The Best Hand Sanitizer.

Except that it does get tough on the hands if you're using it every day. You could always use aloe gel afterward.

I don't use the stuff myself. But it seems to me that any sort of stuff with gel in it would leave your hands feeling greasy. That would drive me buggy.
For Covid, it might not take much alcohol content. Typically, 61% minimum is necessary for bacteria, and it must be grain alcohol. Anything is better than nothing, though.

According t this site UCHealth (which I think is University of Colorado....

Isopropyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol with at least 70 percent alcohol – undiluted – will kill coronavirus on surfaces in about 30 seconds.

A straight 3% hydrogen peroxide solution takes out rhinovirus – which is tougher to kill than coronavirus – in six to eight minutes, and so should be at least as quick in disinfecting coronavirus. or rubbing alcohol,in about 30 seconds.

Now, that is an article about cleaning household surfaces, but I would assume it holds true for hand sanitizing also.

I was using hydrogen peroxide for awhile, too.

Have a couple of big bottles of it.
I wouldn't. But I was there when it was done. It was 190 proof everclear. Basically it's the same as moonshine. Some states won't sell the 190 proof stuff. They limit it to 151 proof. I have drank 151 proof rum.
As 'Uncle' mentioned...not for long
I don't use the stuff myself. But it seems to me that any sort of stuff with gel in it would leave your hands feeling greasy. That would drive me buggy.
Commercial hand sanitizer is made from aloe, and grain alcohol. Getting the mix right is important. Our first recipe was a little slimy. We added more alcohol.
That sounds best to me. I'm not a medical expert so I just follow what most experts recommend.
I live with a nurse. I've laughed at her for years when she uses sanitizer every time we go out. She told me years ago that rubbing alcohol doesn't kill bacteria. They use it before an injection because it 'moves' any bacteria away from the injection site.

So we spent weeks trying to find grain alcohol, but I was reading up on Covid. Once I realized there was a lipid layer, I knew that any alcohol would work. Of course, we already had the distillery alcohol.
According t this site UCHealth (which I think is University of Colorado....

Isopropyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol with at least 70 percent alcohol – undiluted – will kill coronavirus on surfaces in about 30 seconds.

A straight 3% hydrogen peroxide solution takes out rhinovirus – which is tougher to kill than coronavirus – in six to eight minutes, and so should be at least as quick in disinfecting coronavirus. or rubbing alcohol,in about 30 seconds.

Now, that is an article about cleaning household surfaces, but I would assume it holds true for hand sanitizing also.

I was using hydrogen peroxide for awhile, too.

Have a couple of big bottles of it.
Yes. The 91% alcohol kills it in 10 seconds. As long as you don't touch your face after coming in contact with Covid, you'll be safe until you can wash your hands if you use any type of alcohol product in the meantime.
LOL. The gift that keep on giving.

Trump is my nominee for "Most Entertaining President Evah!"

It tells you right on the label not to. Skin irritation hazards and the fact you either want to use the stuff outside or in a heavy ventilated area due to fume hazards. Isopropyl is not the same beast as drinking alcohol. It is not a replacement for the alcohol in sanitizers either. You want a good replacement you should just use hydrogen peroxide if you can't use soap and water. I've been dealing in this stuff half my life due to OCD. When COVID came around I just continued on as usual with the only real difference being the inability to get product.

Is one of the symptoms of OCD the constant need to tell strangers that you have OCD?
I live with a nurse. I've laughed at her for years when she uses sanitizer every time we go out. She told me years ago that rubbing alcohol doesn't kill bacteria. They use it before an injection because it 'moves' any bacteria away from the injection site.

So we spent weeks trying to find grain alcohol, but I was reading up on Covid. Once I realized there was a lipid layer, I knew that any alcohol would work. Of course, we already had the distillery alcohol.

Do you mean you have a live-in psychiatric nurse, that sounds far more plausible to me?
Is one of the symptoms of OCD the constant need to tell strangers that you have OCD?

I have OCD, as well. I've had it for over 45 years now. It's something I always WILL have, because it was determined it's most likely caused by some neurons misfiring in my brain. Fortunately I discovered a medication that helps tremendously. I've been taking it for almost 8 and a half years now. It's almost fully covered by my health insurance, I believe I pay only $1.30 a month for it.
Getting the best hand sanitizer is difficult to do. Why? Because of all of the jerkoffs making hand sanitizer! As you probably know, finding rubbing alcohol that is 91% or better is difficult to do. If you could find it, all you would need to do is get one of those little spray bottles and fill it with the stuff. Then if you feel the need, spray some on your hands and rub it around a little. Job done. And it evaporates quickly. Also, look at that watery, soapy crap they make available when you go into Wal Mart or places like that. you pull out a sheet of it and use it. Then you need a dry towel to dry it off! Now if you had some alcohol spray, just spray some of that on the shopping cart handle. Again, it dries quickly.

I've found that THE best hand sanitizer contains absolutely NO hamster oil. Thank you.