The Bad Side Effect of Banning Posters from Threads

Yes it is true that there are times I am not interested in what liberals have to say

You make the presumption that what you liberals have to say is worth hearing.

I choose what I want to see and when.

If I want to hear what a liberal has to say I put it in APP where they can’t insult and obfuscate. Obviously they can’t post without employing those tactics otherwise they would post there

Exactly. Everyday I see some proggy posting their thread ban list or their iggy list like anyone cares. I like being ignored by them, I used to have 40 quote notifications every day from those people and every single one of them thought I owed them a response. Now...practically none and I like it that way because the vast majority aren't worth reading.

APP is like kryptonite to them, they're not generally well read enough to function in that environment.
Yes it is true that there are times I am not interested in what liberals have to say

You make the presumption that what you liberals have to say is worth hearing.

I choose what I want to see and when.

If I want to hear what a liberal has to say I put it in APP where they can’t insult and obfuscate. Obviously they can’t post without employing those tactics otherwise they would post there

I tried posting to one of your threads, ... I was blocked. I no longer bother even reading your threads. Why would I? It's NOT a discussion, it's just a 'Statement' on your part.
I tried posting to one of your threads, ... I was blocked. I no longer bother even reading your threads. Why would I? It's NOT a discussion, it's just a 'Statement' on your part.

Exactly. When people ban 50 posters from their threads, it becomes a "released statement" and not a forum for debate.
What happens when someone is banned from a thread? They start their own thread. Sometimes 2 or 3 people banned from a thread start their own thread. Then it becomes confusing trying to follow multiple threads on the same topic.

My vote is to end the banning of posters in threads. or at least limit it so a maximum of 5 posters can be banned per thread.

it was already discussed when it was implemented

I was indeed the person who came up with the idea of starting a like thread because chicken shits always banned me

some people like a closed loop to protect the lies they believe

just like you want
I tried posting to one of your threads, ... I was blocked. I no longer bother even reading your threads. Why would I? It's NOT a discussion, it's just a 'Statement' on your part.

So liberals cry about being thread banned and when it is pointed out that there numerous threads they aren’t thread banned from the response is “I don’t want to post in your threads anyway”.

Do you see the irony? No?

So liberals cry about being thread banned and when it is pointed out that there numerous threads they aren’t thread banned from the response is “I don’t want to post in your threads anyway”.

Do you see the irony? No?

Nice try, but that is not it.
If I try and post to a 'Teflon Don' thread, and then find I am blocked, I stop going to any 'Teflon Don' threads. Why would I go if I would be blocked in replying? Why would I waste my time reading something I am unable to respond to? There's lots of threads here, lots of people posting, lots of interesting views, some I agree with, others not so much.

Like 'hvilleherb' replied, all you're doing is issuing a Statement. hahahaha ... that's what delusional people, stoked with self-importance, do.
So liberals cry about being thread banned and when it is pointed out that there numerous threads they aren’t thread banned from the response is “I don’t want to post in your threads anyway”.

Do you see the irony? No?

Nice try, but that is not it.
If I try and post to a 'Teflon Don' thread, and then find I am blocked, I stop going to any 'Teflon Don' threads. Why would I go if I would be blocked in replying? Why would I waste my time reading something I am unable to respond to? There's lots of threads here, lots of people posting, lots of interesting views, some I agree with, others not so much.

Like 'hvilleherb' replied, all you're doing is issuing a Statement. hahahaha ... that's what delusional people, stoked with self-importance, do.

Then don’t whine about it. That’s what well whiners do
Yes it is true that there are times I am not interested in what liberals have to say

You make the presumption that what you liberals have to say is worth hearing.

I choose what I want to see and when.

If I want to hear what a liberal has to say I put it in APP where they can’t insult and obfuscate. Obviously they can’t post without employing those tactics otherwise they would post there

Most of them don't post in APP, I noticed.
So liberals cry about being thread banned and when it is pointed out that there numerous threads they aren’t thread banned from the response is “I don’t want to post in your threads anyway”.

Do you see the irony? No?


I seem to recall that it was JPP FEMOCRATS under Darla's command who demanded that Damocles institute the thread-ban, and they voted for it when he made it a referendum.
What happens when someone is banned from a thread? They start their own thread. Sometimes 2 or 3 people banned from a thread start their own thread. Then it becomes confusing trying to follow multiple threads on the same topic.

My vote is to end the banning of posters in threads. or at least limit it so a maximum of 5 posters can be banned per thread.

Oh you want to vote do ya?
What happens when someone is banned from a thread? They start their own thread. Sometimes 2 or 3 people banned from a thread start their own thread. Then it becomes confusing trying to follow multiple threads on the same topic.

My vote is to end the banning of posters in threads. or at least limit it so a maximum of 5 posters can be banned per thread.

yes it's true, a bit of a downside. however recently I have been establishing the practice that in the event of big news days, I sticky someones thread that does not have thread bans so everyone can participate.
yes it's true, a bit of a downside. however recently I have been establishing the practice that in the event of big news days, I sticky someones thread that does not have thread bans so everyone can participate.

I see no reason to allow most of the JPP liberals to tard up my threads. Sometimes I just ban Desh and the level of lefty posts I get is abysmal.
I love putting my entire ignore list on a thread banning.
Somebody I neglected to ignore always pops through,
and I can then add him/her to my list.
It's like a game.

If these people had any sense, they'd simply put me on their ignore lists
and then not even know what they're being banned from.

It's a win for everybody.

Is it easy to do? My list is long
So liberals cry about being thread banned and when it is pointed out that there numerous threads they aren’t thread banned from the response is “I don’t want to post in your threads anyway”.

Do you see the irony? No?


Especially since the JPP liberals, at that time, are the ones who wanted this and voted to have it implemented.

I see no reason to allow most of the JPP liberals to tard up my threads. Sometimes I just ban Desh and the level of lefty posts I get is abysmal.

true. desh is an auto ban from me every single time. domer and nomad are also on that list most of the time. same with BAC when I am discussing anything regarding data analysis or electoral politics (he's dumb as rocks), bourbon also gets shit canned, and lately guno as well. I dont mind liberals, just not liberal dipshits that troll and reee the fuck out.