The $15 Minimum Wage Moves Social Security To Solvency

Hello Frank,

Health care and day care should be provided for workers by government. Tax the super rich to pay for it. They won't even feel it. They've got so much money they don't know what to do with it. Getting richer is just a game to them. They don't need it.

More brain dead leftist rhetoric. Can't support any of it with numbers it's all feelings. You people are the laziest pricks on the.planet. fucking cancerous tumors everyone one of you
Lick my balls assshole.

So you don't have a number just yur stupid fucking rhetoric. Like I figured but it's nice to see you shine like the fucking idiot you are for all to see. Fucking queer boy

I bet that you' re on a few ignore list, being the total idiot that you are.
Lick my balls assshole.

Sounds as though "licking balls" is what you are into.

Oh, well...different strokes for different folks.

So you don't have a number just yur stupid fucking rhetoric.

Oh, I've got a number. I've got YOUR number. You are a moron. Hey, no problemo. We've got room for morons like you.

Like I figured but it's nice to see you shine like the fucking idiot you are for all to see. Fucking queer boy

Tsk, tsk. You want a number.

Okay. Anything under $400,000 is pretty much being defined right now as middle class earnings. So make it be that. Something under $400,000 per year...BUT above $200,000.

Yeah...that's what anyone who works a full week should be earning. That would be a reasonable, comfortable living wage.

So that figures out to about $100 per hour.

At $15 per hour...a person would make about $30,000 per year. Imagine trying to live a decent life with those earnings.
Then how do you know $15 an hour is enough? You just take through your ass don't you you fucking retarded asshole. You cunts always end up here

It’s simple math shit breathe

We know you trumpets hate math

And science

And history
The Great Recession was caused by decades of bad policy, as well as the near complete incompetence/negligence of the regulators over a vast distance of time.


The SEC held back the rules on who could act as a broker for 8 years

That is how all the SUBPRIME loans got sold

Then the market broke due to the idiocy the banks did to make a quick buck

Read the link in my signature

The first link is the SEC it’s self admitting to doing it
The Great Recession was caused by decades of bad policy, as well as the near complete incompetence/negligence of the regulators over a vast distance of time.

Did you completely miss the casino the wealthy made out of the stock market? It is not the first time they crashed it. They did it in 2007 by removing banking and investment regulations and Glass /Steagal? Do you know anything?
Jobs require workers to invest. They have to get there and back, They pay for transportation and gas is expensive., They have to eat lunches and dress for work. . They have to supply childcare. Do you want to do that for 8 bucks an hour? They are giving a company hours, that they will never get back. They are barely making anything and during a pandemic, they cannot drop their kids off at school.
When FDR installed the min wage, he said it was a living wage. He said a company that will not pay a living wage did not deserve to operate in America.
Did you completely miss the casino the wealthy made out of the stock market? It is not the first time they crashed it. They did it in 2007 by removing banking and investment regulations and Glass /Steagal? Do you know anything?

Clearly more than you do.
Why are you leftists such cowards? What constitutes a "liveable wage"? If you can't answer that's fine just admit you people use those labels as nothing more than rhetoric. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about but it makes you feel better. This is why I treat leftists the way I do. Will you answer the question or not? Stop wasting everyone's fucking time if you don't intend to just say so.

Have you sharpened your ears yet?
Think about it.

All those low wage workers will be earning more. They will be getting bigger paychecks. Those checks will have withholding taken out of them. There will be more money going into Social Security. That will help move SS more towards solvency.

Who cares? If you are relying on social security to provide your retirement, you're either stupid or masochistic.
And if you drug out at fifty like most pachy goobers, you don't have to worry about retirement at all.

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If the min wage is 15, millions will require far less government help and food stamps. They won't be a drain on the super, ungodly massively hard-working rightys.
They also will buy things and result in more hiring. That is what demand is.
If the min wage is 15, millions will require far less government help and food stamps. They won't be a drain on the super, ungodly massively hard-working rightys.
They also will buy things and result in more hiring. That is what demand is.

Until the price of goods and services rises to a point where $15 an hour buys you what $7.50 an hour did before and then the same useless bodies demand that their welfare checks catch up...
Hello T. A. Gardner,

Who cares? If you are relying on social security to provide your retirement, you're either stupid or masochistic.

Or you are one of millions of Americans who have dignity in senior life because of one of the most successful socialistic programs ever devised in America, having lifted MILLIONS from destitution.

The problem for detractors of the American Social Security System is that it works so well for so many.
Hello Nordberg,

Jobs require workers to invest. They have to get there and back, They pay for transportation and gas is expensive., They have to eat lunches and dress for work. . They have to supply childcare. Do you want to do that for 8 bucks an hour? They are giving a company hours, that they will never get back. They are barely making anything and during a pandemic, they cannot drop their kids off at school.
When FDR installed the min wage, he said it was a living wage. He said a company that will not pay a living wage did not deserve to operate in America.

Hello T. A. Gardner,

Until the price of goods and services rises to a point where $15 an hour buys you what $7.50 an hour did before and then the same useless bodies demand that their welfare checks catch up...

That is not a direct proportion. For instance, it has been estimated that the price of a Big Mac will hardly rise at all. Pricing is not determined solely by cost. It is determined largely by what the public will pay for it.

If pricing was determined by cost, we would have affordable healthcare, unlimited internet and phone services would be about $10 each, and Martin Shkreli would not be in prison.
Think about it.

All those low wage workers will be earning more. They will be getting bigger paychecks. Those checks will have withholding taken out of them. There will be more money going into Social Security. That will help move SS more towards solvency.

Dumbest statement ever. It never occurs to economic morons like PoliTalker that as you increase the COST of doing business, it gets passed on to everyone therefore negating any mandated minimum wage laws.
