APP - The BBC asks "where's global warming?"

The cru code makes arbitrary "corrections" which are supposed to make up for the tree ring divergence problem. Sceptics like me understand the need to remove the variation. They are trying to find the CO2 signal by working backwards from tree rings using the correlation they assume temperature has to the growth of tree rings. If there was a formula used in the CRU code, there would be no problem. There is no common science to fall upon to explain the recent divergence of recent growth rates of tree rings from what was thought to be the "standard" growth rate associated with relative temperatures. How to find that temp signal in those tree rings when they're not conforming to what you'd expect them to be at today's temps? Just fudge it!!
I'm not sure what the "latest news on climategate" is supposed to mean. All I've seen is a massive effort to dismiss any problem and divert attention by focusing on the email leak as the scandal. LOL hilarious. It's just like the Joe Wilson thing.

These emails are far too numerous and focused towards exposing the corruption to have been the result of simple hacking.
The pattern ppints towards a whistleblower/insider with repeated access to CRU servers.
It would take a great deal of time to compile thousands of emails.
AND some of the emails are dated right up to the exposure date.

This was an insider at CRU
Could it be Ian "HARRY_READ_ME" Harris

LOL google search for the terms harry read me returns this
Results 1 - 10 of about 45,400,000 for harry read me. (0.35 seconds)
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Translation: The fool obviously is not aware of the latest information regarding "climate gate"...which proves he's a bigger sucker than realized. And note how he avoids my latest point regarding Hansen. Typical neocon clown....they lie, deny and distort when faced with FACTS that prove them wrong.

Laugh, clown, laugh.

I have no idea about the CRU code

Hey, don't project your plodding, willful ignorance on me....especially when the previous posts on this thread don't support your latest blatherings.

Grow up, you chuckling neocon dupe (yes, d-u-p-e)'s not about "getting" the lib'rals, because continuing the status quo just so your corporate masters can make a profit is screwing up where you live, and if you think that they will give a rat's ass about you when the natural resources start screwing up, think again.

Staving off and/or reversing environmental degredation works in YOUR favor, dummy.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Translation: The fool obviously is not aware of the latest information regarding "climate gate"...which proves he's a bigger sucker than realized. And note how he avoids my latest point regarding Hansen. Typical neocon clown....they lie, deny and distort when faced with FACTS that prove them wrong.

Laugh, clown, laugh.

I'm not sure what the "latest news on climategate" is supposed to mean. So either you're truly stupid and are incapable of comprehending what you read or just stubborn to the point of insipidness. Let's see which it is. All I've seen is a massive effort to dismiss any problem and divert attention by focusing on the email leak as the scandal. LOL hilarious. It's just like the Joe Wilson thing. Ahhh, it's the latter couple with an intense willful ignorance on his sad.

These emails are far too numerous and focused towards exposing the corruption to have been the result of simple hacking. So quantity sways the the neocon parrot...figures.The pattern ppints towards a whistleblower/insider with repeated access to CRU servers.
It would take a great deal of time to compile thousands of emails.
AND some of the emails are dated right up to the exposure date.

This was an insider at CRU
Could it be Ian "HARRY_READ_ME" Harris

Ahhh, as usual our resident neocon parrot decides that his supposition and conjecture becomes surprise there. Someone needs to wise up this dumb ass as to hacker skills regarding obtaining information. Also, someone tell him that once the information is in someone elses hands, they can EDIT it before re-releasing it.

LOL google search for the terms harry read me returns this
Results 1 - 10 of about 45,400,000 for harry read me. (0.35 seconds) And ask an adult to explain to you what a PDF file is...and how the e-mails in question NOT being such are subject to editing. :palm:

Once again, you live up to your screen name as the local crank. Wise up, you nit. Everyone sees that ONCE AGAIN you avoid discussing the poits presented in favor of dodging to your supposition and conjecture to try and treat that as fact. Hint: No one is buying it.
The cru code makes arbitrary "corrections" which are supposed to make up for the tree ring divergence problem. Sceptics like me understand the need to remove the variation. They are trying to find the CO2 signal by working backwards from tree rings using the correlation they assume temperature has to the growth of tree rings. If there was a formula used in the CRU code, there would be no problem. There is no common science to fall upon to explain the recent divergence of recent growth rates of tree rings from what was thought to be the "standard" growth rate associated with relative temperatures. How to find that temp signal in those tree rings when they're not conforming to what you'd expect them to be at today's temps? Just fudge it!!

As the previous posts shows.....we've done this just keep ignoring any other information. Keep it up, because like I and others keep telling you, the CRU is just ONE aspect of the discussion.
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Like a true neocon parrot, you keep repeating only what you've been taught, and are incapable (or unwilling) to absorb new information and use the cognitive reasoning skills that God gave you to process it. The previous posts prove me right...because when you're faced with facts that prove you wrong, you just ignore them.

Once again, you live up to your screen name....a dead from the neck up neocon with his ass in his hat.

Namecalling and projection. How mundane are you? (very is the answer):good4u:

Sorry to inform you, but the record of post on this and other threads do show YOU to be the one who initiates name calling and nasty attitudes, whether you actually stay on topic and honestly discuss the issue or use the standard neocon dodges and ploys.

In other words, pretty dumb of you to lie in face of contrary evidence.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Mmm....the remnant Dixiecrats and "blue dog Dems" are doing a nice job of enabling the party of "no", (aka GOP, Republicans, neocons, ultra-conservatives, etc.). Once again, we are noticing that the almighty buck is the bottom line, and second only to power.
You aren't even worth the time spent reading your responses.
Enjoy being fooled, stupid warmer

Only our resident neocon fool in a tinfoil hat would take the time to type a response to a post in order to tell someone that they are not worth responding to.

You're not only a crank, you're an idiot!

Now, repeat all the BS you've spewed previously, and continue to dodge, ignore and lie about anything posted that you can't refute or disprove.