It is not the least bit settled, just as they did with COVID the Overlords manufactured consensus by brutalizing all dissent, and lying.
The Covid hoax has nothing to do with science either.
The Church of Covid routinely makes two paradoxes, which I call Paradox M and Paradox V.
Paradox M:
1) I wear a mask to protect myself from covid.
2) I demand you wear a mask because my mask doesn't work.
Paradox V:
1) I get the 'vaccine' to protect myself from covid.
2) I demand you get the 'vaccine' because mine doesn't work.
It also claims a variant of a variant, which is not possible (it's either covid19 or it ain't).
NO variant of the Covid/SARS series of viruses kills. Covid19 is the mildest variant so far discovered.
Any respiratory virus can induce pneumonia, which is no joke. It can be treated with an aggressive program of antibiotics (it's an opportunistic bacteriological infection) IF it is detected early. After that, options get limited very quickly. If pneumonia is not treated, death is quite possible.
Covid/SARS series of viruses are respiratory viruses.
Covid19 is airborne. That means 6 ft means nothing to it. That means plastic shields at cash registers mean nothing to it. If it can come from China and infect people here so rapidly, no 6 foot distance or plastic shield will do anything.
Masks are worse then useless. N95 masks are dust masks. Viruses pass through them like the mask isn't even there. Masks DO, however, harbor bacteria and fungi that can very definitely cause big problems, including pneumonia.
Long term use of N95 masks is dangerous. These masks should be changed every couple of hours, for workers that use them to protect themselves from dust or fibers.
If you lay insulation, perform dusty work plowing fields, or sand composites or metal, these masks are very useful. Against viruses, completely useless.
Surgeons use a mask designated ASTM2100 (or 2101 or 2102, for specialized types of surgery). These masks contain a plastic barrier treated with an antibacterial agent. They are only good for a few hours then must be discarded.
The insanity of this religion still continues among the illiterate, who still wear masks even when walking by themselves. They will die with their masks on, and probably wear them to their own funeral...such is the religious nature of the Church of Covid.