The Black Problem

did republicans initiate the civil war? because history denotes that it was republicans that ended slavery.

Don't many conservatives insist that the US government started the war by "invading" traitorous territory?

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It flattened after the Republicans took over the House, right commie?

When was that? After Bush left office, wasn't it?

Poor Bobo.

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do they? last thread i remember had many stating that democrats expelled union troops out of occupied territory

Link up to it, and let's see it.

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Republicans took control of the purse strings in the midterms and have controlled them for the majority of Obama's watch. Why did you ignore that part? Are you a commie Democrat?

So the Republicans shortened Reagan and Bush I and IIs' purse strings?

Poor Bobo.
Bush $4.9 trillion......Obama $9.1 trillion and rising......

But Bobo said the GOP shortened Obamas' purse strings, didn't he?

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That's why white Democrats keep blacks on the government plantation with other people's money trashing their incentive to achieve for themselves. White Democrats are fucking racist who believe blacks can't make it on their own because they're the inferior race.

White democrats are a lot more educated and wealthy than you.
you gotta hand it to democrats. after a century of racism and slave owning, even initiating a civil war over their right to do such, that the very people that suffered under their rule now firmly believe that it was actually republicans that did all that to them surely shows their guile and cunning.

Or is it that you republicans are dumb as fuck
So now they discriminate against non-blacks, right? It's called "separatism." Discrimination is the "exclusion" of others. The black narrative that all blacks want is "equality," is a fat fucking lie! Only some blacks subscribe to that narrative. The majority subscribe to "separate and victim-hood, mo welfare and repairations from White folks.
Blacks should get reparation
And it should all come from very old republicans like you!
Because the handing out of free cell phones, started when he was elected.
Please educate yourself, BEFORE you get in conversations like this; because it not only saves time having to explain it to you, but it also saves you from looking foolish.

But the final choice is yours. :D

Obama had noting to do with the handing out of the free phones. You know that the timing was coincidental.
But by calling them "OBAMA PHONES the racist narrative implies the black president gives free phones to black people on welfare.
It is a lie and you know it is a lie. Yet you use the term to support the lie of racists.
You are a racist sympathiser.

You can't be cute about it. It is clear.