The bible

The Japanese were defeated in WWII so they don't exist any more?

The Japanese surrendered and, as a result, they stopped fighting. What does it mean to say sin was defeated but still exists? Does it no longer matter? Does it no longer have an impact on one's chances of receiving salvation? Do Christians no longer have to ask for forgiveness for their sins?
The Japanese surrendered and, as a result, they stopped fighting. What does it mean to say sin was defeated but still exists? Does it no longer matter? Does it no longer have an impact on one's chances of receiving salvation? Do Christians no longer have to ask for forgiveness for their sins?

Lmbo Defeat isnt contingent on things disappearing, that's intellectually simplistic. Again the Germans japanese and Italians were all defeated yet still exist. There is no salvation from sin apart from Jesus.
Lmbo Defeat isnt contingent on things disappearing, that's intellectually simplistic. Again the Germans japanese and Italians were all defeated yet still exist. There is no salvation from sin apart from Jesus.

Jesus you're dumb. The enemies disappeared. Nazi Party and Nazi Germany disappeared. Imperial Japan disappeared. USSR disappeared.

Jesus how have you managed to live this long?
Lmbo Defeat isnt contingent on things disappearing, that's intellectually simplistic. Again the Germans japanese and Italians were all defeated yet still exist. There is no salvation from sin apart from Jesus.

Right, so what does it mean to say Jesus defeated sin? What has changed for the average Christian?
Salvation through Jesus not previously possible. Very simple.

That was the explanation, after the fact, for why Jesus died, but absolutely nothing changed as far as sin is concerned. Sin still exists. Christians still sin, at a higher rate now than ever if you ask some people. Original sin was unchanged and Christians remained captive to it.
I've managed to have a few good conversations with them, but what tends to be the stumper is that they seem to think everyone should just take their word for it that the bible is the "word of god".

Of course, the Bible itself describes itself as the Word of God.
Yeah, logic doesn't seem to be the strong suit of those who don't question the bible. Reminds me of a line I like from science fiction author Frank Herbert's final Dune novel, Dune: Chapterhouse:

"Religion (emulation of adults by the child) encysts past mythologies: guesses, hidden assumptions of trust in the universe, pronouncements made in search of personal power, all mingled with shreds of enlightenment. And always an unspoken commandment: Thou shalt not question!"

I don't think this is true of all religions, but I think too many have this 'do not question' mentality.

What's to question? The Bible simply says what it says. Sure, it's a circular argument. That itself is not a fallacy. Only trying to prove a circular argument True or False creates the fallacy. This is what a fundamentalist does.

The other name for the Circular Argument is the Argument of Faith.