Thanks to heterosexual unions we even exist

Irresponsible procreation is the biggest human problem on the planet,
[h=2]and its devastation is manifested by one David Jeffrey Spetch among billions of others.[/h]
Not naturally by a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman of which man = born with a penis / and woman = born with a vagina. Artificial insemination doesn't describe a sexual orientation.

Wrong. They have been doing it the natural way for centuries. Gay men have been married to women and have children while it was illegal to be gay.

I happen to believe that homosexuals are made, not born, and that encouraging their delusions about gender is enabling mental illness.

it is a bit off to describe it as a choice as most do not comprehend that some choices are made at at subconscious level but yes, nobody comes out the chute on the wrong team. By the same token most that do flip dont know why OR are not honest enough with themselves to admit why.
Who mentioned religion? Apart from you, of course.


it is a bit off to describe it as a choice as most do not comprehend that some choices are made at at subconscious level but yes, nobody comes out the chute on the wrong team. By the same token most that do flip dont know why OR are not honest enough with themselves to admit why.

Did you choose to be straight? If so, when?
How so? Aren't many "gays" just kids who were molested by older gays while they were children?

Cycle of abuse.

thats close to the explanation right there. they are too young to be able to process events in their lives and make a conscious change based on it.

its also quite normal for a child to fail to be able to love the opposite sex if the corresponding parent is not loving or too overbearing. This is far more common and what you would have heard shrinks tell you back before they were pressured into de-classifing homosexuality as crazy.
thats close to the explanation right there. they are too young to be able to process events in their lives and make a conscious change based on it.

its also quite normal for a child to fail to be able to love the opposite sex if the corresponding parent is not loving or too overbearing. This is far more common and what you would have heard shrinks tell you back before they were pressured into de-classifing homosexuality as crazy.

There is no proof that the same-sex molestation causes a change in sexual orientation in children.
The existence of straight women is conclusive proof that orientation is not a choice. I will die on this hill.