APP - The BBC asks "where's global warming?"

What did I say before, moron? Unlike you, I'll wait until ALL the facts and evidenced are reviewed.

Why? Do you need an authority to tell you something as obvious as these emails are true? Get a brain of your own. Do you know how to fucking read?

Do you need an authority to tell you the authorities are defrauding you? That's never going to happen.
Why? Do you need an authority to tell you something as obvious as these emails are true? Get a brain of your own. Do you know how to fucking read?

since the information was stolen, and the proper authorities there in England are doing a review to see if the claims of the thief are legit, it's logical to wait and see before one draws a conclusion. Unlike you, I just don't latch onto anything that appeals to my personal beliefs.

Do you need an authority to tell you the authorities are defrauding you? That's never going to happen.

And yet YOU swallowed every lie and distortion of the Shrub & company, and praised THEIR authority and THEIR sources and conclusions (ie., suppressing and changing information on environmental reports).

Once again, you demonstrate that your not even smart enough to catch your own hypocrisy. Adjust your tinfoil hat! :cof1:
And yet YOU swallowed every lie and distortion of the Shrub & company, and praised THEIR authority and THEIR sources and conclusions (ie., suppressing and changing information on environmental reports).

Once again, you demonstrate that your not even smart enough to catch your own hypocrisy. Adjust your tinfoil hat! :cof1:


the warmest year recorded globally was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998.

But it is true. For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures.

And our climate models did not forecast it, even though man-made carbon dioxide, the gas thought to be responsible for warming our planet, has continued to rise.
the warmest year recorded globally was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998.

But it is true. For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures.

And our climate models did not forecast it, even though man-made carbon dioxide, the gas thought to be responsible for warming our planet, has continued to rise.

It's important to note that the solar cycle theorists (AKA deniers, sceptics, etc..) predicted the current lack of temp rise based on the number of sunspots.

Svensmark's crf theory, which will undergo laboratory testing at CERN this coming year, predicts temps dipping when more cosmic rays cause water vapor to condensate and form clouds ( causing more solar energy to be reflected back into space )

And as for the continued warming trend, it's the same warming trend we've been in since the end of the last ice age. Natural climate change.

Human CO2 feedback component does not drive the climate.
Trying to affect the climate through CO2 is a scam
the warmest year recorded globally was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998.

But it is true. For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures.

And our climate models did not forecast it, even though man-made carbon dioxide, the gas thought to be responsible for warming our planet, has continued to rise.

Shrub? Yeah, the nickname for the dumbass that stole into office twice and fucked up this country with regards to to it's financial, foreign and military. You know, the guy you and Tinfoil voted for, who couldn't measure up to be a Bush like his Daddy? I note that neither you or the other neocon buffoon can logically refute Tinfoil hat's hypocrisy.
What do you expect, with you ass in your hat?
yeah, the nickname for the dumbass that stole into office twice and fucked up this country with regards to to it's financial, foreign and military. You know, the guy you and Tinfoil voted for, who couldn't measure up to be a Bush like his Daddy? I note that neither you or the other neocon buffoon can logically refute Tinfoil hat's hypocrisy.

But what does bush have to do with a bunch of scientists lying about global warming?
When you've got nothing else to offer......mention Bush....

It's in context with the discussion, you dumbass. One of your neocon parrot flock carried on about blindly accepting declarations by I just pointed out a FACT regarding the Shrub and his administrations dalliances with environmental reports. TFB if the truth is more than your pin sized brain can handle.

Pathetic...even for a clown
If you're referring to your contributions on this thread, I agree.
It's hysterical that you deny it, yet you keep talking the talk with each post. What would be a laugh riot is if you're actually so deluded that you think you're not!

Deny what?

What does whatever im denying have to do with you referencing bush in an idiotic hamfisted fashion?
But what does bush have to do with a bunch of scientists lying about global warming?

Go back and READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY, you nit. You're equally dense compadre carried on about accepting decrees by authority, so I pointed out the FACT that the little dummy readily swallowed the Shrub's fudging the facts on environmental studies realised through his office. Do some honest research on the subject to get up to speed.
I think you're out of touch. Everyone else is talking about your misplaced bush references.:good4u:

Define "everyone", because in my book "everyone" is not the usual collection of two or more neocon parrots with their maudlin exchanges regarding their arch enemies, the "liberals".

Bottom line: I explained how this aspect of the discussion came up. It's relevent, and the crank with the tinfoil hat has yet to give an adequate response. Follow the thread.
Define "everyone", because in my book "everyone" is not the usual collection of two or more neocon parrots with their maudlin exchanges regarding their arch enemies, the "liberals".

Bottom line: I explained how this aspect of the discussion came up. It's relevent, and the crank with the tinfoil hat has yet to give an adequate response. Follow the thread.

Dude, you're off your meds again. Nobody knows what you're talking about.

But what does any of that have to do with your comical bush references?
Define "everyone", because in my book "everyone" is not the usual collection of two or more neocon parrots with their maudlin exchanges regarding their arch enemies, the "liberals".

Bottom line: I explained how this aspect of the discussion came up. It's relevent, and the crank with the tinfoil hat has yet to give an adequate response. Follow the thread.

Everyone/? in freekin' meathead....:lmao:

My advice...maybe they'll take you back at AOL....if you beg!
Dude, you're off your meds again. Nobody knows what you're talking about.

But what does any of that have to do with your comical bush references?

And there you have it folks. Once put on the spot, the man with the ass in his hat starts blathering nonsensical denials IN SPITE of the evidence of the previous posts on this thread (either that or he's too damn dumb to comprehend what he reads).

He's done, as his next words will demonstrate.