Texas urges residents to cut power usage as prices surge

I guess they shouldn’t have fucked up by isolating themselves and insisting they be on their own grid

It wouldn't matter if they were interconnected elsewhere and there was a shortage. California is heavily interconnected, and they get hit with this sort of thing regularly on the spot market for electricity due to demand overall. The biggest issue Texas has is they have far too much wind and solar in their mix of sources.

There isn't a single place on the planet where massive increases in the use of wind and solar have decreased the price of electricity. Solar and wind cause prices to rise dramatically.
I guess they shouldn’t have fucked up by isolating themselves and insisting they be on their own grid

ptif would likely say the Dems f*cked that up and the republi'cans' had no choice or power in the situation.

one thing we learn is how inept and dumb these guys think the right and GOP is and how smart and capable they see the left and Dem's are such that Dems control everything even in gop dominated States.

The GOp are just hopeless rubes in their eyes who the Dems always steamroll.
It wouldn't matter if they were interconnected elsewhere and there was a shortage. California is heavily interconnected, and they get hit with this sort of thing regularly on the spot market for electricity due to demand overall. The biggest issue Texas has is they have far too much wind and solar in their mix of sources.

There isn't a single place on the planet where massive increases in the use of wind and solar have decreased the price of electricity. Solar and wind cause prices to rise dramatically.
As always you are duped.

Renewables And Storage Got Texas’ Grid Through This Heat Wave. But The State Legislature Still Hasn’t Fixed Its Underlying Problems

Last month, parts of Texas were hotter than 99% of the Earth and electricity demand reached new heights. But the lights stayed on, even though nearly 10 gigawatts (GW) of power were offline due to failures at coal and nuclear plants, with solar and energy storage picking up the slack.

These power plant failures follow 2021’s Winter Storm Uri, which left millions of Texans without power and caused hundreds of deaths. During that “Big Freeze,” natural gas plants and their infrastructure were the primary culprits of massive blackouts. Unfortunately, politics and special interest groups have often obscured the truth about what actually occurred during the 2021 “Big Freeze” while blocking real solutions....
As always you are duped.

I'll keep it simple with pictures.



Add more solar and wind and the price of your electricity skyrockets.
Texas may be governed by Republicans, but that don't mean they are stupid Republicans.
Austin is mostly Democrats, Lizard.
It's about money here in Texas and making lots of it.
Good. So?
Wind farms are huge money makers! Royalties my friend. If they put a wind turbine on your property, it will make you rich!
No, they won't.
It is helping restore economy to these rural areas of the state- and creates a lot of well paying jobs.
It doesn't do that either.
Wind Turbine maintenance engineers make great money!
So do a lot of other jobs.
The problem Texas gets into, is because of some very stupid Republican legislature, that prevents huge Wind Farms to link up to the grid.
Nothing prevents them from hooking into the grid other than dispatch.
By law, the Wind Farm's electricity has to remain in the region where it is generated.
Electrons don't have labels on them, Lizard.
Blue hydrogen takes more energy to create then it produces.
Hydrogen is colorless and odorless. Democrats do seem to have a lot of trouble with the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
While it is a good method I don't see it becoming the standard.
There is no 'standard'. Government has no business dictating what car you can buy or what energy sources you can use.
Nuclear power plants only cost about 6 to 9 billion to build and they recover that money fairly quickly.
It is far cheaper than either solar panels or windmills. It easily adjusts to changing loads on the grid as well, unlike solar panels or windmills.
The average plant generates about 500 million per year in earnings paying about 16% of that in taxes to local and state taxes increasing everyone's wealth.
Blue hydrogen generates nothing in taxes.
It's not about taxes.
There is no contest here.

Blue hydrogen also generates an extreme amount of climate harming pollutants and although it is captured and not released, it's a pain in the ass to get rid of.
Hydrogen is not a pollutant.
Oxygen is not a pollutant.
Water is not a pollutant.
These are the ONLY materials involved in creating hydrogen by electrolysis.
The source of energy for the electrolysis is from existing power plants. It DOES require more energy to make hydrogen then to simply charge an EV.
How many Trumpian politicians are charged so far? How many more to come?
Indictments are not convictions, Nordbutt. Attempted proof by association. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).
Trump ran a lawless admin and broke laws
No law was broken.
trying to steal an election he lost.
He didn't lose. Trump has never lost an election. There was no election in 2020. Democrats stole it through election fraud, causing it to fault. Inversion fallacy.
The Reds have always been the party of corruption because the gods they worship are money and power.
Inversion fallacy. You are describing Democrats again.
It wouldn't matter if they were interconnected elsewhere and there was a shortage. California is heavily interconnected, and they get hit with this sort of thing regularly on the spot market for electricity due to demand overall. The biggest issue Texas has is they have far too much wind and solar in their mix of sources.

There isn't a single place on the planet where massive increases in the use of wind and solar have decreased the price of electricity. Solar and wind cause prices to rise dramatically.

The SDTC (formerly California) has insufficient generating capacity. They import a lot of their power from the WRIC.

Those lines are overloaded. If one trips, the SDTC will be left in the dark. Also, the WRIC will NOT sacrifice itself to save the SDTC.
ptif would likely say the Dems f*cked that up and the republi'cans' had no choice or power in the situation.

one thing we learn is how inept and dumb these guys think the right and GOP is and how smart and capable they see the left and Dem's are such that Dems control everything even in gop dominated States.

The GOp are just hopeless rubes in their eyes who the Dems always steamroll.

Argument by repetition fallacy (chanting). RAAA.