I agree with you... which is why we chose to go with the risky play. 6 villagers.... one totally non-existent (Voltaire), one who disappeared on day two (beefy), one who had personal issues that took him off at the end (damo), one who had been brutally beaten and lynched on day one (capt). Leaving you and grind... with you to decide which of us was telling the truth.

I don't see why you went with the risky strategy. It was honestly too fancy. I should've seen through it, but I'm too weak and wishy-washy and I'm always trying to see if anyone is on my side. Grind was suspect, the two players who had balls enough to actually make a decision were gone, and damo is worse about wishy-washiness than I am. But even with all of that I almost went with grind based on the four posts from voltaire and beefy, vs. a hundred or so from the three wolves. The thing that swayed my vote in the end was captain's thanks, which made me panic.
But, I think a lay-low strategy would have been effective in more cases. There were too many opportunities for you guys to trip up. It was also a lucky round for you guys, because I was ignoring some of your weird behavior specifically because I know I'm biased against you. Mott was extremely, bizarrely excitable.
It's more fun to have a good story to go along with the play. We just need the GM to be careful. I tried to make interesting narrative when I was the GM.

My point was more towards the during the game narrative 'recaps'. I definitely don't think he would have done anything intentionally, but our subconscious plays tricks on us. When we KNOW who all the players are and are supposed to not reveal anything, we often do anyway. As I stated to US... it was probably more paranoia on my part than anything.

When I read his 'recap' during day one, it came off to me that he was saying I was ignoring all of grinds points... again... this is on me. In hindsight it was silly of me.
But, I think a lay-low strategy would have been effective in more cases. There were too many opportunities for you guys to trip up. It was also a lucky round for you guys, because I was ignoring some of your weird behavior specifically because I know I'm biased against you. Mott was extremely, bizarrely excitable.

yeah.... Mott went off script a few times... which I mocked him for. Again I was probably too snippy with Mott on that as well. So I apologize to him for that. Next time just do it my way and we will be good. ;)
I don't see why you went with the risky strategy. It was honestly too fancy. I should've seen through it, but I'm too weak and wishy-washy and I'm always trying to see if anyone is on my side. Grind was suspect, the two players who had balls enough to actually make a decision were gone, and damo is worse about wishy-washiness than I am. But even with all of that I almost went with grind based on the four posts from voltaire and beefy, vs. a hundred or so from the three wolves. The thing that swayed my vote in the end was captain's thanks, which made me panic.

In large part.... because I was bored.

It was usually just grind and the three wolves on the board, with the rest of you popping in from time to time to post. It was boring to me. So I figured... what the hell... its just a game :)
But, I think a lay-low strategy would have been effective in more cases. There were too many opportunities for you guys to trip up. It was also a lucky round for you guys, because I was ignoring some of your weird behavior specifically because I know I'm biased against you. Mott was extremely, bizarrely excitable.

Unlynch SuperFreak

Lynch Grind

Hey the next game when you're making your calculations for power roles you'll probably need to assign a negative value to Skidmark's role just to make it fair! ;)
I would equate it more to Rocky vs. Apollo II...

a slugfest where I eeked out the win. Largely because Water walked over and helped me up while putting a boot to Grinds throat.

But thanks... it was fun.

you played well, i actually thought you were the seer, i didn't think you would be "dumb" enough to pull that off after saying last game it would be great strategy :D....

you outplayed grind though, i was convinced he was a wolf due to his major meltdown spazzisodes....if voltaire had actually played and been more experienced, he could have saved the game, but he came out and was like...i'm the seer and stuff...and left it at that, it sounded weak and contrived

great game SF and the rest of you, was fun to watch
you played well, i actually thought you were the seer, i didn't think you would be "dumb" enough to pull that off after saying last game it would be great strategy :D....

you outplayed grind though, i was convinced he was a wolf due to his major meltdown spazzisodes....if voltaire had actually played and been more experienced, he could have saved the game, but he came out and was like...i'm the seer and stuff...and left it at that, it sounded weak and contrived

great game SF and the rest of you, was fun to watch

yeah... I was hoping everyone would think the same thing.

Unfortunately i was wrong about Grind being the SEER... that would have made things much simpler.
I'm still laughing my ass off at Skidmark switching his vote. Best WW moment ever! Poor Grind....all that work for nothing. LOL LOL LOL

Nope, Yurt's last minute tie-breaker vote in Round I, Day 1 where he and WM were tied still holds the record, but this could be #2.

I literally fell out of my chair crying when that happened. :D
Yeah, I'm starting to learn that's a bad idea... Then again, in Billy's defense, in the round where he, Yurt, and I were wolves, he listened to my advise, and it fucked us over...
Yeah, I'm starting to learn that's a bad idea... Then again, in Billy's defense, in the round where he, Yurt, and I were wolves, he listened to my advise, and it fucked us over...
No, I didn't listen to a damn thing you said. I literally said damn the torpedos and told you guys to let me do my thing. You both had no idea that I was going to out myself like that.
No, I didn't listen to a damn thing you said. I literally said damn the torpedos and told you guys to let me do my thing. You both had no idea that I was going to out myself like that.

I idiotically picked a weak target the first night, and then I coordinated some idiotic dialogue with you. You pulled your stunts after I had already gotten SF breathing down our necks.
Yeah, I guess that's right.

So who's down for another game?

i am always down but i worry about werewolf saturation.

One thing is for sure, 9 man games kinda suck. I would really like to see an ACTIVE 13+ game (where we dont have a few proles that literally don't even play)

so many assholes post and debate and argue all day long, usually with dixie which is completely meritless and fruitless. you think a few fucking jpp proles would try to let loose and play a game of strategy and analysis

but, *siggggh*