The Bills Are A-Comin! really are a fucking nutcase!

Quit getting your "news" from Facebook and chain emails and you'll be ok.
This is clear news from valid sources, advice from well respected investment advisors.
Obama says its not true, that tells me it is true!
Remember he promised no gun grabbing?
Remember he promised no tax hikes on those earning less than $250G?
He lied then, he is lying now!

Other lies!
He went to college, no degree was ever issued to one Barrack Hussain Obama.

He was a lawyer. Though no lawyer by the name of Barack Hussain Obama ever received a law license.

He is in fact a compulsive liar.
If he told me that my hands were attached to my wrists I wouldn't believe him!

I have figured out the liars body language by carefully studying his behaviour.

When his lips are moving, he is lying!
Most liberal claims about guns are based on lies.
Their messiah is a compulsive liar!
This is clear news from valid sources, advice from well respected investment advisors.

So what are the sources?

Other lies!
He went to college, no degree was ever issued to one Barrack Hussain Obama.

He was a lawyer. Though no lawyer by the name of Barack Hussain Obama ever received a law license.

He is in fact a compulsive liar.
If he told me that my hands were attached to my wrists I wouldn't believe him!

I have figured out the liars body language by carefully studying his behaviour.

When his lips are moving, he is lying!

You really are a deranged person, aren't you?

there is no gunshow loophole and any video or article you post about it is a fabrication

You're not only deranged, you are fucking batshit nutty as a fucking fruitcake. And a dishonorably discharged traitor.

Tell me how this is a "fabrication":

a 'loophole' would mean that there was something that was missed in creating the background check law. this did not happen by accident, it was by design. the anti-gunners wanted less dealers and the ATF was not going to allow all individuals to utilize the system, so private sales were intentionally excluded. thus, no loophole. take that, traitor.
a 'loophole' would mean that there was something that was missed in creating the background check law. this did not happen by accident, it was by design. the anti-gunners wanted less dealers and the ATF was not going to allow all individuals to utilize the system, so private sales were intentionally excluded. thus, no loophole. take that, traitor.

So what are the sources?

You really are a deranged person, aren't you?

You're not only deranged, you are fucking batshit nutty as a fucking fruitcake. And a dishonorably discharged traitor.

Tell me how this is a "fabrication":


You have a way with words, typical liberal abuse!
Gonna threaten my family next?
Another liberal trait!!
You are confirming more and more that your messiah is planning to seize IRAs and 401ks, it's all part of obamas war on workers! really are a fucking nutcase!

Quit getting your "news" from Facebook and chain emails and you'll be ok.

I was just about to post the same comment. :lol:

I was just about to post the same comment. :lol:

Because you have nothing but abuse, threat and violence.

The nazi SA attacked those who predicted nazi atrocities too!

Your messiah will seize 401Ks and IRAs.
Your abuse and threats and denials confirm this!

What's next?
You gonna tell me to shut up if you will kill my family?
That's the norm for you fanatical liberal totalitarians!!
Go on, you know you want to!
Because you have nothing but abuse, threat and violence.

The nazi SA attacked those who predicted nazi atrocities too!

Your messiah will seize 401Ks and IRAs.
Your abuse and threats and denials confirm this!

What's next?
You gonna tell me to shut up if you will kill my family?
That's the norm for you fanatical liberal totalitarians!!
Go on, you know you want to!

You're a first class nutter. Don't forget to dig a hole in which you can hide.
You're a first class nutter. Don't forget to dig a hole in which you can hide.
You threatening to force me to dig my own grave libtard?

Come and make it happen murderous twat!!
I will pm you all my personal details, if I'm still posting tomorrow we will assume your empty threats are as dishonest as your murderous obamessiah!