"The bad guys won in WWII": Minnesota candidate is latest GOP member to espouse pro-Nazi view

Bashing FDR is a big fad now with GOP propagandists and historical revisionists. Everybody FDR crushed in WW II has been resurrected as hapless peaceful misunderstood hippies murdered by da evul racist FDR for no reason n stuff.

The GOP have always attacked FDR. Some of the newspaper editorials and opinion pieces from the Right during the 1930's attacking FDR were EXACTLY the same ones being aimed at Dems today. Communist/socialist. The playbook never actually changes.

NOW, go ask any MAGAt over the age of 60 if they think Social Security is creeping socialism and they will show you exactly how little they understand their positions.
Claims to be a "doctor" yet make jokes about traumatically injured Americans.

This is just part of why I know you are lying, "doc". You have the empathy and bedside manner of a housecat. :rofl2: :laugh: :rofl2:

How insulting to kitties everywhere. She has the bedside manner of a vampire bat.

You can always tell when an Internet persona is lying about their supposed career -- when they use it not to help others but to bash and hurt them. Like a "doctor" telling ppl that a deadly virus is a hoax and to take vitamins and malarial meds. Or a "teacher" who mocks other ppl with various mental/cognitive conditions and prescribes tongue-twisters for a person with a stammering speech disability because to her diseased mind, that's "humor." **eyeroll**
A doctor? LOL yeah there is no way.

I know, right? She claimed back during the COVID pandemic that she is a "doctor." You're a health care professional. Physicians never call themselves "doctor." It's "physician." They also don't get on the Internet and tell ppl that a deadly pandemic is a hoax, don't get vaxxed because that's bad and untested, take horse dewormer/vitamins/anti-malarias instead, masks don't work, and so on.
And then there's Tucker Carlson giving a Holocaust denier time on his show to point out that Churchill was the evil one in WWII.

This party is slipping. And slipping bad.

But it's slipping on the fringes. We can't really hold the vast majority of the GOP responsible for the utter lunacy on their fringes, just as we wouldn't want the DEMS held to the extremes of our loony fringe.

Now, that being said, the fringes are NOT equivalent. There is no moral equivalence between someone insisting on being referred to the opposite gender and someone excusing Nazi attrocities. There just isn't. Not even close.

One of those is just evil.
Yes, we can. As long as GOP leaders refuse to address the crazy and repudiate it, we can hold them all responsible. As long as the MAGAT voters continue to elect sexual predators, treasonous conspiracy idiots, whores like Boebert and MTG and Gaetz, crazy people, frauds, fascists, Nazi symps and racists -- we can hold them responsible.
How insulting to kitties everywhere. She has the bedside manner of a vampire bat.

You can always tell when an Internet persona is lying about their supposed career -- when they use it not to help others but to bash and hurt them. Like a "doctor" telling ppl that a deadly virus is a hoax and to take vitamins and malarial meds. Or a "teacher" who mocks other ppl with various mental/cognitive conditions and prescribes tongue-twisters for a person with a stammering speech disability because to her diseased mind, that's "humor." **eyeroll**
Understood about insulting cats. LOL

Exactly. ExLax's multiple threads about "the jab" and his recommending Facebook folk cures was all I needed to know about his medical knowledge.

Former NBA player Royce White is the second GOP candidate on a statewide ticket in 2024 with past pro-Nazi comments​

The Republicans can't help but hand it to Hitler lately.

Royce White, a former NBA player and present-day conspiracist running for a U.S. Senate seat in Minnesota, claimed in a recently unearthed social media post that the “bad guys won” in World War Two.

“The bad guys won in WWII. There were no 'good guys' in that war,” White wrote in a post still live on X, referring to the American, British and Soviet troops who defeated Nazi forces and liberated millions from concentration camps. “The controlling interests had a jump ball.”

The remarks were resurfaced by Heartland Signal. White has been running to unseat Sen. Amy Klobuchar and the seemingly pro-Nazi tweets aren't tthe only controversial comments made he's made online.

In a post this week, White told a voter on the fence to “pull your skirt down,” prompting that voter to respond, “you just lost my families support.”
Making shit up won't work, Sybil.
Bashing FDR is a big fad now with GOP propagandists and historical revisionists. Everybody FDR crushed in WW II has been resurrected as hapless peaceful misunderstood hippies murdered by da evul racist FDR for no reason n stuff.
FDR didn't crush anyone during WW2 (except the American people). Eisenhower and MacArthur did, along with thousands of soldiers.
The GOP have always attacked FDR.
The GOP is not one person, Sybil, and FDR ignored the Constitution he swore to uphold.
Some of the newspaper editorials and opinion pieces from the Right during the 1930's attacking FDR were EXACTLY the same ones being aimed at Dems today. Communist/socialist. The playbook never actually changes.
Because Democrats haven't changed. It's your same playbook.
NOW, go ask any MAGAt over the age of 60 if they think Social Security is creeping socialism and they will show you exactly how little they understand their positions.
Social Security is communism. MAGA is not a person.