APP - The BBC asks "where's global warming?"

I could produce a lot of grade A, bonafide scientist who have corrected Monckton six ways to Sunday...
That wouldn't be difficult to do either, would it? You're kind of banging your head against a wall. You're trying to convince the same kind of people who believe in young earth creationism and that ID is a valid science. As you continue to show them evidence, they will just raise the bar higher and higher. It's a waste of time. My suggestion to anyone out there on the topic. Check out the peer reviewed literature. It doesn't leave a whole lot of room for doubt.
And while you are arguing the permafrost is melting and releasing methane in huge quantities (much more detrimental than CO2), naked greed and corruption continue to erase our forests and green areas and your fellow humans continue to put a green piece of paper before a green piece of land.
You are falling right into the trap! Keep the debate going and we don't have to do anything!!!
Almost every person on the planet, and certainly every person in the 'civilised' (hahaha!) world can start the change. The change will NOT save the planet - it is way too late for that, but change might mean that the mess our children inherit is just a little more 'user friendly'.
So shut up and get on with living more responsible lives. Yes EVERYONE. Democrats and republicans, Americans and non Americans, black and white, brown and yellow, rich and poor.
If our kids are the last generation to inhabit this planet it is YOUR bloody fault ... and mine!!!
Start a movement in your own neighbourhood. Pool cars. Recycle waste. Grow your own food. CARE. For fucks sake CARE!!
Sorry about the language.
And while you are arguing the permafrost is melting and releasing methane in huge quantities (much more detrimental than CO2), naked greed and corruption continue to erase our forests and green areas and your fellow humans continue to put a green piece of paper before a green piece of land.
You are falling right into the trap! Keep the debate going and we don't have to do anything!!!
Almost every person on the planet, and certainly every person in the 'civilised' (hahaha!) world can start the change. The change will NOT save the planet - it is way too late for that, but change might mean that the mess our children inherit is just a little more 'user friendly'.
So shut up and get on with living more responsible lives. Yes EVERYONE. Democrats and republicans, Americans and non Americans, black and white, brown and yellow, rich and poor.
If our kids are the last generation to inhabit this planet it is YOUR bloody fault ... and mine!!!
Start a movement in your own neighbourhood. Pool cars. Recycle waste. Grow your own food. CARE. For fucks sake CARE!!
Sorry about the language.

How's the building oif that dam going.
Have your masters HAD to murder any more innocent farmers??
Don't sweat it Tinny, no ones ever accused you of having a modicum of intellect. Ya know I've heard the same bull shit right wing arguments about Acid rain, NOX, SOX emmisions, particulates and their impact on climactic change and air quality, you've been wrong on all those issues and as the data becomes more and more overwhelming about CO/CO2 emmisions and other greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous oxides it's abundantly evident that your not only wrong about that but that your so ideologically driven you'll ignore any and all evidence to the contrary. Where do you set the bar? At what point would you find data convincing that the industrial consumption of fossil fuels is impacting climate? When your leader Rush tells you?

I've seen the peer reviewed data. It's extraordinarily compelling but yet here you are with your flat earther point of view. I'm not going to bother with siting you the peer reviewed literature because I'm sure you'll come back with data from such famous climate experts as Rush, Sean Hannity and Glen Beck.

Fuck you, idiot. I've posted countless stuff to back it up. You choose to ignore it. Hell, you even claimed i was nuts saying the oceans controlled CO2 levels. Then, after I linked the NOAA page to verify it, you never responded. Shows what you know.

And while you are arguing the permafrost is melting and releasing methane in huge quantities (much more detrimental than CO2), naked greed and corruption continue to erase our forests and green areas and your fellow humans continue to put a green piece of paper before a green piece of land.
You are falling right into the trap! Keep the debate going and we don't have to do anything!!!
Almost every person on the planet, and certainly every person in the 'civilised' (hahaha!) world can start the change. The change will NOT save the planet - it is way too late for that, but change might mean that the mess our children inherit is just a little more 'user friendly'.
So shut up and get on with living more responsible lives. Yes EVERYONE. Democrats and republicans, Americans and non Americans, black and white, brown and yellow, rich and poor.
If our kids are the last generation to inhabit this planet it is YOUR bloody fault ... and mine!!!
Start a movement in your own neighbourhood. Pool cars. Recycle waste. Grow your own food. CARE. For fucks sake CARE!!
Sorry about the language.

Your illuminist fearmongering lies will fail to achieve the results desired.
Your illuminist fearmongering lies will fail to achieve the results desired.

And people like you are what men of intelligence are fighting. I am NOT saying that there is 100% proof this way or that, but it costs nowt to care, it costs nowt to be better husbanders of this world of ours so why not just do it?
Are you so destructive in your everyday life? Do you hit first and ask questions later? Do you give a shit about ANYTHING apart from your dumb self?
And people like you are what men of intelligence are fighting. I am NOT saying that there is 100% proof this way or that, but it costs nowt to care, it costs nowt to be better husbanders of this world of ours so why not just do it?
Are you so destructive in your everyday life? Do you hit first and ask questions later? Do you give a shit about ANYTHING apart from your dumb self?

Men of intelligence? You mean brutal elitist assholes.

Why not just hand control of all energy over to the elitist nutsucks?

They suck ass, that's why. Assholery is not equal to intelligence. If you were smarter you would know that.
Men of intelligence? You mean brutal elitist assholes.

Why not just hand control of all energy over to the elitist nutsucks?

They suck ass, that's why. Assholery is not equal to intelligence. If you were smarter you would know that.

I am not suggesting that 'control' should be handed over to anyone. I am suggesting that casting of blame, arguing about control, debating methodology is, to some extent, self defeating, and if you and you little half brained buddies stopped faffing about and simply led more responsible lives, you might be happier, your environment might be better and your children might be safer. Meanwhile governments and business will talk for ever and maybe, just maybe they might take some action that will help us all improve matters.
Is that too difficult for you to understand?
I am not suggesting that 'control' should be handed over to anyone. I am suggesting that casting of blame, arguing about control, debating methodology is, to some extent, self defeating, and if you and you little half brained buddies stopped faffing about and simply led more responsible lives, you might be happier, your environment might be better and your children might be safer. Meanwhile governments and business will talk for ever and maybe, just maybe they might take some action that will help us all improve matters.
Is that too difficult for you to understand?

You are talking about control. You want to allow a few large corporations to become a market maker in the right to use energy and, additionally, to manipulate energy taxes to control usage.

It's all about control. I understand everything.
The causal links correalating to andropromorphic climactic change being detrimental is voluminous and statistically defensible.
there is no evidence whatsoever that climate change would not have occurred or would not have reached current levels if not for human activity....nor is there any way to conclude that global warming will continue from this point forward or whether we have begun a period of global cooling........sorry, simple truth....
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Considering that this is the APP forum, were not supposed to make ad hominen. This is just so incredibly hard to do with you. This is like the evolution debate, another topic is which I'm assuming you're as ignorant of as this one. The evidence of climactic change is just so "Nose on your face" obvious that no really intelligent person really debates it except flat earthers and young earth creationist and others of your ilk. To put is simply, why should we waste our time with your willful ignorance?

actually, you are incorrect. The 'flat earthers' in this story are those who refuse to look at the opposing evidence and pretend that they have a consensus. All this despite more evidence and discussion to the contrary.

Man being a large portion of global warming is based on a lot of ASSUMPTIONS. It is far from proven and does not explain the FACT that in the past 11 years we have not seen evidence of the warming. In fact, many of the global warming fear mongers are now faced with the possibility of another decade of potential cooling prior to their catastrophic end of the world warming starts up again.
And people like you are what men of intelligence are fighting. I am NOT saying that there is 100% proof this way or that, but it costs nowt to care, it costs nowt to be better husbanders of this world of ours so why not just do it?
Are you so destructive in your everyday life? Do you hit first and ask questions later? Do you give a shit about ANYTHING apart from your dumb self?

There are many good reasons to reduce pollution and our dependency on fossil fuels. The fear mongering 'da world is gunna end' morons are detrimental to the cause. They give a valid reason to those who care not about cleaning things up to not do so.
There are many good reasons to reduce pollution and our dependency on fossil fuels. The fear mongering 'da world is gunna end' morons are detrimental to the cause. They give a valid reason to those who care not about cleaning things up to not do so.

The same can be said for those who say 'da world ain't gonna end.'
We are in the midst of global climate change as we have been since the beginning of time. For the first time human kind MIGHT be able to affect the changes to their advantage. Of course, they might not, but I would rather be positive than negative.
This one became a rather good conversation on warming. I can't see why ib1 was whining about it. I'll leave this one here.
And people like you are what men of intelligence are fighting. I am NOT saying that there is 100% proof this way or that, but it costs nowt to care, it costs nowt to be better husbanders of this world of ours so why not just do it?
Are you so destructive in your everyday life? Do you hit first and ask questions later? Do you give a shit about ANYTHING apart from your dumb self?

So you're saying that China conducted a world wide poll; before they went ahead and started building that dam, because they CARE about what others might think.
So you're saying that China conducted a world wide poll; before they went ahead and started building that dam, because they CARE about what others might think.

and which particular dam might that be? Why don't you tell us all what you think? You are mouthing off every few minutes but never actually say anything. Say what you mean, chicken. Oh, and don't just google it - anyone can do that.