Congratulations to the wolves.
Good job.

I will not be moderating any more of the WW games and here's my reason.

The part of the moderator is not just to tally scores and post results. In every role playing game that I've ever been in, it is part of the moderater's job to keep the game interesting.

After Day 1, it was "requested" that I stop with the story telling; because I might "accidently" release information.

I've been doing role playing games since 1984 and I have never let and information slip.
I was insulted by the request; but what-the-hell, I'll get over it.

And don't ask me who it was that this came from; because I'm not releasing that information.
Actually I agree with you about the Mods role and who ever told you not to do that is an idiot.
how close was the decision to nightkill me vs. damo? Cause I literally agonized for quite some time. I told usfreedom not to wait up and it might take me all night. I poured over the thread literally 3 times trying to decide if it was possible that the wolves would want to seer hunt. Didn't think so. Then I had to figure out who to save. It took me a long time to go with damocles.
We were unanimous on Damo and had made that decision prior to nightfall with very little discussion. We felt pretty confident the angel would protect you. Turned out you were the Angel and that fucked us up.
I dont think we can see who pms each other or anything like that. I might be wrong. In any case I play by the honor system. That said, if you have nothing to lose I suppose it makes sense if it isn't too much of an inconvenience
It was SF's idea. He was concerned about the security of PM's from you Mods so he suggested we PM elsewhere.
I need some

It was SF's idea. He was concerned about the security of PM's from you Mods so he suggested we PM elsewhere.

actually, it wasn't just the mods... if a person is not in invisible mode you can tell where they are by clicking on their name. so anyone could see us in 'private messages' or whatever it is titled.

As for USFree. I have no problem with admitting I was the one that asked him not to make comments during the day. I did not intend it to mean no comments at all, but I was not clear and I certainly did not mean to offend him as I do like the narratives at the end of the day.

I was being paranoid. My fault.
usfreedom was the thread fun for you to read?

once again thanks to superfreak for making me exhausted today. i am too mentally drained to even play my late night poker session *sigh*

Thanks to you as well. I honestly was not expecting it to be quite that hard. I figured people would go back and read my 'hints', read the early portion of game five and lynch your sorry ass.

As i mentioned... I was 'positive' you were the SEER. Your comments to Damo about 'who would the wolves kill' and his response made me think you were hinting to the board to protect you. Which is why we chose Damo to kill the first night. After night one, I thought Damo was the angel and you the seer.

When you came out as the Angel, I pretty much said 'fuck, I am dead when the real seer comes out'. Luckily for me, the real seer was Voltaire, as that made a tiny bit easier to discredit given his complete absence from the game.

Being wolf obviously made me 'see' things that weren't there. :)
superfreak body slammed grind

that is all


I would equate it more to Rocky vs. Apollo II...

a slugfest where I eeked out the win. Largely because Water walked over and helped me up while putting a boot to Grinds throat.

But thanks... it was fun.
I would equate it more to Rocky vs. Apollo II...

a slugfest where I eeked out the win. Largely because Water walked over and helped me up while putting a boot to Grinds throat.

But thanks... it was fun.
I'm still laughing my ass off at Skidmark switching his vote. Best WW moment ever! Poor Grind....all that work for nothing. LOL LOL LOL
Then how comes he nailed two of the wolves? Beefy fucking nearly single handedly turned the game around when he voted for SF.

He made a single post on the second day, in which he provided zero support for his decision. He had no credibility.

Voltaire, simialary, popped up just long enough to say durr durr I'm the seer everything grind says is right durr durr. No credibility.

The village didn't exist this round.
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I mean Mott, this is like we're talking about a Union general in the civil war who lead them to the biggest defeat ever, and you're defending him by saying "oh yeah? Then how come he was on the right side?"
He made a single post on the second day, in which he provided zero support for his decision. He had no credibility.

Voltaire, simialary, popped up just long enough to say durr durr I'm the seer everything grind says is right durr durr. No credibility.

The village didn't exist this round.

I agree with you... which is why we chose to go with the risky play. 6 villagers.... one totally non-existent (Voltaire), one who disappeared on day two (beefy), one who had personal issues that took him off at the end (damo), one who had been brutally beaten and lynched on day one (capt). Leaving you and grind... with you to decide which of us was telling the truth.

damo what you don't realize (since you've never been a wolf LOL) is that everything you say and plan hinges on a constant brink, and just a few wrong words or something could totally fuck up your whole game. I am not saying usfreedom would have done that, but I fully understand why superfreak wanted to be cautious on the matter.
I agree with you... which is why we chose to go with the risky play. 6 villagers.... one totally non-existent (Voltaire), one who disappeared on day two (beefy), one who had personal issues that took him off at the end (damo), one who had been brutally beaten and lynched on day one (capt). Leaving you and grind... with you to decide which of us was telling the truth.

We couldn't lose could we? LOL LOL LOL LOL
damo what you don't realize (since you've never been a wolf LOL) is that everything you say and plan hinges on a constant brink, and just a few wrong words or something could totally fuck up your whole game. I am not saying usfreedom would have done that, but I fully understand why superfreak wanted to be cautious on the matter.
It's more fun to have a good story to go along with the play. We just need the GM to be careful. I tried to make interesting narrative when I was the GM.