Scut Farkus
gonzo is still on fire. I love being entertained.
Read this thread. this bitch is toast.
Read this thread. this bitch is toast.
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That is quite a load of road apple there pardner!
My husband tells me the stories of "Nam", I will never understand how he feels, no matter how many times I see the picture of the napalm burnt child running naked from the flames. There are some things you can not understand fully unless you experience them first hand. Prejudice, being considered only 3/8th or whatever the percent was, human, is a thing I can read about or hear from others but never fully understand, because it is not first hand experience.
Unbreachable, silliness.
There is a flaw in your above reasoning. One being that as women, we at times experience gender based prejudice. We should be able to relate with people of other races and their expriences with prejudism. We have (maybe not you) first hand experience.
She has no empathy, and cannot think abstractly, the sign of a victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse.
Probably at the hands of the Gormogons...She has no empathy, and cannot think abstractly, the sign of a victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse.
Probably at the hands of the Gormogons...
Aren't they the same thing?Or the CIA.
Aren't they the same thing?
Yes, as usual let's try to use pseudo-psychology to cover your asses. No one here finds Darla intelligent (or at least I don't) because 90 percent of the time she is talking about some random crap that has nothing to do with the thread, I guess designed to shock us. Aggressive? Possible, although she bitches and moans a lot for someone that is "aggressive".
Could it be that I just don't like Darla, and that is isn't a reflection on how I treat women in my life or how I feel about strong women?
Tell me, froggie, what exactly is a woman's proper role?
You're confused froggie. We like women. We hold bitchy cunts in low regard.
Being smarter than men like you. It is the way you treat Darla and show your dislike that indicates your regard for women, whether you wish to believe that or not, call it pseudo-psychology if you wish, it is just what I read from you.
I have been around a long time and heard this BS from other men on other forums who hold women in low regard. It is always the same line of BS.
I don't treat real women this way, just the ones I hate on anonymous message boards. Yeah, right, sure. Oh well, I guess this will just put me in that same category as Darla. Bitches of America, UNITE!
If darla really is your friend you would try to help her not patronize her....she asks for everything she gets on this board...she goes after the guys on this board just to start a fight...she starts the foul language first...then crys to damo everytime she gets spanked...then her minions come in and give her a hug...reinforceing bad behavoir...wake up froggie!
I was discussing the other day with a mate about how funny it was that you british folk never bother to get pronunciations right, at least in hollywood films. Like how in the film Ghandi, Starring sir ben kingsley (ironic), all the brits addressed Ghandi as mr Gandy (rhymes with candy).
I suppose i better apologise on behalf of Sir Ben Kingsley for offending the nation of India.
In my defence i ask the court to accept Dick Van Dyke's portrayal of a "Cockney" accent in the film 'Mary Poppins', and Forrest Whittaker's attempt at the same accent in 'The Crying Game'.
To be fair BB, Darla isn't one to go crying for help any more than you are.
She can speak for herself be honest she fucks off most of the people on this board with ease (not that it's difficult, you understand).
You don't like her...she doesn't like you. It's all good...
Is England like Mary poppins? How many have been fox hunting through a chalk painting? Or laughed up to the ceiling? (burp charlie burp, woops different film). I guesss that was family values reinserting itelf into british fascism via an itinerant floating domestic worker? WTf.