New member
This is clear news from valid sources, advice from well respected investment advisors.Gawd...you really are a fucking nutcase!
Quit getting your "news" from Facebook and chain emails and you'll be ok.
Obama says its not true, that tells me it is true!
Remember he promised no gun grabbing?
Remember he promised no tax hikes on those earning less than $250G?
He lied then, he is lying now!
Other lies!
He went to college, no degree was ever issued to one Barrack Hussain Obama.
He was a lawyer. Though no lawyer by the name of Barack Hussain Obama ever received a law license.
He is in fact a compulsive liar.
If he told me that my hands were attached to my wrists I wouldn't believe him!
I have figured out the liars body language by carefully studying his behaviour.
When his lips are moving, he is lying!