Who gives a shit what the bible instructs? Can't you think for yourself, you pathetic slave?
Please. He's a failed seminarian, who pretends he knows biblical scripture and church doctrine, better than anyone else.
Who gives a shit what the bible instructs? Can't you think for yourself, you pathetic slave?
1) The passages I provided for him are from Leviticus
2) Leviticus is not in the NT
3) Hebrew manuscripts of the OT are available
4) Hebrew manuscripts of Leviticus are available
5) There are dozens of translations that were translated from original manuscripts rather than from English translations of Latin translations of Greek translations
6) The links I offered him were to a Hebrew Interlinear which permitted him to translate the original text for himself, rather than rely on any other's translation
the sum of the above is that your post is totally irrelevant......
did you notice the title of this thread?.......should even the feeblest mind here (yourself) realize that what the Bible says might be relevant in a thread about what the Bible says?......does it worry you that on a board that includes Legion and Touchieliberal someone might consider you to have the feeblest mind?......
Leviticus is totally irrelevant. LOL
do you believe in the 10 commandments?
Please. He's a failed seminarian, who pretends he knows biblical scripture and church doctrine, better than anyone else.
Leviticus is totally irrelevant. LOL
1) The passages I provided for him are from Leviticus
2) Leviticus is not in the NT
3) Hebrew manuscripts of the OT are available
4) Hebrew manuscripts of Leviticus are available
5) There are dozens of translations that were translated from original manuscripts rather than from English translations of Latin translations of Greek translations
6) The links I offered him were to a Hebrew Interlinear which permitted him to translate the original text for himself, rather than rely on any other's translation
the sum of the above is that your post is totally irrelevant......
Well, I never read Mein Kampf...but I didn't have to read it to know it was a bunch of excuses and racist rhetoric designed to incite and excite a disgruntled nation for them receiving the short end of the stick from the outcome of WWI. Stand for something or fall for anything.actually, I got pretty good grades and I graduated.......and I don't have to pretend I know it better than someone who refuses to read it......
certainly not irrelevant to the issue of "what does the Bible say about....."
Well, I never read Mein Kampf...but I didn't have to read it to know it was a bunch of excuses and racist rhetoric designed to incite and excite a disgruntled nation for them receiving the short end of the stick from the outcome of WWI. Stand for something or fall for anything.
About, "mixing fabrics and textiles"?????????? LOLOLOL. Zany.
Still, today, you continue to ask stupid questions, as you continue to whine like a little girl about who did what to whom and why. I'm not engaging you. You're a troll. No one takes you seriously. I'm not about to start.
1) You're an idiot.
2) You're an idiot.
3) You're an idiot.
4) You're an idiot.
5) You're an idiot.
6) You're an idiot.
7) Sorry for not rebutting a million different points you didn't making and feeling smug about it in this reply.
8) You're an idiot.
The sum of the above is that your post is totally irrelevant....
asking you if you believe in the 10 commandments is trolling and dumb? huh? you have stated you only accept certain portions of the bible, it is entirely logical to ask you if you believe in the 10 commandments.
as to whom did what to whom. your first thread upon your return was about that issue. you made it about tom apologizing to you. so me responding to that is whining? lmao. everyone here had moved on. tom and let bygones be bygones, and YOU had to bring it up again as your first thread.
you're a riot. you can't address serious questions so i wouldn't be talking about who takes me seriously.
well, to be honest, if you've never read it you would hardly be qualified to comment on what it said, would you?......
I would have sworn we were talking about what the Bible said about homosexual conduct.....mixing fabrics is part of the Levitical Code.....there's a difference.....you can't get by, simply by refusing to look at the difference.....