APP - The BBC asks "where's global warming?"

Everyone/? in freekin' meathead....:lmao:

My advice...maybe they'll take you back at AOL....if you beg!

Do you even READ the previous thread before you take mentally shit on the keyboards? Do you know what I'm responding to? And if so, can you comprehend what you read?

But do continue to laugh, you intellectually impotent neocon's a testament to your status on these boards.
I'm not sure what you expect to reference with Bush and the EPA. All they did was keep overly alarmist crap from being endorsed--and for good reason.

James Hansen claimed to be silenced while he managed to give 1400+ interviews. LOL
I'm not sure what you expect to reference with Bush and the EPA. All they did was keep overly alarmist crap from being endorsed--and for good reason.

The first three words of your opening paragraph here explains everything. What the Shrub & company deemed "alarmist" was evidence that didn't sit well with their industrial contributors. See bunky, you start deleting information in a scientifice report that you philosophically disagree with, then you are NOT releasing a the TRUE report.

James Hansen claimed to be silenced while he managed to give 1400+ interviews. LOL

THINK, stupid, Hansen gave his interviews AFTER he left the gov't agency, free of their restrictions. He pointed to censorship of his work by Nasa and the Shrub's administration...something he couldn't do while working under contract.

Adjust your tinfoil hat, the Rove rays are getting intense.
THINK, stupid, Hansen gave his interviews AFTER he left the gov't agency, free of their restrictions. He pointed to censorship of his work by Nasa and the Shrub's administration...something he couldn't do while working under contract.

Adjust your tinfoil hat, the Rove rays are getting intense.

bush did it .... bush did it.... la la la....

learn a new refrain.
News for you...

evidence of changes are not evidnece that humans caused them (via changes in CO2 concentration and the resulting forcing).

It just makes me luagh. The CO2 forcing theory for climate control is totally falling apart or stories like this would never see the airwaves.

CO2 concentration does not control climate change. It's an effect of climate change. humans have added to the concentration and will continue to add tot he concentration, but it's not going to affect the climate as much as CO2 based models predict.

because those models have assumptions built into them that are proving to be wrong.

You can't use a model with assumptions built into it to prove the very same assumptions are correct. Well, you can do it, but it's meaningless to anyone with a modicum of intellect.

I bet you believe coal can be clean too.
Now I know this liberal is an idiot.

Hansen STILL works at NASA.
Try getting up to date on current events, stupid warmer

Yep, I made an error, Hansen is still with was the PR head appointed by the Shrub...Acosta....who's out of the loop now. My bad....for under Acosta the charges of censorship by Hansen were found to be a little more credible.

See bunky, adults can admit error....unlike willfully ignorant neocon parrots like yourself who see ONLY what they want to see.

Laugh clown, laugh.

Oh, and you prove how much of an proudly ignorant person you are with your little neocon "warmer" mantra. Here stupid, learn something outside the talking points:
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Get your ass out of your hat and LEARN what the hell is going on in the world.


Yes, you are...because you've not the courage or maturity to just acknowledge you don't know certain facts, or that your beliefs and assertions are wrong. You don't even have the honesty to discuss the content of the source material presented.

Once again, you prove that not only are you sitting on your brains, but your ass is indeed in your hat.
Yep, I made an error, Hansen is still with was the PR head appointed by the Shrub...Acosta....who's out of the loop now. My bad....for under Acosta the charges of censorship by Hansen were found to be a little more credible.

See bunky, adults can admit error....unlike willfully ignorant neocon parrots like yourself who see ONLY what they want to see.

Laugh clown, laugh.

Oh, and you prove how much of an proudly ignorant person you are with your little neocon "warmer" mantra. Here stupid, learn something outside the talking points:

Give me a break. You are so ignorant you didn't even know Hansen works at GISS. I am miles ahead of you on this subject. You keep throwing up red herrings and strawmen, but you haven't produced the alrorithm to explain how Mann manufactured the yearlyadj variable in the CRU code. These are serious issues with the climate change science. You apparently don't even know what i'm talking about. I can see your eyes squinting
Yes, you are...because you've not the courage or maturity to just acknowledge you don't know certain facts, or that your beliefs and assertions are wrong. You don't even have the honesty to discuss the content of the source material presented.

Once again, you prove that not only are you sitting on your brains, but your ass is indeed in your hat.

My beliefs are 100% accurate. AGW is an unproven lie created by fascists to seize control of our society. The scientists behind the AGW lies are liars who squelch dissent to their assinine stupidity.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Yep, I made an error, Hansen is still with was the PR head appointed by the Shrub...Acosta....who's out of the loop now. My bad....for under Acosta the charges of censorship by Hansen were found to be a little more credible.

See bunky, adults can admit error....unlike willfully ignorant neocon parrots like yourself who see ONLY what they want to see.

Laugh clown, laugh.

Oh, and you prove how much of an proudly ignorant person you are with your little neocon "warmer" mantra. Here stupid, learn something outside the talking points:

Give me a break. Hey, I'm sorry if ALL the facts don't jibe with your intense neocon mantras...but no one said life was easy. You are so ignorant you didn't even know Hansen works at GISS. Learn to read or stop lying, I stated that I confused his state of office with the PR guy who was responsible for trying to curtail his public statements. It's right there in the posts. I am miles ahead of you on this subject. You keep throwing up red herrings and strawmen, but you haven't produced the alrorithm to explain how Mann manufactured the yearlyadj variable in the CRU code. Translation: This idiot latches onto ONE set of facts and disgards/ignores everything else as irrelevent. Then he repeats himself ad nauseum, as if that erradicates contrary information and solidifys his position. The post prove me out on this...pity he's either too damn dumb or stubborn to realize how obvious his folly is. These are serious issues with the climate change science. You apparently don't even know what i'm talking about. I can see your eyes squinting

Translation: The fool obviously is not aware of the latest information regarding "climate gate"...which proves he's a bigger sucker than realized. And note how he avoids my latest point regarding Hansen. Typical neocon clown....they lie, deny and distort when faced with FACTS that prove them wrong.

Laugh, clown, laugh.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Yes, you are...because you've not the courage or maturity to just acknowledge you don't know certain facts, or that your beliefs and assertions are wrong. You don't even have the honesty to discuss the content of the source material presented.

Once again, you prove that not only are you sitting on your brains, but your ass is indeed in your hat.

My beliefs are 100% accurate. AGW is an unproven lie created by fascists to seize control of our society. The scientists behind the AGW lies are liars who squelch dissent to their assinine stupidity.

Like a true neocon parrot, you keep repeating only what you've been taught, and are incapable (or unwilling) to absorb new information and use the cognitive reasoning skills that God gave you to process it. The previous posts prove me right...because when you're faced with facts that prove you wrong, you just ignore them.

Once again, you live up to your screen name....a dead from the neck up neocon with his ass in his hat.
Like a true neocon parrot, you keep repeating only what you've been taught, and are incapable (or unwilling) to absorb new information and use the cognitive reasoning skills that God gave you to process it. The previous posts prove me right...because when you're faced with facts that prove you wrong, you just ignore them.

Once again, you live up to your screen name....a dead from the neck up neocon with his ass in his hat.

Namecalling and projection. How mundane are you? (very is the answer):good4u:
Translation: The fool obviously is not aware of the latest information regarding "climate gate"...which proves he's a bigger sucker than realized. And note how he avoids my latest point regarding Hansen. Typical neocon clown....they lie, deny and distort when faced with FACTS that prove them wrong.

Laugh, clown, laugh.

I have no idea about the CRU code