The backyard patio

Here is a backyard picture!

Why is Donald Trump yelling at this boy?

I am taking a linguistics class, and Berber had to be one of the weirdest languages in the world. This bloody thing has almost no vowels.

Here is a phonetic illustration of some Berber words >

Feed = ks
Give = fk
Fade away = sxf
Irritate = fqqs
Shrunk = tqssf

This is literally a word in the Greenlandic language:

Why in the world would anyone disfigure their body with tattoos? I have yet to see one that is remotely attractive. I find tattoos to be distracting. I see a tat and my first inkling is what are they trying to say.

It is unusual. My generation had long hair and ugly clothes, but at least those could be easily changed.

Worse, IMO, are nose rings and nose dots. In fact, any facial piercings except ears.
I agree. There you are, trying to admire the woman's tits, vagina, ass, and her overall stature, ... and your eye is immediately drawn to the girl's tattoo. :(
(Good Call, EE)

It's on the list with clothing and make-up. :)

Speaking of tits. I was working today and a playlist coughed up Joe Walsh's "I like Big Tits". It reminded me of shortly after I first met my wife (then girlfriend). I never had kids and was used to working with and training adults. My wife had three grown children and (then) five of grandkids ages from infants to a 15 year old. We had them all over at my house for a late spring cookout and soccer game. I had an MP3 CD playing and Walsh's song came up.

My wife yells at me "Honey! The song!"
I yell back "What about it? Don't they like Joe Walsh?"
"Just change it."
