That climate science isn't quite as settled...

There is settled science, as far as accumulated knowledge dictates.
Too funny! Nordberg thinks that there is a certain sufficient quantity of research that somehow equates to science. I'm assuming that omniscience also counts as sufficient "knowledge" which equates to "thettled thienth!" Well, Nordeberg is scientifically illiterate and doesn't even know what science is in the first place, so maybe we can just give him a participant ribbon or something.


However science keeps an open mind,
Too funny! Nordberg thinks science has a mind. Obviously, Nordberg believes that someone in his clergy is Science, and is a very wise leader, probably a Democrat politician who just cares sooooo much.

You are a special kind of ignorant and stupid with more blind posts than anyone I ever read.
I'm sure this is why you simply never have any rebuttals that get more specific than this.

You speak axiomaticall about things that are absolutely wrong again and again.
No examples, eh?
Yes, yes, yes, and water vapor turned into clouds by jet aircraft (contrails) that is now proven to contribute to Gorebal Warming by as much as 5 to 15%, possibly more, is ignored because it doesn't fit the radical Left's narrative and is relatively easy to fix at little cost.
The science is real and backed by 97 percent of scientists. Let's clean up as fast as we can. If it turns out that global warming is slower, then we have a cleaner, healthier planet. That is good. If we save the planet from a cataclysm, then we have done well. The only mistake is doing nothing.
The science is real and backed by 97 percent of scientists. Let's clean up as fast as we can. If it turns out that global warming is slower, then we have a cleaner, healthier planet. That is good. If we save the planet from a cataclysm, then we have done well. The only mistake is doing nothing.

What do plan to do about natural global warming which accounts for probably about 97% of global warming?

Tilt the earth into a better position?
The science is real and backed by 97 percent of scientists. Let's clean up as fast as we can. If it turns out that global warming is slower, then we have a cleaner, healthier planet. That is good. If we save the planet from a cataclysm, then we have done well. The only mistake is doing nothing.

The Church of Global Warming routinely discards the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law. So do you. That is DENYING science.

Science does not use consensus. There is no voting bloc in science. Science has no politics and no religion.

You cannot create energy out of nothing.
You cannot trap or slow heat.
You cannot trap light.
You cannot heat a warmer surface with a colder gas.
You cannot trap thermal energy. There is always heat.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth, the emissivity of the Earth, the global sea level, the total snow and ice on Earth.

Using buzzwords like 'coming cataclysm' is just the same crap any fundamentalist would use.
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Yeh it does, stop with your bullshit!
TANSTAAFL. No, it cannot. Absorption of infrared light emitted from the surface by any gas in the atmosphere does nothing to heat the Earth.
Emitting light from the surface requires energy. That conversion from thermal energy to electromagnetic energy (light) does NOT create any new energy. The surface is LOSING energy by that conversion, dissipating it as light.
Absorption of that infrared light DOES convert back to thermal energy. Since that is also material, it also EMITS infrared light according to the Stefan-Boltzmann law, just as the surface does.

You cannot heat a warmer surface using a colder gas.

Having said that the warming,
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
due to CO2, is nowhere near as large as climate alarmists would have you believe.
No gas or vapor is capable of warming the Earth. Not at all. You cannot create energy out of nothing.
As for positive feedbacks that just more bullshit concocted by alarmists to ramp up the fear factor.
This is correct. The 'positive feedbacks' are just Church of Global Warming buzzword BS.
Meat puppets gonna' meat.
Methane is the preeminent fuck state for humanity.
It just is.
To explain it to the cattle is wasteful.