Threat? Nooooo. Just trying to brain-storm with you. Surely you've seen these.
Looks like a happy family. Here is a game you can play. It's called Sewer Rat.'sewer-rat'/ Seems appropriate when sitting in a big pipe.
Then there's this neat idea. Check it out. Basically a patio with a basement. No one would suspect you're living under your patio. As I'm sure you're aware camouflage is an excellent defense tactic when the rampaging hoards are loosened. Outta sight, outta mind. And if, God forbid, nothing happens you will have a huge beer storage area right under the patio. That's got to add value to your home!
So, 007, don't be so offensive. I and I'm sure others are more than willing to assist you and yours to live happily underground. I can assure you there's nothing we'd like better than for you and others like you to remove yourselves from society.