Here is what I don't get... and I won't go as far as bravo and say most Muslims advocate hate and violence, but why is it, the very same pinheads we see getting all outraged at christian displays in public buildings, or mention of God in schools, have no problem with countries of Islam which mandate strict adherence to Muslim philosophies and teaching of the religion in schools? The same pinheads who will become extremely outraged at anything that can be remotely deemed 'sexist' or 'racist' here, are okay with these Muslim nations practicing abhorrent sexism and racism in their routine following of fundamental Islam. How can pinheads be so devoutly intolerant of Christians, yet so seemingly tolerant of Muslims?
At first I thought, maybe it's because that is happening over there, and not here, so the pinheads just think it's none of our business what they do, and that is the principle they stand on. But they are the same toward Muslims here, they will vehemently defend a Muslim's 'religious rights' in every way, while seeking to deny the very same respect to Christians. It's almost as if, they have taken sides with whatever may oppose Christianity, no matter if that is some extremist abhorrent form of radical Islam. It doesn't really make sense, but it is the only thing I can logically rationalize to explain their behavior.