APP - The BBC asks "where's global warming?"

Do you wonder when Clarabell, "the warmer", will come back and apologize to "tinfoil" and admit his claim that the emails have been EDITED to fit the hackers viewpoint is wrong........he claimed just yesterday he "admits when he makes a mistake".......

He'd be pretty busy if that were true....

we'll see.....
Do you wonder when Clarabell, (an "insult" that geezers use when reminiscing about the good old enlisted days) "the warmer", (an intended insult by fools who swallow everything the industrial corporatist tell them) will come back and apologize to "tinfoil" and admit his claim that the emails have been EDITED to fit the hackers viewpoint is wrong........he claimed just yesterday he "admits when he makes a mistake".......

He'd be pretty busy if that were true....

we'll see.....

Bravo seems to either get stupider or crazier with every post. The poor dumb bastard just has abysmal reading comprehension skills. Since I stated that the ARTICLE presented had QUOTES from the parties concerned that acknowledged authenticity but questioned the arrangement of the material released (and asked Tinfoil to corrobrated that claim), Bravos statement is patently misleading....which is not unusual for him.

I'll wait for Tinfoil to respond, and then I'll continue as previously specified. And of course, our intellectually impotent neocon numbskull can continue his false bravado.
Bravo seems to either get stupider or crazier with every post. The poor dumb bastard just has abysmal reading comprehension skills. Since I stated that the ARTICLE presented had QUOTES from the parties concerned that acknowledged authenticity but questioned the arrangement of the material released (and asked Tinfoil to corrobrated that claim), Bravos statement is patently misleading....which is not unusual for him.

I'll wait for Tinfoil to respond, and then I'll continue as previously specified. And of course, our intellectually impotent neocon numbskull can continue his false bravado.

What arrangement? LOL the files are in a fucking zip file. Each email is a seperate file.

WTF are you talking about? Just admit that you don't mind being defrauded. That's what being a warmer is all about. Being a sucker!
What arrangement? LOL the files are in a fucking zip file. Each email is a seperate file.

WTF are you talking about? Just admit that you don't mind being defrauded. That's what being a warmer is all about. Being a sucker!

:palm: Pay attention, dimwit. The hacker essentially stole the files, opened them, read them. That's how he knew about the content. The question arises as to whether or not the hacker EDITED the files before "revealing" them to the world.

The scientists involved have also refused to comment on the record, although they insist privately that "the e-mails are being taken out of context and ... are part of the normal hurly-burly of conversations between scientists working on some of the most complicated questions of our times."

And since this thread has shown posts by me that have covered all the repetitive BS your about to spew, I'll only respond from here if you try to lie or have something of worth/relevence to say about the information above. Carry on, chuckles.
:palm: Pay attention, dimwit. The hacker essentially stole the files, opened them, read them. That's how he knew about the content. The question arises as to whether or not the hacker EDITED the files before "revealing" them to the world.

The scientists involved have also refused to comment on the record, although they insist privately that "the e-mails are being taken out of context and ... are part of the normal hurly-burly of conversations between scientists working on some of the most complicated questions of our times."

And since this thread has shown posts by me that have covered all the repetitive BS your about to spew, I'll only respond from here if you try to lie or have something of worth/relevence to say about the information above. Carry on, chuckles.

Then riddle me this, chuckles.

Since the E-Mails have been out in the public eye, for a while now, why hasn't anyone said what was altered??

Dont be so bloody stupid. I am trying to point out that arguing about whether this amount of carbon or that amount of carbon is good or bad is pointless and that far more important for the health and welfare of this planet - and that includes you, dummy, - is the ownership of the means of life itself by GM food manufacturers and big business. I dont give a shit if you cant see that. There are those here who can.
You, sir, are of no consequence.

Fair enough, and I've never disputed land use issues and the effects on regional climates, for instance Mt. Kilimanjaro, which new studies reveal, has been affected by deforestation. It's the deforestation which led to decreased teleconnections and shrinking of the glacier. Your points are not in dispute.

However, if you still subscribe to the CO2 climate model doomsday cult, I have to ask if you understand the case was made using latewood treering density as a proxy for temp based on assumptions from the studies conducted by the scientists who, in the CRU emails, discussed how to mask the divergence of CURRENT treering density from expected values(read: that which would confirm CO2 theory). So they had to fudge it.

Please understand the I don't want pay extra taxes to fight a lie.
:palm: Pay attention, dimwit. The hacker essentially stole the files, opened them, read them. That's how he knew about the content. The question arises as to whether or not the hacker EDITED the files before "revealing" them to the world.

The scientists involved have also refused to comment on the record, although they insist privately that "the e-mails are being taken out of context and ... are part of the normal hurly-burly of conversations between scientists working on some of the most complicated questions of our times."

And since this thread has shown posts by me that have covered all the repetitive BS your about to spew, I'll only respond from here if you try to lie or have something of worth/relevence to say about the information above. Carry on, chuckles.

OUT of context!!!! lol.

That's the same way you deal with Inconvenient Talmud truths.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Pay attention, dimwit. The hacker essentially stole the files, opened them, read them. That's how he knew about the content. The question arises as to whether or not the hacker EDITED the files before "revealing" them to the world.

The scientists involved have also refused to comment on the record, although they insist privately that "the e-mails are being taken out of context and ... are part of the normal hurly-burly of conversations between scientists working on some of the most complicated questions of our times."

And since this thread has shown posts by me that have covered all the repetitive BS your about to spew, I'll only respond from here if you try to lie or have something of worth/relevence to say about the information above. Carry on, chuckles.

OUT of context!!!! lol.

That's the same way you deal with Inconvenient Talmud truths.

Translation: the damned fool doesn't understand what the phrase "out-of-context" means. It's a wonder no one has sold him the Brooklyn Bridge yet.
Oh, and since I and others exposed and deconstructed his willful ignorance and bigotry regarding judeaism, he's just been frustrated to the point of regurgitating the lies and stupidity as above. Once again, he lives up to his screen name.
Translation: the damned fool doesn't understand what the phrase "out-of-context" means. It's a wonder no one has sold him the Brooklyn Bridge yet.
Oh, and since I and others exposed and deconstructed his willful ignorance and bigotry regarding judeaism, he's just been frustrated to the point of regurgitating the lies and stupidity as above. Once again, he lives up to his screen name.

Translation: taichi liberal thinks claiming things are out of context even when they aren't is a great argument!:good4u:
Translation: taichi liberal thinks claiming things are out of context even when they aren't is a great argument!:good4u:

Idiot, beyond what a hacker posts for your willfully ignorant consumption, you have no viable proof of what you say...just as the possibility raised by the official in the article I tagged does.

Like I said before, I'll wait for the official review or trial or examination before I draw a conclusion. And like I also said before, once you weed out the fakes and flaws of ONE aspect of this subject, that does NOT automatically make all the other aspects and research null in void.

A sane, rational approach that eludes a man with his ass in his hat. Sad.

The man says, "alleged CRU files" ....and remember, you have NASA scientist that do back up some global warming statements.

Like I said, if England can catch some screw ups trying to save their reps with fraud....good on them. Does this throw out the baby with the bath water for EVERYTHING else regarding data and research on global warming from around the world by reputable scientists? Hardly.
The man says, "alleged CRU files" ....and remember, you have NASA scientist that do back up some global warming statements.

Like I said, if England can catch some screw ups trying to save their reps with fraud....good on them. Does this throw out the baby with the bath water for EVERYTHING else regarding data and research on global warming from around the world by reputable scientists? Hardly.

For fucks sake, the CO2 models and Climate Alarmism are BASED on the works of these specific scientists.
It doesn't put into doubt the collection of data, but the manipulation of that data.
Idiot, beyond what a hacker posts for your willfully ignorant consumption, you have no viable proof of what you say...just as the possibility raised by the official in the article I tagged does.

Like I said before, I'll wait for the official review or trial or examination before I draw a conclusion. And like I also said before, once you weed out the fakes and flaws of ONE aspect of this subject, that does NOT automatically make all the other aspects and research null in void.

A sane, rational approach that eludes a man with his ass in his hat. Sad.

We have the intercepted testimony of those scientists discussing their failures to prove climate alarmism and strategies to coverup their failure. *shrug*

It's proof to me. Just like lies are proof for you. The truth is proof for me.
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What would it take to prove the scientists fudged the stats to make the case for CO2 forcing driving climate? We have emails of them discussing it. We have their code. What more will it take?
We don't know if taichi is a clown in real life, but we are now positive he plays one on the internet.....
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
The man says, "alleged CRU files" ....and remember, you have NASA scientist that do back up some global warming statements.

Like I said, if England can catch some screw ups trying to save their reps with fraud....good on them. Does this throw out the baby with the bath water for EVERYTHING else regarding data and research on global warming from around the world by reputable scientists? Hardly.

For fucks sake, the CO2 models and Climate Alarmism are BASED on the works of these specific scientists.
It doesn't put into doubt the collection of data, but the manipulation of that data.

For fucks sake, the scientist at contention here are NOT the SOLE researchers in the world in environmental scientist that have covered various aspects and contributors of global warming. I and others have provided other source material to prove that. And your last statement is moot. My previous statement stands, and you can repeat yourself until's all you've got.
What would it take to prove the scientists fudged the stats to make the case for CO2 forcing driving climate? We have emails of them discussing it. We have their code. What more will it take?

What did I say before, moron? Unlike you, I'll wait until ALL the facts and evidenced are reviewed.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Idiot, beyond what a hacker posts for your willfully ignorant consumption, you have no viable proof of what you say...just as the possibility raised by the official in the article I tagged does.

Like I said before, I'll wait for the official review or trial or examination before I draw a conclusion. And like I also said before, once you weed out the fakes and flaws of ONE aspect of this subject, that does NOT automatically make all the other aspects and research null in void.

A sane, rational approach that eludes a man with his ass in his hat. Sad.

We have the intercepted testimony of those scientists discussing their failures to prove climate alarmism and strategies to coverup their failure. *shrug*

It's proof to me. Just like lies are proof for you. The truth is proof for me.

Thanks for proving my previous post, genius. Carry on.