The animals of Islam...

I lived in a muslim country, and the majority of folks I met there were warm and friendly and peaceful folks who went out of their way to be nice to me.

write (bravo) is, and had ALWAYS been a complete racist moron.


I'm curious, which Islamic country did you live in?
Lebanon...and visited frequenty in Syria, Jordan and Egypt.

I agree with you that the vast majority of Muslims are decent people.

The Quran is criticized by many for inciting violence, but one could easily argue that the Bible does exactly the same. And yet, we don't see Jews/Christians going around slaughtering the heathen. So it would seem only a small minority of Muslims and Bible-believers take their scriptures literally (regarding the killing of "unbelievers").

Personally, I've never had a bad dealing with a Muslim. I've talked with Muslims about religion and was pleasantly surprised at how much we are in agreement. :)
Lebanon...and visited frequenty in Syria, Jordan and Egypt.

Huh. I was under the impression that Lebanon was one of the few countries in the region that was not Islamic. At least that's what my Lebanese "family" tells me. They say it is quite religiously diverse and, as a result, highest ranking offices are reserved for members of specific religions. According to my "family," the Prime Minister must be a Sunni Muslim, the Speaker of the Parliament must be a Shi’a Muslim, and the President has to be a Maronite Catholic Christian. The 128 seats in it's parliament are divided equally between Muslims and Christians,on top of that, the division is proportionate between the different denominations.

We have spent many a night around the hookah talking about Lebanon, it's politics, the civil war (which all the sons fought in), Israel, and the region in general, followed by a good amount of reading about Lebanon on my part. I'll need to ask them about this.
Huh. I was under the impression that Lebanon was one of the few countries in the region that was not Islamic. At least that's what my Lebanese "family" tells me. They say it is quite religiously diverse and, as a result, highest ranking offices are reserved for members of specific religions. According to my "family," the Prime Minister must be a Sunni Muslim, the Speaker of the Parliament must be a Shi’a Muslim, and the President has to be a Maronite Catholic Christian. The 128 seats in it's parliament are divided equally between Muslims and Christians,on top of that, the division is proportionate between the different denominations.

We have spent many a night around the hookah talking about Lebanon, it's politics, the civil war (which all the sons fought in), Israel, and the region in general, followed by a good amount of reading about Lebanon on my part. I'll need to ask them about this.

Lebanon south of Beirut is almost exclusively muslim. I worked almost exclusively with muslim organizations while there.
Also, Palestinians flooded into Lebanon after Egypt and Syria wouldn't allow them to take refuge. So Lebanon is a very different place than it was 40+ years ago...
Huh. I was under the impression that Lebanon was one of the few countries in the region that was not Islamic. At least that's what my Lebanese "family" tells me. They say it is quite religiously diverse and, as a result, highest ranking offices are reserved for members of specific religions. According to my "family," the Prime Minister must be a Sunni Muslim, the Speaker of the Parliament must be a Shi’a Muslim, and the President has to be a Maronite Catholic Christian. The 128 seats in it's parliament are divided equally between Muslims and Christians,on top of that, the division is proportionate between the different denominations.

We have spent many a night around the hookah talking about Lebanon, it's politics, the civil war (which all the sons fought in), Israel, and the region in general, followed by a good amount of reading about Lebanon on my part. I'll need to ask them about this.

now thats funny....claiming lebanon is a muslim country

and this from a person who claims to have actually been there
now thats funny....claiming lebanon is a muslim country

and this from a person who claims to have actually been there

Depends on your definition of a Muslim country.

They are not an "Islamic State" but the majority of Lebanese, resident in Lebanon, are apparently Muslim.
Here is what I don't get... and I won't go as far as bravo and say most Muslims advocate hate and violence, but why is it, the very same pinheads we see getting all outraged at christian displays in public buildings, or mention of God in schools, have no problem with countries of Islam which mandate strict adherence to Muslim philosophies and teaching of the religion in schools? The same pinheads who will become extremely outraged at anything that can be remotely deemed 'sexist' or 'racist' here, are okay with these Muslim nations practicing abhorrent sexism and racism in their routine following of fundamental Islam. How can pinheads be so devoutly intolerant of Christians, yet so seemingly tolerant of Muslims?

At first I thought, maybe it's because that is happening over there, and not here, so the pinheads just think it's none of our business what they do, and that is the principle they stand on. But they are the same toward Muslims here, they will vehemently defend a Muslim's 'religious rights' in every way, while seeking to deny the very same respect to Christians. It's almost as if, they have taken sides with whatever may oppose Christianity, no matter if that is some extremist abhorrent form of radical Islam. It doesn't really make sense, but it is the only thing I can logically rationalize to explain their behavior.
Here is what I don't get... and I won't go as far as bravo and say most Muslims advocate hate and violence, but why is it, the very same pinheads we see getting all outraged at christian displays in public buildings, or mention of God in schools, have no problem with countries of Islam which mandate strict adherence to Muslim philosophies and teaching of the religion in schools? The same pinheads who will become extremely outraged at anything that can be remotely deemed 'sexist' or 'racist' here, are okay with these Muslim nations practicing abhorrent sexism and racism in their routine following of fundamental Islam. How can pinheads be so devoutly intolerant of Christians, yet so seemingly tolerant of Muslims?

At first I thought, maybe it's because that is happening over there, and not here, so the pinheads just think it's none of our business what they do, and that is the principle they stand on. But they are the same toward Muslims here, they will vehemently defend a Muslim's 'religious rights' in every way, while seeking to deny the very same respect to Christians. It's almost as if, they have taken sides with whatever may oppose Christianity, no matter if that is some extremist abhorrent form of radical Islam. It doesn't really make sense, but it is the only thing I can logically rationalize to explain their behavior.

That's inane, and you're an idiot. If Muslims tried to do that here, the liberal groups who you think are so evil would be on the front lines opposing it.

What is the matter with you?
That's inane, and you're an idiot. If Muslims tried to do that here, the liberal groups who you think are so evil would be on the front lines opposing it.

What is the matter with you?

LOL... I never said liberal groups were "evil" that is your words. However, they don't really make sense in principled convictions. On one hand, they support and condone radical Islamic regimes internationally, opposing any intervention by the US, which merely allows the radicalism to flourish and thrive... and on the other hand, they staunchly oppose mainstream Christian views in this country. But even further than that, they will stand up and demand rights be protected for radical Islamic groups in THIS country as well! The second something happens to a Muslim, they begin screaming "RACISM!" and "BIGOTS!" They have some super-hypersensitivity toward any condemnation of Islamic faith, here or elsewhere, but the same standard simply doesn't apply to Christians.

You say that liberals would oppose the radical nature of Islam, if it were being advocated here, but what do you think will eventually happen, if radical Islam is allowed to spread worldwide? And why are your principles different for other people, than for your own? Do you think Arab people are any less deserving of freedom to worship, rights for women, or fundamental human rights? I think you just exposed an insidious bigotry within liberalism, if that is the case.
"On one hand, they support and condone radical Islamic regimes internationally, opposing any intervention by the US, which merely allows the radicalism to flourish and thrive"

You fucking moron. You think we should invade every country where we object to infringement on freedom?

You're a friggin' loon....
"On one hand, they support and condone radical Islamic regimes internationally, opposing any intervention by the US, which merely allows the radicalism to flourish and thrive"

You fucking moron. You think we should invade every country where we object to infringement on freedom?

You're a friggin' loon....

Well again... I never said that... why do you continue assuming I am saying shit I ain't saying??? Brain damage? You seem to be the "loon" here! Do you hear voices too?

I just don't see how liberals who profess to be for women's rights, are not willing to stand up against violations of women's rights elsewhere. Are you only for AMERICAN women's rights, or what? Do you feel that all other women on the planet should be subjected to brutal oppression and slavery? What about the radical religious teachings? Are you only opposed to AMERICAN school kids being "indoctrinated" by Christians, and it's okay if other people want to brainwash their youth into believing it's okay to make women subservient and condemn homosexuals? Please try to explain this double standard to me, because I just don't get it. Either you people oppose this shit, or you are okay with it! Either you are willing to stand up to it and fight it, or you want to stick your heads in the sand and ignore it! It's pretty clear to me, with the choices you are making, which you prefer to do. I just don't understand how you can justify that with your supposed principles, it doesn't make logical sense.
""On one hand, they support and condone radical Islamic regimes internationally, opposing any intervention by the US, which merely allows the radicalism to flourish and thrive""

What exactly do you mean by "intervention" then, Dix? What else have you advocated for to ensure better freedoms for individuals in other countries?

I have no double-standard. I find the infringement of freedoms & oppression under some regimes to be deplorable. But I also don't think the vast majority of Muslims are "animals."

I'm sure in Dixieland, those are not compatible positions.
""On one hand, they support and condone radical Islamic regimes internationally, opposing any intervention by the US, which merely allows the radicalism to flourish and thrive""

What exactly do you mean by "intervention" then, Dix? What else have you advocated for to ensure better freedoms for individuals in other countries?

I have no double-standard. I find the infringement of freedoms & oppression under some regimes to be deplorable. But I also don't think the vast majority of Muslims are "animals."

I'm sure in Dixieland, those are not compatible positions.

Intervention... to intervene... to come between disputing people, groups, etc.; intercede; mediate. You oppose the US doing this, you want to leave them alone and let them continue to teach and preach sexual discrimination, hatred of homosexuals, racism and denial of freedom.

I find it odd that liberals condone this on any level, much less the extreme level taught by the vast majority of the Islamic faith. Even in THIS country, Muslim women are required by their religion to wear covers over their heads and not expose their skin at all. They don't condone women's rights, they don't condone homosexuality, and they don't condone religious freedom and tolerance. Sorry, but that IS the religion of Islam.

Why is it, you get in such a tissy over me saying that, and want to condemn me as a bigoted racist for stating the truth, and maintain these religious fanatics have some right to violate other people's rights? You don't seem to have that same regard for Christians... oh hell no! A Christian can make some noise about sex and violence on TV, and you jump all over ALL Christians, they are "animals" and don't deserve a voice in America! But here, in this very post, you take up for the Muslims, you recognize their right to religious freedom and respect it. Why is that? Why do you have such a double standard? Are you afraid to stand up to Muslims the same way you do against Christians? And if that is the case, why is that? Most Christians I know of, are not anywhere near as intolerant of women's rights, gay rights, or anything else, and they generally allow religious tolerance and freedom.
I'm a member of Amnesty International, and strongly oppose oppression throughout the world. I have spent a lot of time on the oppression of women & the practice of genital mutilation in particular. So spare me the lectures on how I want to "leave them alone" and have a "double standard."

However, you still haven't explained what you mean by "intervene." Exactly what do you have in mind when it comes to "intervening" with oppressive regimes?
I'm a member of Amnesty International, and strongly oppose oppression throughout the world. I have spent a lot of time on the oppression of women & the practice of genital mutilation in particular. So spare me the lectures on how I want to "leave them alone" and have a "double standard."

However, you still haven't explained what you mean by "intervene." Exactly what do you have in mind when it comes to "intervening" with oppressive regimes?
Maybe we can help out the "Freedom Fighters" like we did in Cuba. We know that worked out so well for us...
I'm a member of Amnesty International, and strongly oppose oppression throughout the world. I have spent a lot of time on the oppression of women & the practice of genital mutilation in particular. So spare me the lectures on how I want to "leave them alone" and have a "double standard."

However, you still haven't explained what you mean by "intervene." Exactly what do you have in mind when it comes to "intervening" with oppressive regimes?

LOL... So you pay your annual membership dues, and that is the extent of your efforts to fight and oppose oppression? You DO have a double standard, I have pointed that out, and you haven't addressed it, just denied it.

I can explain my conviction of principles here, I am opposed to the discrimination of women, homosexuals, and other races, as well as religious intolerance. I am opposed to it in the USA, and around the world. I am so opposed to this, I am willing to deploy the US military when necessary, to fight it, stop it, and prevent it from spreading. I believe we should explore all options, and do whatever we can from a diplomatic standpoint, but I don't believe any of that works if you aren't willing to back it up with military force.

I also believe that radical Islam is a unique problem because it is so fundamentally religious based, and it will not be solved in a diplomatic way, precisely because of the nature of what it is. The fact that I recognize what must be done to fight it, doesn't change my conviction of principle, I still believe it is an important enough of a thing to fight and die for. I wish it didn't have to be like that, but it is, and I am willing to do what needs to be done to fight it, rather than sticking my head in the sand or abandoning my principles because it would be easier to do.

Now, will you please explain how you justify abandoning your principles?
"I am so opposed to this, I am willing to deploy the US military when necessary, to fight it, stop it, and prevent it from spreading"

Ah...there it is.

Thanks for clarifying.
By the way, Dix, I love this comment:

"LOL... So you pay your annual membership dues, and that is the extent of your efforts to fight and oppose oppression?"

And then the follow-up, where you proudly assert that you're personally "willing to deploy the U.S. military."

Wow - what sacrifice! What bravery! I stand in awe of your willingness to put others in harm's way...