Texas urges residents to cut power usage as prices surge

So let Europe and China take the lead in renewable energy? India just landed a probe on the Moon. Solar is the key to energy in space. How far back to you want the US to fall? Horses and buggies, Terry?

Let them. We should focus on increasing nuclear and natural gas. Solar and wind should be kicked to the curb.
It is not spin. You are just too stupid to see what you continually say.

You are saying in a State like Texas where Republicans have taken control at almost all levels, that a tiny number of Dems with almost no apparent power IN FACT hold the major power and pull the strings.

Time and again the arguments you guys push speak to these all powerful Dem's that the Republicans are just outmatched by and cannot stop no matter how little power the Dems have and how much the GOP has.

Trump can hand pick his AG, DoJ, FBI head, SC and yet he still can't prosecute all the Dem obvious crime and he cannot stop the Dems using his own people to investigate and indict his people. That is a huge Fuck you flex by the Dems to show they control shit even when Trump has all the controls. It is an in your face moment.

Now you say the same about Texas. Dems secretly exert so much control, it is their fault, as the GOP is hopeless to take control and fix these things.

I mean, tell us, how much control do you think the GOP would have to have in Texas before you would blame them and not Dems? What power that they currently do not control, do they need to get control of?

Or do you believe it is hopeless? That there simply is no amount of power and control the GOP can gain where they would be at fault as Dems are just that good and competent and the GOP is useless and inept?

You have no clue how things work
Texas may be governed by Republicans, but that don't mean they are stupid Republicans.

It's about money here in Texas and making lots of it.

Wind farms are huge money makers! Royalties my friend. If they put a wind turbine on your property, it will make you rich!

It is helping restore economy to these rural areas of the state- and creates a lot of well paying jobs. Wind Turbine maintenance engineers make great money!

The problem Texas gets into, is because of some very stupid Republican legislature, that prevents huge Wind Farms to link up to the grid.

By law, the Wind Farm's electricity has to remain in the region where it is generated.

Ok, I spoke out of line! Perhaps the Republican leaders are stupid after all! It seems they can't get out of their own way! :laugh:


Is that why Pickens got out of it?
How many Trumpian politicians are charged so far? How many more to come? Trump ran a lawless admin and broke laws trying to steal an election he lost. The Reds have always been the party of corruption because the gods they worship are money and power. Now it caught up to the worst of them.

You better wait to see how Democrats screw it up. Smith does not have a good track record
Renewables already power this country. Both oil and natural gas are renewable fuels.

Solar panels are too expensive to take up much farmland. There are some places that have large installations of these things, but they still produce piddle power. They are the most expensive method of generating electricity there is.

There are tens of thousands of acres of solar panels
You are a delusional idiot. Solar is a pretty much dead end technology, as is wind. There's no technology for China to overtake. At the same time, if China wants to mass use an inefficient and marginal technology like solar and wind, why should we stop them?

Because, in space, you think we'll be using fossil fuels and the ICE? LOL
Let them. We should focus on increasing nuclear and natural gas. Solar and wind should be kicked to the curb.

Nuclear fusion would be the best way to go.

Gas works to an extend as long as you don't mind a house blowing up next to yours. :thup:
You have no clue how things work

I don't have to know how things work. I can just look at the conclusions and facts.

And that is Dems are dominant and smart and republi'cans' are useless and dumb.

If you can give Republi'cans' a State like Texas and all the power positions and yet DEMS STILL RUN SHIT THERE, that just exposes how weak the republi'cans' are. Sorry if you don't like that truth. How much more power do Republi'cans' need before they can actually wield power?

If you can give a GOP POTUS like Trump all the levers of power (AG, DoJ, FBI) and yet DEMS STILL RUN SHIT THERE, that just further exposes how weak the republi'cans' are. Sorry if you don't like that truth. How much more power do Republi'cans' need before they can actually wield power?
Nuclear fusion would be the best way to go.

Gas works to an extend as long as you don't mind a house blowing up next to yours. :thup:

Gas leaks and explosions are rare. If they weren't they wouldn't lead on the news. Nuclear fusion would be great, but in the interim, nuclear fission is the best choice, backed by natural gas because natural gas peaking plants can be brought online and taken offline quickly. Nuclear produces say, 70 to 80% of our energy needs. Screw wind and solar, they are useless.
Not a red heerring.

Your post was the red herring. You post graphs showing the increasing cost of renewables as a way to say 'if you go to renewables... you are going to pay more', when i show in the same time frame the price of fossil fuels was also soaring.

So if there were no renewables the prices of fossil fuels would still soar but even more so, do to more demand with no renewables picking up some of the supply.

You tried to play the silly shell game. It would be like pointing at all Bidens problems to make the case for Trump while ignoring all of Trumps issues that are worse in the same areas.

You know, the thing you guys do all the time.

Fossils are not used as fuel. Your graph is meaningless.
Both oil and natural gas are renewable fuels.

If is YOU trying to play the shell game. Inversion fallacy.
Yes, if you go for wind and solar you will pay more for electricity! That's how it works. Historical data shows it clearly. So, if there were little or no use of 'renewables,' an oxymoron, and we went to natural gas and nuclear, there would be a reduction in electrical prices as well as one in CO2 emissions.

CO2 is not a pollutant. It is a naturally occurring gas absolutely essential for life to exist on Earth.

What 'works for you' is maintain all the massive subsidies for O&G and ICE, so you can pretend then it is a free market.

Classic righty. 'I hate subsidies unless they benefit the things i want benefited'.

At least on that front you are honest, for once.

I am for removing them on both (preferably) or keeping them on both. But no advantage to either.

There are no subsidies for oil or natural gas.
There are no subsidies for gasoline cars.

Stop making shit up.
So let Europe and China take the lead in renewable energy? India just landed a probe on the Moon. Solar is the key to energy in space. How far back to you want the US to fall? Horses and buggies, Terry?

Solar is NOT the key to energy in space. Spacecraft generally have their own onboard power, such as fuel cells or fission packs.
I never said it had no uses, only that the technology is a dead end. There isn't any foreseeable massive improvement in how solar power is generated on the horizon.

I have asked you this before but how do you see the future?

A statement of 'no future develops will happen' is truly astounding in its ignorance. even Marjorie Greene would likely say WTF as no person can speak definitively about the future when surprise breakthru's happen all the time.

My question is serious. Do you say such manifestly stupid things because you honestly believe your self psychic or something like that and think you know the future?
Let them. "Renewables" (aka solar and wind) are total fucking losers as energy sources. The US should shift to nuclear with natural gas filling the variable part of the load. Wind and solar should be dumped entirely as the worthless generation systems they are.

Both nuclear power and natural gas power plants can easily adjust to changing load conditions.