Verified User
asshole, anyone who has an anus can technically be called an asshole you stupid asshole.
asshole, anyone who has an anus can technically be called an asshole you stupid asshole.
you are an idiot
I like you.
Which is at least a valid reason to be proud of ones sexual orientation but we don't need to stoop to claiming we are proud of what is obvious meanwhile what is there to be proud of for a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman? Absolutely not anything for if it were up to homosexual unions to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually retarded imbeciles and there is obviously not anything worthy of honour in that.
Time is coming to restore marriage back to it's respectful state far from this sick and filthy lgbt mockery made of it because homosexuals do not want to accept themselves for what they are, while also not wanting to accept heterosexuals for what we are thus were eagerly out to make a mockery of the one thing that honours the one sexual union which stands above all others because thanks to this sexual union we even exist which is why thousands of years prove since created, marriage honours the one sexual union to which we all owe our very existence and that sexual union are quite obviously and exclusively heterosexual unions.
Also it's time to take back the rainbow from the sick and filthy mockery made of it by these mentally redundant lgbt imbeciles.
Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
There's a problem with your premise.... There's 5% of the population that is LGBT.
There's a problem with your premise.... There's 5% of the population that is LGBT.
No one in Canada likes this guy. He has to post on an American forum to say his horrible ideas
More like < 2%...
The percentage of sexual retards doesn't change the fact that thousands of years of heterosexual unions being honoured with marriage since marriage was created proves that marriage is about honouring the one sexual union which stands above all others, the one sexual union to which we all owe our very existence which are quite obviously and exclusively heterosexual unions.
So the only problem you have is that it doesn't suit the sick and filthy manifestation of lies and deceptions the lgbt clings to like a dung beetle clings to it's food to suit their sick little pathetic shady narrative.
There's a problem with your premise.... There's 5% of the population that is LGBT.
Is that so?
How about focusing on the message instead of the messenger?
not possible, that would invalidate its entire worldview.
Isn’t this pricelessIs that so?
How about focusing on the message instead of the messenger?
He gets his worldview from the CCP, I suspect.
Isn’t this priceless
via twitter no less...
What part of freedom of religion means that we must honor your specific worldview? Which part of actual freedom cares at all that some marriages do not fit within this box? Why do you care what folks do in some marriage that is not yours?
These are the things that make us all go... hmmmm...