The best part of the ignore feature

I need a new one. 32 b yeay

Rubber is a wonderfully useful and malleable material. Like most materials though, rubber degradation will eventually occur over time due to common environmental factors like heat, light and ozone. 25 for $1.50 and you have them for the rest of your life. :rolleyes:

The ignore feature is stupid. Why come to a discussion board and ignore what is being said? Because you don't like what is being said? Are your beliefs so weak they can't stand any debate? NEVERMIND! lol

We come here for different reasons.
I'm not PoliTalker.
I don't come here expecting civil debate, just like I don't go to the butcher shop to buy a new suit.

I come here to vent, so whether or not anybody reads or responds to my posts is largely irrelevant.
I can't go out on the street and start screaming obscenities and threats at anyone with a Trump sign on his lawn.
I'd like to, but we have police in this community, and when they're not at Dunkin Donuts, they actually do their jobs (without even murdering black people).

So I come to extend my cyber middle finger at the trumpanzees over here.
It's not very rewarding or satisfying, unfortunately, but it's something, and being a retired senior, I have time on my hands.

The ignore feature hides my targets, so I don't use it.
Those with the Pollyanna goal of seeking civil conversation might, on the other hand, find it useful.
We come here for different reasons.
I'm not PoliTalker.
I don't come here expecting civil debate, just like I don't go to the butcher shop to buy a new suit.

I come here to vent, so whether or not anybody reads or responds to my posts is largely irrelevant.
I can't go out on the street and start screaming obscenities and threats at anyone with a Trump sign on his lawn.
I'd like to, but we have police in this community, and when they're not at Dunkin Donuts, they actually do their jobs (without even murdering black people).

So I come to extend my cyber middle finger at the trumpanzees over here.
It's not very rewarding or satisfying, unfortunately, but it's something, and being a retired senior, I have time on my hands.

The ignore feature hides my targets, so I don't use it.
Those with the Pollyanna goal of seeking civil conversation might, on the other hand, find it useful.

Such refreshing honesty. I knew there was another reason beyond your political POV that I liked you.
lol...... Never had the pleasure, was he/she a decent sort??

He posted a lot, and was viewed by many as a nuisance. Today, he would likely be more appreciated, because, he wasn't hostile and crude.

I seem to recall his user tag being altered to Board Royalty, as a joke.

The only part that works on him is his fukcin mouth.
Am I going to jail?

How long do you know this person?
Over 70 years.
How did he get like this?
He has a chemical imbalance.

That's what this ch!t is.

I decided to go the ER because I had a 100 to 101 fever.
I walk in and there he is. It never fails. The president of
Puerto Rico, laying on a cot with a bullet lodged in his leg.

I never thought much of it.

There he was walking by, who'd figure. I would never expect it.
I met Inz through Gay A. We became good friends.
Joe Bads moved here from Bushwick. he is or was really good at basketball.
We enjoyed each other's company and became really good friends.
He's from welfare that worked for tips in the Pizzeria. You can
only imagine the money he made. Go and visit him now. Let me
know what you see? He wouldn't hurt a fly.

The characters here have been depicted.

The one fella had bad psychiatric issues. It was so obvious. The way he would just stand there
look around and conversate, everybody new. It wasn't from his upbringing or his environment.
It was so obvious that it was hereditary and it went neglected.

We all like Football, Basketball and baseball. I like boxing.
I'm not different or for sure not better than anyone else. I was
named one of the captains of the team. It's only POP WARNER in NYC! ;)

You got 15 cents I'm short for the train ride to the game. (full equipment)
We have 13 guys here. We always had enough to play.

We had to let her go. It’s a divorce.


An au pair is a helper from a foreign country working for, and living as part of,
a host family. Typically, au pairs take on a share of the family's responsibility
for childcare as well as some housework, and receive a monetary allowance for
personal use.

She hires the boss's kid. She said your not allowed to see or
talk to the kids and then you hired another and that one quit too.

The big brother works in the deli as slice.
What is that? What did you do?

The kids play peddle peddle.
The story of the SHWANZ at the bridge.


When you're having your morning walk or afternoon jog, whatever it maybe.
Make sure to do it on the inside where the people are. When you get close
enough then you can move to a outside opening. To make a long story short.
Before I take A FUKC'n piss I make sure to look both ways. I don't need some
ditsy broad sneaking up on me behind a fence. You had to see the smile on
her F'n face. It made both of our days and we're so happy now!


NO it wasn't me I didn't do it. Did you do it there. Definitely not by the mural.
Who would ever do such a F'n thing. No way not me. These people are animals
tell them to go back where they came from.

The old bridge never had a fence. You need to get rid of the fence or only make it 3 feet high.
This has nothing to do with me. The kids are old enough to go fishing on their own. I went
to use the pathway under the bridge to cross to the other side and there was a homeless
guy taking a dump. I turned around before he seen me.

The class trip. Is there a porto potty there? :palm:
Stop being whining b!ch.

Blondie: I got the gout.
Gout is caused by a condition known as hyperuricemia, where there is too much uric acid in the body.
The body makes uric acid when it breaks down purines, which are found in your body and the foods you eat.

I was watching spearlife and Kobe on his 50th birthday did a no handed backflip.

We don't know what he's feeling. COFFEE! I'm a useless spic at the track with obnoxious remarks.
It's only your F'n head!


Marilyn Munster, the mental health therapist tells the cops what?

Expect your police academy training to last approximately six months.

After four years of medical school, the graduate takes an examination to receive a medical license.
From there, they go through four years of psychiatry residency. That means it takes most psychiatrists
at least 12 years to become a practicing psychiatrist.

Were their kids up there? What were they doing? You saved them. ;)

That's his mother. Who's his father you F'n brainless Mc. I'M ITALIAN! ;)

How much does a Clinical Director make at New York State Office of Mental Health in the United States?
Average New York State Office of Mental Health Clinical Director yearly pay in the United States is
approximately $258,912, which is 205% above the national average.

I have my own practice.
I work with him.

Lox is a fillet of brined salmon, that may or may not be smoked. Lox is frequently served on a bagel with cream cheese, and often garnished with tomato, sliced onion, cucumbers, and capers.


Gefilte fish is a dish made from a poached mixture of ground deboned fish, such as carp, whitefish, or pike. It is traditionally served as an appetizer by Ashkenazi Jewish households. Popular on Shabbat and Jewish holidays such as Passover, it may be consumed throughout the year.

Is there anyway we can get in? Just in case of a emergency. This is what I see.
The ignore feature is stupid. Why come to a discussion board and ignore what is being said? Because you don't like what is being said? Are your beliefs so weak they can't stand any debate? NEVERMIND! lol

the ignore feature is bullshit because I am still notified when people I ignore reply to me