The American Way.

Why is Putin under economic blackmail and sanctions? Because of his illegal invasion of his neighbors, which was unprovoked by the US, and the criminal and fascist way he runs his country, murdering journalists and opposition figures, imprisoning rivals, and murder.

Don't let Putin con you like he conned his own people.

Putin was on the brink just about 8 years ago, but made a comeback thanks to Trump and the GOP.

putin took the Crimea peacefully with a very large majority of the people choosing Russia in a referendum. The status quo in the Ukraine and the Crimea was fine until Nato interference. Russia couldn't not hold onto the Crimea because it was a direct challenge by Nato to Russia's security. Look at a map.

It can become an indepth conversation if you like but the short answer will do for now.

And really, what's the point of discussing Russia's peaceful annexation of the Crimea when we compare that to what the US had done to the ME. Iraq? A phony war that slaughtered half a million or more for control of Iraq's oil resources? And nearly 40 US wars of aggression since WW2 alone?

I think that if we are going to discuss Russia's socalled crimes then we need to get things in a proper perspective. But by all means, let's have a decent and civil discussion!

You may also want to read up on the counterspin to the US version of why an elected government was taken down by Nato forces in the Ukraine.
The early republic constructed public roads and canals. The states also facilitated education, although nothing quite so sophisticated until 1930s Boston. Obviously, it was Medicare that was the odd one out.
But, I said highways!

Show me.

To show THE MATH, you'd have to provide the context of the things I'm asking; the baseline revenues and the time frame.

But you've refused to do that.

So THE MATH doesn't speak for itself because you refuse to even do that math. The reason is because doing the math would reveal the context, and the context will ultimately diminish the severity of what you're claiming.

So, show me the math. Show your fucking work.

(Pension Expenditures - Baseline Revenues) x # of years = liability

There's your equation...have at it. But be sure to cite your source so we know what baseline revenues you're using.

I posted articles from the SF Chronicle, LA Times, NY Times, Sac Bee, SD Tribune, CalMatters.Org and Forbes among others. All speaking about the unfunded California pension crisis. If you think they're all wrong, if you think they're all lying then take their numbers and tell them so. Since you don't live in California you wouldn't read about the chunks of our budgets that go to pay pensions and why they can't hire new police or other needed pubic servants because of the pension crisis in various cities.

So if you know something that all these other folks don't be my guest and show it to them. Don't ask me to do your work for you.
Bush1, the dead Bush was the equivalent and acted his priorities out with the invasion of Iraq on the same false pretenses as the son the next time.

You're accusing Putin on the Ukraine so see that invitation for a discussion.

Bush1's adventure into Panama was another fine example of how we still refuse to hold our own war criminals accountable.