Truck Fump / h1b
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Interest rates have been dropping for 700 years. The rate has been long term consistent. It has dropped an average of 0.016% per year. The Federal Reserve would need to have invented time travel to do that.
Beyond that, we know that if there is cheating over the long term in the economy it shows itself one way or another. If government borrows money that is not there, interest rates have to go up to get the money. If the government has to print money to make up for a lack of borrowing, then inflation goes up, and interest rates go up. There is no secret way around this.
recently though the powers that be have been massively printing but STILL KEEPING THE INTEREST RATE LOW, so corporate borrowing can simulate good times.
kenyesian economists are responsible for this mess.
they believe the power of printing money and directing it's expenditure is an unconditional good. they're power freaks. they shuttle most of the fake money into the military industrial complex so people are afraid to tell them "no".
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