

What is everybody doing?

I'm going to Vermont. My mom remarried almost two years ago, and this is the first year she had to go to Ohio to her new husband's family. She got out of it last year.

So my bf and i were supposed to go skiing with my brother's family, and my other brother and his gf. But then I broke my shoulder and we weren't going to go. But the place looks so beautiful, and my bf isn't so into skiing anyway, so we're going to go and spend thanksgiving there after all. Leaving tomorrow afternoon, as soon as my brother gets out of the office.

Happy Thanksgiving!
What is everybody doing?

I'm going to Vermont. My mom remarried almost two years ago, and this is the first year she had to go to Ohio to her new husband's family. She got out of it last year.

So my bf and i were supposed to go skiing with my brother's family, and my other brother and his gf. But then I broke my shoulder and we weren't going to go. But the place looks so beautiful, and my bf isn't so into skiing anyway, so we're going to go and spend thanksgiving there after all. Leaving tomorrow afternoon, as soon as my brother gets out of the office.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I thought you and your brother had an agreement not to see each other or something to that extent?
I thought you and your brother had an agreement not to see each other or something to that extent?

We had a very bad falling out last Christmas. Some time during the year, we started talking again, mostly to make my mother happy. And then recently, we seemed to be back to normal. Though I haven't forgotten, and I'm less likely to let my guard down, he's still my brother, and he is always still doing good things for me. Like just last week, he got me a pretty big job with someone who is going to be a repeat customer. Plus I love to spend the holidays with my niece and nephew.
Just hanging around here and having a Thanksgiving dinner for my employees on Wed afternoon, and another one on Thursday for my Vets and their families that I Help out.

I have 3 different women fixing turkeys and stuff for a free Thanksgiving meal at the local church as well. I won't be going to that feeding. Just helping out people in the community with that.

Going to Eastern KY for dinner with one of my sisters Families on Saturday.

I may not have to eat again till mid next week.

And the best of all. My last day of regular work is Wednesday :cheer:
Due to global warming Sugar Mountain has experienced over a week of temperatures below 20F which has been perfect for snowmaking. Also 20" of natural snow. It has rained a bit today with the temperature rising to 33F but it is expected to drop back down to abnormally cold global warming temperatures.

So I anticipate 5 solid days of kick ass skiing! This will be followed of course by turkey, leftover turkey, turkey stew, turkey soup and lots of cranberry sauce. And of course lots of beer drinking and occasional viewing of DVDs, peppered with afternoon snoozes and late night cigars. :clink:
Just hanging around here and having a Thanksgiving dinner for my employees on Wed afternoon, and another one on Thursday for my Vets and their families that I Help out.

I have 3 different women fixing turkeys and stuff for a free Thanksgiving meal at the local church as well. I won't be going to that feeding. Just helping out people in the community with that.

Going to Eastern KY for dinner with one of my sisters Families on Saturday.

I may not have to eat again till mid next week.

And the best of all. My last day of regular work is Wednesday :cheer:

Congrats usc!
I know you're all dying to know: I'm going to my boyfriends house on T-day and then my mom's having something on Saturday.

Funny story: I called her today to find out if she needed me to bring anything to the house. She paused and suggested I should just bring frozen shrimp. When I told her I wouldn't mind making a dish, she then proceeds to explain how she doesn't have enough insurance to cover everyone who'll be in her house, so it would be best if I stick to the frozen shrimp. Not even fresh shrimp. Frozen.
darla is your brother a conservative or something? how did that happen?

I shouldn't be navel-gazing on a political message board. But, since you asked!

It's so weird, he is a big bush-hater. I mean, worse than I am. A couple of years ago he told me he thought he was becoming more and more of a democrat, which I thought was funny, because I saw him as more and more of a republican. (he had been getting wealthier and wealthier due to a succesfull business).

I think he may have voted for Hillary if she were the nominee...but I'd still consider him mainly a republican. Anyway, all of a sudden, both of my brothers developed this racial thing. We weren't raised like that. But they told me that my father was racist, but later in life, and that I just didn't know about it. Which, I doubt this, because he was not a racist when raising us. So i don't know.

But they went too far last christmas. It turned into something ugly, and I left. You know, this is why when Obama gave his speech on race, and some people said, oh he threw his grandma under the bus, I thought that was so stupid. Actually what he did is address some stuff that a lot of us have to deal with, and don't really know how to.

Anyway, I know they must have felt bad about it, because they have gone out of their way to be overly nice to me in recent months. And eventually, I softened. They are my brothers, it's hard not to.

And a happy thanksgiving LadyT.
We miss ya here.

I miss you guys too. My work day DRAGS now. Oh well. the way things are going I'll probably get laid off anyway and get to post all day everyday. Until my power gets shut off......:cof1:
I know you're all dying to know: I'm going to my boyfriends house on T-day and then my mom's having something on Saturday.

Funny story: I called her today to find out if she needed me to bring anything to the house. She paused and suggested I should just bring frozen shrimp. When I told her I wouldn't mind making a dish, she then proceeds to explain how she doesn't have enough insurance to cover everyone who'll be in her house, so it would be best if I stick to the frozen shrimp. Not even fresh shrimp. Frozen.

LOL are you really that bad of a cook?
I know you're all dying to know: I'm going to my boyfriends house on T-day and then my mom's having something on Saturday.

Funny story: I called her today to find out if she needed me to bring anything to the house. She paused and suggested I should just bring frozen shrimp. When I told her I wouldn't mind making a dish, she then proceeds to explain how she doesn't have enough insurance to cover everyone who'll be in her house, so it would be best if I stick to the frozen shrimp. Not even fresh shrimp. Frozen.

Now I just do not understand that not enough insurance/shrimp thing at all....
I shouldn't be navel-gazing on a political message board. But, since you asked!

It's so weird, he is a big bush-hater. I mean, worse than I am. A couple of years ago he told me he thought he was becoming more and more of a democrat, which I thought was funny, because I saw him as more and more of a republican. (he had been getting wealthier and wealthier due to a succesfull business).

I think he may have voted for Hillary if she were the nominee...but I'd still consider him mainly a republican. Anyway, all of a sudden, both of my brothers developed this racial thing. We weren't raised like that. But they told me that my father was racist, but later in life, and that I just didn't know about it. Which, I doubt this, because he was not a racist when raising us. So i don't know.

But they went too far last christmas. It turned into something ugly, and I left. You know, this is why when Obama gave his speech on race, and some people said, oh he threw his grandma under the bus, I thought that was so stupid. Actually what he did is address some stuff that a lot of us have to deal with, and don't really know how to.

Anyway, I know they must have felt bad about it, because they have gone out of their way to be overly nice to me in recent months. And eventually, I softened. They are my brothers, it's hard not to.

I'm just glad y ou get to spend time with your neices and nephews! It would be a shame for them to miss out on the "Cool Aunt" experience
You're not in danger of that are you?

Of course companies say they aren't going to do it, but we've seen so many layoff at Financial Service companies, everyone's on edge at the moment. I'd just hope that some of the VPs I've networked with would look out for me.