There Can be Only One!
Hello signalmankenneth
Trump has hurt America in so many ways. He is a divider and a radicalizer. He uses people.
One of the biggest harms done to the country was screwing up the pandemic response. That got thousands of Americans needlessly killed by spreading false rumors which caused many to make the wrong vaccine choice - none.
Another way Trump hurt America, and this really drove a wedge into the already bitter politics, was to tell The Big Lie, throwing confusion into an already hotly contested election. We had a good result, it withstood all the legal challenges; and the window for making challenges expired. Trump was told all of this, but he knew he could throw the whole nation ichaos by telling his supporters to refuse to accept the results and fight to overturn the free and fair election.
The damage is ongoing.
Indeed. It was not only about staying in power, it was about the grift. Many entities raised money off twump's lie.