The Big Lie, Goebbels and Trump.

Hello Sawyerloggingon,

They made the right choice. I thank them for voting the way they did.

People lost faith in Jimmy Carter through circumstances out of his control. History has shown he was really a great president. Karma is with him, and he is enjoying a long life for being so good.

They regret their vote for Biden just as I regretted my vote for carter. He made me realize liberal policies didn't work and Biden is doing the same for today's youth.
The survey, conducted online with 2,173 Biden-voting respondents, was taken the week of Aug. 5-13, before the fall of Kabul and the most recent onslaught of criticism Biden has faced for his handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal.
Hello Sawyerloggingon

They regret their vote for Biden just as I regretted my vote for carter. He made me realize liberal policies didn't work and Biden is doing the same for today's youth.

People need to know the truth and how to discern between real news and fake news. Republican voters have shown they are not very good at this.

Trump was repeatedly told by his own campaign officials that he lost the election. But instead, he decided to listen to Drunk Rudy and falsely claim victory - before all the ballots had been counted.

Trump knew that Democrats were using mail-in ballots because of the pandemic. He wrongly told people to vote in person, a public health risk, and his followers did so. Those Republican ballots were generally counted first, and then when the counting proceeded to the Democratic mail-in ballots, where in states like PA cannot by law be counted until election day, Trump claimed the election counting should stop while he was ahead and not count all the ballots. Trump knew this was wrong but he lied anyway.

One of Trump's biggest fears is that someone will get him with a pie in the face. Why would anyone fear such a thing unless they perpetrated a Big Lie?
If record high gas prices and inflation is your idea of a good economy and if you think the coming recession is a great thing you'll be very happy.
I’ve been through recessions before, most of us survived. I think you’re the gleeful one, as are most Trumpublicans, but I’ve heard little on how they’d solve these problems or why they aren’t sitting down with Democrats to solve these problems. They even voted against the measure to help with the baby formula shortage. It’s a real head scratcher why you Trumpers think your guys could do better when they seem to be thwarting any measures that would help people.
Hello Sawyerloggingon,

Well educated people are convinced their votes for Biden were the correct choice.

4 years of DT demonstrated that America pays too high a price for having a crooked lying con man president.

America is going through withdrawal symptoms after the worst president in history.

We need to stay the course and give Democrats a chance. The recovery work is difficult and takes time.
I’ve been through recessions before, most of us survived. I think you’re the gleeful one, as are most Trumpublicans, but I’ve heard little on how they’d solve these problems or why they aren’t sitting down with Democrats to solve these problems. They even voted against the measure to help with the baby formula shortage. It’s a real head scratcher why you Trumpers think your guys could do better when they seem to be thwarting any measures that would help people.

Simple really. Compare Trump term to Biden's. Gas price Trump wins. Inflation Trump wins. Border Trump wins. War in Europe Trump wins. Stock market Trump wins.

Everything Biden has done has turned out badly and everything he touched turned to shit.
Hello Sawyerloggingon,

Well educated people are convinced their votes for Biden were the correct choice.

4 years of DT demonstrated that America pays too high a price for having a crooked lying con man president.

America is going through withdrawal symptoms after the worst president in history.

We need to stay the course and give Democrats a chance. The recovery work is difficult and takes time.

Translation: Biden failures Trumps fault. LOL
Simple really. Compare Trump term to Biden's. Gas price Trump wins. Inflation Trump wins. Border Trump wins. War in Europe Trump wins. Stock market Trump wins.

Everything Biden has done has turned out badly and everything he touched turned to shit.
You aren’t answering the question, what are their future plans.
Trumps legacy is low gas prices, a booming economy, a secure border, low inflation and democrats burning down cities in protest of the above.

Trump's legacy is that he tried to use militant White Supremacist Extremists (WSEs) to stage a coup and turn the United States into a Banana Republic. If he was sane, he'd have given up when the military refused to participate. Everyone knows you need to backing of the military to stage a coup. Trump is both insane and not-that-bright. All of his followers are fucking morons just like him.

Anyone who materially supported this coup or the WSEs should feel the weight of Justice falling upon them in the near future. LOL

Trump's legacy is that he tried to use militant White Supremacist Extremists (WSEs) to stage a coup and turn the United States into a Banana Republic. If he was sane, he'd have given up when the military refused to participate. Everyone knows you need to backing of the military to stage a coup. Trump is both insane and not-that-bright. All of his followers are fucking morons just like him.

Anyone who materially supported this coup or the WSEs should feel the weight of Justice falling upon them in the near future. LOL


TDS on display.