The Bills Are A-Comin!

lol...this place is meltdown city today!
Liberal threats to kill me and my family are ok?
But it's a meltdown when I challenge it?

Wasn't long ago you threatened to kill my child and force me to watch while you raped my wife!!
( collective you )!!
Fact is your childish abuse shows a lack ofdesire to debate the facts.

This again confirming what obamas real plan is in his war on workers!
My friend ekg has a saying...

Keep avoiding it, it confirms the plan!
You all presented the same abuse when it was predicted that your messiah would raise tax on all Americans!
You threatening to force me to dig my own grave libtard?

Come and make it happen murderous twat!!
I will pm you all my personal details, if I'm still posting tomorrow we will assume your empty threats are as dishonest as your murderous obamessiah!

Threat? Nooooo. Just trying to brain-storm with you. Surely you've seen these.

Looks like a happy family. Here is a game you can play. It's called Sewer Rat.'sewer-rat'/ Seems appropriate when sitting in a big pipe.

Then there's this neat idea. Check it out. Basically a patio with a basement. No one would suspect you're living under your patio. As I'm sure you're aware camouflage is an excellent defense tactic when the rampaging hoards are loosened. Outta sight, outta mind. And if, God forbid, nothing happens you will have a huge beer storage area right under the patio. That's got to add value to your home!

So, 007, don't be so offensive. I and I'm sure others are more than willing to assist you and yours to live happily underground. I can assure you there's nothing we'd like better than for you and others like you to remove yourselves from society. :)
Originally Posted by Howey
lol...this place is meltdown city today!

Liberal threats to kill me and my family are ok?
But it's a meltdown when I challenge it?

Wasn't long ago you threatened to kill my child and force me to watch while you raped my wife!!
( collective you )!!

See, Howey. An offer to help is misconstrued as a threat. A deadly threat, no less. Rush, Mitt, Fox, et all did a number on these guys. A classic example of PTED.
Threat? Nooooo. Just trying to brain-storm with you. Surely you've seen these.

Looks like a happy family. Here is a game you can play. It's called Sewer Rat.'sewer-rat'/ Seems appropriate when sitting in a big pipe.

Then there's this neat idea. Check it out. Basically a patio with a basement. No one would suspect you're living under your patio. As I'm sure you're aware camouflage is an excellent defense tactic when the rampaging hoards are loosened. Outta sight, outta mind. And if, God forbid, nothing happens you will have a huge beer storage area right under the patio. That's got to add value to your home!

So, 007, don't be so offensive. I and I'm sure others are more than willing to assist you and yours to live happily underground. I can assure you there's nothing we'd like better than for you and others like you to remove yourselves from society. :)
So now crazed violent liberals are threatening to bury my family alive!!
Including my innocent one year old!
Is he considered a life yet?
Hey, you can't silence the truth!
Obama is a fucking liar!
He lied about guns !
He lied about tax
Now he lies about his plans to seize 401Ks and IRAs.
All your abuse and threats cannot change the truth!
Your obamessiah is a lying pile of shit.
PTED (Post Traumatic Election Disorder) It will take a while to treat. Unfortunately, we will continue to see occasional flashes for some time to come.
That's right, hurl your abuse, best way to avoid addressing the truth.
Your obamessiah being a filth fuck liar.
See, Howey. An offer to help is misconstrued as a threat. A deadly threat, no less. Rush, Mitt, Fox, et all did a number on these guys. A classic example of PTED.
I don't have a tv, I'm cashed out , armed up, off grid and home schooling.
I have no need for tv.
I don't listen to the radio either.
Keep avoiding reality .
Your obamessiah is a lying cunt.
So now crazed violent liberals are threatening to bury my family alive!!
Including my innocent one year old!
Is he considered a life yet?
Hey, you can't silence the truth!
Obama is a fucking liar!
He lied about guns !
He lied about tax
Now he lies about his plans to seize 401Ks and IRAs.
All your abuse and threats cannot change the truth!
Your obamessiah is a lying pile of shit.

It's OK, 007. Nothing is going to happen. It's all in your head. Just keep repeating the following:
"You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should." :)
It's OK, 007. Nothing is going to happen. It's all in your head. Just keep repeating the following:
"You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should." :)
Again you avoid the facts.
Your obamessiah lied about taxes, guns and now he is lying about the seizure of 401Ks and IRAs.
Your sidestepping and abusive, threatening posts are only serving to prove that.
I don't have a tv, I'm cashed out , armed up, off grid and home schooling.
I have no need for tv.
I don't listen to the radio either.
Keep avoiding reality .
Your obamessiah is a lying cunt.

I hope you're putting all your usual TV viewing and radio listening time to good use. Do you have a good, sharp spade?
Again you avoid the facts.
Your obamessiah lied about taxes, guns and now he is lying about the seizure of 401Ks and IRAs.
Your sidestepping and abusive, threatening posts are only serving to prove that.

No one is threatening you, 007. Certainly not me. I'm trying to help. I posted a few links for shelters and even games to pass the time. And physical activity like digging a hole will strengthen you further.
No one is threatening you, 007. Certainly not me. I'm trying to help. I posted a few links for shelters and even games to pass the time. And physical activity like digging a hole will strengthen you further.
Again avoiding the facts.
Abuse, threat , mockery and humiliation.
As your leaders have instructed.
You are confirming what I say every time you side step it with abuse and threats !