Testing the New Anonymous Feature...

They do. One of my Admins asked for this feature, I'm sure he can describe how he thought it could be used positively.

People will sometimes say things more honestly if they are anonymous. While some will use it to say the c-word in an attempt to hack Darla off with no retaliation, others can use it to talk about something more honestly than they might otherwise if they felt people would know who they were.

I don't get that, why would anyone be afraid to say how they really feel here, hello, we are already anonymous?
I don't get that, why would anyone be afraid to say how they really feel here, hello, we are already anonymous?
In the community, some ideas are associated with your "name" on the board. You create friends that are built solely on ideas, a mental community. Some people may have some things they do not want associated with their "name". Some people create trolls for fun, others create them to flame, but they can always associate to one person and over time people tend to figure out who they are. With "The Anonymous" that will be more difficult because it can literally be any of us.

(of course, I'm arguing an idea of another person. For me I thought it might be fun to have easy access to trolldom and still be able to say, "I've only created one username"...)
If this anonymity thing is just an elaborate ruse in order to get people to post pictures of their meat and two veg in some kind of big cock one-upmanship scheme, i warn you now that it will probably work.
In the community, some ideas are associated with your "name" on the board. You create friends that are built solely on ideas, a mental community. Some people may have some things they do not want associated with their "name". Some people create trolls for fun, others create them to flame, but they can always associate to one person and over time people tend to figure out who they are. With "The Anonymous" that will be more difficult because it can literally be any of us.

(of course, I'm arguing an idea of another person. For me I thought it might be fun to have easy access to trolldom and still be able to say, "I've only created one username"...)

Ok whatever. I get into fights with liberals (men of course) all of the time, so I guess I don't have the problems of worrying about that kind of stuff.

To each their own, hopefully people have fun with it.
If this anonymity thing is just an elaborate ruse in order to get people to post pictures of their meat and two veg in some kind of big cock one-upmanship scheme, i warn you now that it will probably work.

Oh god don't give them any ideas Charver.
Oh god don't give them any ideas Charver.

Oh, i know. We have assembled quite a collection of filthy minded perverts, of the most debauched kind, at this place. I don't know how Damo's managed it, i really don't.

BTW...would anyone happen to know how the zoom function works on a Pentax K20D? Thanks in advance.
If this anonymity thing is just an elaborate ruse in order to get people to post pictures of their meat and two veg in some kind of big cock one-upmanship scheme, i warn you now that it will probably work.
I can check the logs and simply get rid of porn and other things that violate the rules. You are anonymous when you post with The Anonymous. But, like the government can come and force me to give information to them about you, if you use the account to attempt to violate rules or post information about other people I'll be able to find out.
Oh, i know. We have assembled quite a collection of filthy minded perverts, of the most debauched kind, at this place. I don't know how Damo's managed it, i really don't.

BTW...would anyone happen to know how the zoom function works on a Pentax K20D? Thanks in advance.
Well, I assembled all my friends into one place and got them to post. I don't know why so many of my friends are pervs.

I can check the logs and simply get rid of porn and other things that violate the rules. You are anonymous when you post with The Anonymous. But, like the government can come and force me to give information to them about you, if you use the account to attempt to violate rules or post information about other people I'll be able to find out.

Don't worry, Damo, i would never stoop so low as to post a picture of my junior member on your board.

After all, that's what Private Messages are for.
anonymous is just for fun. Like all fun things, some retards (and trust me the person that called darla the c word is a HUGE retard), will naturally end up abusing the system. Most of us are less childish than that though.

I think it would be interesting to see real debates and arguments with people using anonymous. Others may find themselves agreeing with an argument that they may have dismissed or not read through because of the persons usual username. Imagine being judged by ideas and not your past history. That's just one positive use of Anonymous.

Also trolling is always a plus ;)
anonymous is just for fun. Like all fun things, some retards (and trust me the person that called darla the c word is a HUGE retard), will naturally end up abusing the system. Most of us are less childish than that though.

I think it would be interesting to see real debates and arguments with people using anonymous. Others may find themselves agreeing with an argument that they may have dismissed or not read through because of the persons usual username. Imagine being judged by ideas and not your past history. That's just one positive use of Anonymous.

Also trolling is always a plus ;)

It doesn't matter, I don't think that will bother me anymore.

I guess it would be interesting, if any of that actually happened with it.
Well there is nothing stopping any of you from trying ;)

Btw what happend to your picture I never got to see it :(
I've said it a thousand times before, stop sending me that stuff.

I cannot apologise enough for misreading the situation, Grind.

It's just that after you posted that open legged pussy shot on my profile page i got the wrong end of the stick completely. :o