used to call people c***s.

LOL. You're hysterical Charver.