The ArchBishop's Hypocrisy

The secondary one is a variable over which she did have control, her clothing.

Of course she has control, religious sentiments aren't a medical necessity.

Religion is only a set of ideas.

If she wished to cover her face and thus restrict communication, she should have informed them at her interview so they could take that into account when assessing her suitability for the post...
Correct, I agreed with that long ago. The argument has long progressed past this point. She should have worn the veil for her interview.
Which can be done as well. If the teacher were deaf would she be sacked?

If she were deaf, then she would have to notify the interviewing board that she was deaf and that can be taken into account.

If she became deaf, her ability to conduct the job should be considered.

The prima factor is the education of the children, not the teacher themselves.

Maybe it would be beneficial to learn other body language, but not to the point where it was detrimental to learning facial expression.
Multiculturalism as long as no veils ???

Veils, as long as they don't interfere with the ability to do the job?

What if a female Muslim fighter pilot wanted to wear a veil?
Which can be done as well. If the teacher were deaf would she be sacked?

If she were deaf, then she would have to notify the interviewing board that she was deaf and that can be taken into account.

If she became deaf, her ability to conduct the job should be considered.

The prima factor is the education of the children, not the teacher themselves.

Maybe it would be beneficial to learn other body language, but not to the point where it was detrimental to learning facial expression.
She was not the sole contact with the children. It gets ridiculous to say that they could not learn facial expression from the Teacher rather than the TA.
She was not the sole contact with the children. It gets ridiculous to say that they could not learn facial expression from the Teacher rather than the TA.

The TA's role is to provide face to face support with the children...

Ever get the feeling we aren't going to agree on this particular case? :)
She was not the sole contact with the children. It gets ridiculous to say that they could not learn facial expression from the Teacher rather than the TA.

The TA's role is to provide face to face support with the children...

Ever get the feeling we aren't going to agree on this particular case? :)
I'm pretty sure we won't. The thing is though, I really have no strong opinion. I can see both sides and really am not all that upset with either result.
I'm pretty sure we won't. The thing is though, I really have no strong opinion. I can see both sides and really am not all that upset with either result.

To tell you the truth, I'm losing interest in the subject, as I said yesterday, the religious thing pricked my interest but I was really arguing for the sake of a good argument....